Kelly Berger X-Wing Scenarios

Incarna hosted content does not necessarily represent the values, views, and perspectives of the Incarna Gaming Network. Hosted content exists as a favor to select players (and can be taken down without notice).
The documentation of these custom rules began in 12-2015

X-Wing Incarna Collaboration Rules

Communication at the Board

You cannot collude for a perfect strategy in game. You may start the game having discussed one. You may work out whatever code you want ahead of time, but in game there is not enough time to discuss specifics.

You cannot say

  • I am making a 3 space, 45 degree turn to the right
  • I am moving 3 spaces straight forward
  • I am going to use my torpedoes and ___ to make sure i hit
  • Stay at least 3 spaces to my right and 2 spaces behind

You can say

  • I am banking right
  • I am moving all out straight ahead
  • I’ve got them with my torpedoes
  • Stay on my right flank

Effects: Communication Black out = No players are able to communicate no matter the distance.

Refereeing Scenarios

Scenario Referees


A campaign is when scenarios are connected, and take place within a specific sector. Each Scenario will have a maximum point value. Characters may choose a named ship/pilot at the start of the campaign, in order to reserve them for themselves.

Only one of each may be used. Players get to choose when they want to use these; once a named pilot and/or ship dies, it cannot be used by anyone else.

Stand Alone Ship Values

These values are for generic, unnamed pilots using the ship.

Stand Alone Pilot Values

These values are for named pilots using ships not normally associated with them.

Darth Vader

Luke Skywalker


Han Solo


Suicide by driving your craft into another is possible.
For each 2 points of hull, you may roll 1 damage die. Your ship is automatically destroyed.
for each 3 levels of pilot skill, one damage success becomes a critical result.