Ja’mon Sa’Ord De’Vosa (character)

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Paladin of Whelm (Lightbringers); OATH OF Vengeance
Campaign: Ancient Blood, set in the Steel Realms.
CURRENT ADVENTURING GROUP: Belim, Beedel, De’Vosa, Rabat, B’Hein

Character – Devosa PDF


Created by LJ 2018 > Steel Realms / Ancient Blood Campaign by Kelly Berger (GM)

Introduction to Ancient Blood Campaign

De’Vosa – had a vision of evil and was instructed to be here (a road near a place called Athlapoole) in order to deal with it. Delyth cam seeking a similar draw. They met on the road, their gods leading them. For 2 hours, they sat and talked, getting to know each other. De’Vosa has a strange sense that Delyth is an emptiness, a void that is superficial. De’Vosa says nothing, but fears death is nearby.

Chapel Blivey and De’Vosa

10/2022 – Riverdan of Bondeu

Father Derek, Priest of Ikribu, pulls De’Vosa aside. He is old and says he is in his final days. He oversaw his penance before – “it is all I am good for these days… hells, its all they let me do and you were the first in years”. He is pleased to see him return unphased and without taint. “The gods, though, have a plan. Your countenance is like a strong bronze blade, or the boss of an ancient shield – surely you are favored by Whelm. Though others may find your divine heritage off-putting, I find comfort in it as we share an old warrior’s spirit. The gods of light have sent me a vision that you will be facing an ancient ailment, not an evil but an ancient will which will try to influence you and your companions. The spirit of something that should long ago been laid to rest…” He says to take his Holy Symbol, use it instead of his own if he needs to hold at bay angry spirits of the dead. Giving it to you is like a weight off his back, he relaxes visibly. He shakes your hand, takes a deep breathe and smiles. “Go now, with the blessings of Whelm. It is time for me to lay my shield down now…”

Holy Symbol of Whelm; +2 on DC Wisdom saves for turning undead and for its wielder to resist possession. It has 2 charges of Bless before it crumbles to dust, that can be used by any Lightbringer.

Aged 6 years by the Feywild exposure.

Retired in County Faer (it has the largest group of Lighbringer followers outside the Twin River counties to the north, enemies of the Riverdans and his fallen or retired friends) to the east. He has been working with the forces of County Faer for a years now – keeping the pass between it and the Grand Barony of Fandelok to its SE open.

Aftermath of Gruxxand the Necromancer’s ascension to Lichdom: The Guild of Solars recorded everything they could about The Soul Scourge and the Dreams Leading Up To It and they and others used their skills to interpret the meaning or significance. The character experiences the full range of dreams…

He prays for guidance from Whelm the Lightbringer (Protector of Light) and believes his work in county Faer is done, and answers the call to help the Riverdans and give Ancient Blood it’s due. He spends about another year there, wrapping up his current commitments.

De’Vosa stands against the darkness. His light is an anchor point that draws other lights. He can sense the evil in Pelmon, it is definitely worse there than where he is coming from. It is his destiny that calls – he is sure of this. His path takes him directly through the Riverdan of Bondeu, where he will pay his respects to the Cunaigh family and Belim’s children, and then move south through Tuflim and into north Pelmon to confront the evil he is sensing.

Ancient Blood’s Due starts +27 years = 53 years old. De’Vosa cannot resist the call made by the widow of his friend Belim.

Arriving in Zerburre, he sets to gathering information. He has missed the first gathering of forces, and they are already in battle and the countryside awaits the word of its outcome. It is likely not good, as no runner has returned immediately. He asks lady Cunaigh to put on a social event, and invite several notable figures that may be able to assist him. After the event, he had selected a set of individuals to be a special force. Powerful and experienced, they could take on far greater than their own number. The morning after the event, they all assembled and requisitioned supplies to start – Ancient Blood – Setting Out. Those assembled are:

Current Date: Common Year (CY) June 8th, 9169 @ Ancient Blood’s Due

Ancient Blood Party

  • L.J. – De’Vosa Paladin of Whelm the Protector (Aasimar)
  • Eric – Bronislaus Greatoak, World Watcher/High King’s Ranger from Dunstrand (human)
  • Arabus – Loman Ailbe, Darkland Ranger from the east (half elf)
  • Marc – Demis Emishkir, Berserker of Mizras from the Redlaen Enclave (dwarf)
  • Earl – Kvasir – Wizard of the Riverdans (human)
  • Corey – Aydim Bolstrin – combat medic (wild elf)
  • NPCs – Baggage Train (2 currently)