Orion the Traveler (character)

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Class: Fighter 3rd eldritch knight

Orion the Traveler: Race: Half Elf, Size: Medium/Speed = 30′, Gender: Male, age: 25 (lived 45), handed: left, weight: #150, height: 5’5″ , hair: wheat blonde (long), eyes: bright green (dark vision 60′), skin: pale, rose tinged
– Code/Alignment:
– Scars/Marks: Obvious Faerie ancestry
– Mannerisms:

Strength: 8 {-1}

Dexterity: 18 {+4}

Constitution: 15 {+2}

Intelligence: 11

Wisdom: 11

Charisma: 13 {+1}

Sanity: 12 {+1}


Proficiency: +2 @3rd (until 5th)

Skills: Acrobatics {Dexterity +6}, History {Intelligence +2}, Animal Handling (horses only), Survival {Wisdom +2}, Intimidate {Charisma +3}
> LORES: Faerie +2, Goblin +2

Attributes: Dexterity, Constitution

Communication: Feyloise (elvish; spoken + literate), Equine (spoken), Gladnorian (spoken + literate)

Armor: Light, Medium, All Shields (light ones only)

Weapons: Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons

Enhanced Capabilities


Fey Ancestry: You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep.

Spells Known = 3 (abjuration/evocation/enchantment); [Use Charisma!] Spell Save DC = 11 / Spell Attack = +3
Cantrips (2+1): Prestidigitation, Fire Bolt, Shape Water
1st [2 slots]: Thunderwave, Protection from Evil/Good, Swarm of Butterflies

Swarm of Butterflies: As per Shield Spell but manifests as a wall of swirling colorful butterflies; If a Pageant Weapon is summoned in the same round, the butterflies give partial cover (+2 AC) for 2 additional rounds.
> @5th level lasts 3 rounds and caster can roll a new initiatives of desired.

Ritual of Weapon Bond: Max 2 weapons; 1 hour. You can’t be disarmed of that weapon unless you are incapacitated. If it is on the same plane of existence, you can summon that weapon as a bonus action on your turn, causing it to teleport instantly to your hand.

Ritual of Pageanted Weapon Bond: Used in binding a Feywyld Warlock or Eldritch Knight’s weapon. It produces pageantry when the weapon is summoned. This has the effects of triggering 2 different audio and/or visual effects from Prestidigitation.


ARMOR CLASS: scale mail (14), light medium shield (+2), Dex +4 (max +2 medium armor) = 18
> Resilience 1 from scale mail, light shields can be sacrificed by are destroyed
HEALTH/HIT POINTS: 10, 6, 6 + Con (+6) = 28
> SECOND WIND: 1/Short Rest for 8hp

Combat Style: Dueling; When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon.

Action Surge: On your turn, you can take one additional action. 1/Short Rest.

Typical Tactics: Uses Fire Bolt for ranged (120′) attacks and summons weapons


Armor: Scale mail, light medium shield (wicker; AC only, no resilience but can spell cast with 1 hand while holding; made using the survival skill and his own hair)
Weapons: Short sword (@+6 Attack; d6 9/12/18), Dagger (@+6 Attack; 8/10/16)

*Silvered rapier “Water Bringer” (made in the Feywyld by Faerie smiths; wielder must have faerie blood to use its capabilities)
+1 initiative, turns black while touching contaminated or non drinkable water.
Increases the DC of Thunderwave if cast by the wielder by +2 DC
> @+6 attack; D8 10/14/22 damage


OrionCreated on: 7/16/2004 / Created by: Kelly Berger for Rocky Bliss.

Character Creation – Goodwill Goblin Hunting / CY 9167 campaign year
> using DnD 5e + i20 standard

Background: Feywyld Huntsman (custom)

Chronicle – Growing Up

Born and came of age in the Feywyld.

Chronicle – Coming to the Party

Half elf leftover from Feywyld when the Grimm Downs curse in the Riverdans was active (it was active for 40+ years, and ended about 20 years ago). Stranded in the Steel Realms for a couple dozen years. He once rode in a hunt group for an elf “prince” (one of the numerous ones!) of the Faerie Spring Court named ‘Farasta’. He was in a minor role but at least the Huntlands was amidst strange beauty. He strayed off course searching for a hunting dog that had run to a strange light and came through a Dew Gate into the Steel Realms. He avoided goblins and hill giants for many years, searching for a way back but mostly contemplating his lost loves and dreaming of his lost home. He traveled outside the area, but kept to himself. He could find no others of faerie blood and did not want to be attacked for his racial ancestry.

He learned the speech of the locals by studying them for years from afar. He sensed when the Dew Gate was closed. He has learned to see beauty in the Steel Realms and is resigned to living the life of an exile from his kin. Being forced back into action made him draw upon his powers in new ways, at least revitalizing him for a while. He observed the group that lifted the curse on the area and caused the gate to be closed – this group left him of the opinion that he may learn to be accepted, for they were not all human looking. He observed a civil war as it came through the area known as the fief of Bondeu in the territory of the Riverdans, living off the land and observing them for years. His aging seemed to slow to a crawl while he stayed in the area, and so he stayed close. After the civil war, he watched the area slowly get repopulated and knew he would have to move on. His horse companion passed and it was no longer safe to assume he could walk around without being observed.

He cleaned himself and ventured west, following the sun. Into the fief of Bar-Innis he wandered, escorting travelers for meager fare to survive and learning more of their history and ways. When the war to the west escalated with the nation of Gwinn, he tried to move to a safer place. The wild lands of the Black Shore reminded him of some of the strange places in the Feywyld and he stayed on its edges, and he also felt that he was aging again. Eventually a group of freebooters cleared a troglodyte lair that was raiding along the fog enshrouded shores of his new home territory and he felt safe again. Having a place he felt he could retreat to, he went south to the city of Torrelson’s Ford – a common destination of travelers along the Black Shore road and center of commerce. Peace had been declared, and his misfortune was to be a warrior among many that were now available. When the word went out that “Orrish” were raiding the area increasingly, he sought to sell his services as an expert Goblin hunter.

Chronicle – Time in Campaign