Part of the War Pits of Beryl 9164 Games…
Kelly R generic character, Salil Sa’D, Krog the Horrible, Yappus, Wagens, Veng Raelshid, Wesley Pipes, Ra’D Hashion, Jungle Boy, Haywood Jablowme, Mehdi Ali, Habab Rashab, Ali “The King of the Ring”, Erick Bundy, Christian
Character – Ali
Aptitude: Kinetic 4 [Core: no kits, etc.]
MUS 8 (+1)
STA 6 (+1)
VIT 8 (+1)
HLT 6 (+1)
CRD 6 (+1)
RCT 6 (+1/+2=3 IM= 9)[Punches+Hand/Arm Strikes= +3+4=7 IM= 13]
PER 6 (+1)
CHA 6 (+1)
WPR 2 (-1)
Appearance = 5: Male, Age = 18, Hair = Red, Eyes = Green
Size = 15 (+1 Dmg), Height = 6′, Weight = 195lbs.
Constitution = 6+3
Resilience = 15 * 8=120+18=138
Enc. Cap. = 8 * 15=120 [Unemcumbered Style: 60]
Chi = 32+5=42
Init. = 8 [13]
Upbringing: Urban Upbringing, Good Luck= +4cs, simple or, 1 re-roll per session, Synergy Fuel (20), Mana Pool (40), Danger Sense (Personal Danger/defensive actions only, Toughness 3 (3×6=+18)
Kinetic Faculty 4 [Power/Pull]
Chi = 32+5/+5= 42
‘Power’ [5 chi] (+1 self/-1cs opponent; Grapple, Fend, Evade, Melee)
‘Pull’ [5 chi] Lagged target with-in 5m, Dubbles Imidiate/Direct actions.
Combat: Grapple 4 (+2=6/7 w/chi)-(Background: Born in Beryl and Trained as a Pit-Fighter/Boxer), Melee/Martial Arts(Unemcumbered-style/Boxing-style)/ 6(+2=8/9w/chi), Fend 3(+2+1=6/7 w/chi), Evade 3(+2+1=6/7 w/chi), Soak 3 (+2+2+1= 8)[+1+2+2= +5 Dmg-reduction: vs. Unarmed; +1+2+3+3= 9 Dmg. reduction/Insightful soak=4 Auto/per session/Insightful Defence= 1 Full-Auto Fend/per session], Personal Tactics 2(+1cs=3)(+1 Int., +1RS vs. Interuption+Resist KB/level, Avoid Manuvers apply to 2 Attacks), Team Tactics 1(+1= 2; able to Block/Fend for Teamate/other),
Familiarity Groups: Small/Blades, Cesti/Unarmed
Athletics: Jumping 1 (+2=3), Climb 1 (+2=3), Swim 1 (+2=3)
Misc: Survival; Urban/Streetwise 1, Pit-Survival/Fighters 1 (Crowd Working +1CS= 2), Lore/Familarity 1 (Beryl/Home+1CS= 2), Speak: Gladinorian 4, Anatomy 3 (+1CS= 4) (Presure Points/Vital organs/Knowledge of anatomy: per 2 ALU = reduces penalty of a aggravated wounds/incapasitation strikes by 1/level 4= -4CS+2CS=-2CS)
Style: Unencumbered [60 ENC/Max.] [Current ALU: 10/11 with Chi]
Non-encumbered fighting is a combat style of specialization in
advanced combat relying on the completely unfettered movement and
senses of the character to leverage them to their utmost in combat.
Non-encumbered means the character can have ENC no greater than half
their EC, regardless of adjustments.
1 +1 initiative
2 +1 CS on Soak checks
3 +1 damage reduction from Soak
4 -1 min. MUS with items
5 +1 CS on Evade checks
6 -1 min. CRD with items
7 Insightful Soak: Automatic full success soak; INT uses per session***
8 Insightful Defense: 1/per session; full auto-fend
9 Insightful Evasion: 1/per session; full auto-dodge [w/chi]
10 Artful Aviodance:???
Current Level of M.Arts: Lvl 8/9 Abilities
Style: Basic Unarmed Martial Arts
[fend] Can parry melee weapons with a reach of 1 with an unarmed parry
[melee] Knock Back: +ALU x 10 on a full hit for calculating KB vs. unarmored [Dmg+80/+90KB]
[grapple] Hold maneuvers do fatigue damage (at initial success only) = ALU; even to armored opponents [8/9+DM]
[evade] For each 4 ALU, another evade maneuver may be attempted as counter to an already targeted action; it still takes 2 AM. The results are combined to assess total result degree countered. [+1EM]
Style: Boxing [Hand Strikes/Punching]
Every 2/lvl= +1 RSP/IM for Punches+Hand/Arm Striking Actions [+4IM]
Every 4/lvl= +1 Punch/Strike Dmg./Resist +1 Soak Dmg. [+2Dmg/Resist to total]
All Full Results w/Punches+Hand Strikes are considered Real Dmg. [Unless Pulling Punches]
Tactics: Mostly trust to Combat styles for defense: [Martial] Hand-to-Hand/Grappling-Cesti,
Basic clothes (2 sets), Red/Black Hand Wraps and Red Face Mask and, Black Arm Wraps
Weapons: Light Cesti [Improved Heft +1 Base Dmg (2 AM/5 damage-real/dyed Red)
Currency: 200 silver crowns: -200+500= 500sc
Winnings= 500
Total Starting CP= 86
CP = (Forwarded: 3)= 3-1+2= 4
AP = (Forwarded: 2)= 2-2+1-1+2= 2
Came in third in Rope Crossing Challange and, in Last man standing but, I made Butterfly feel the sting of a trained boxer. Rules may change now for Style: Boxing, depending on Berger’s feedback during fights?
Good use of combination of styles(Unencumbered/Boxing/Basic Martial Arts) and tactics(Personal/Team). Made him formidable against targets with higher base dmg. weapons due to his speed, skill level, +DM and, luck. Still went down hard but, alive due to Royal’s subduing damage maneuvers and, Leather Armor.