Random/Build-on-Site (MTG challenge)

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Part of the MTG play options challenge sets for us merry folk; The basic theme is bring your collections, and a random roll will determine your color(s) and build a deck on site to match… unless you have one already matching the parameters? After Play: As usual, bring extra decks of any kind for casual play afterward! LET THE ORGANIZER KNOW IF YOU NEED A DECK TO PLAY THE CHALLENGE AND/OR CASUAL PLAY AFTERWARDS.

  1. Follows Freeform – iTactical basics… unless otherwise specified here.
  2. Format: Any Standard or Brawl deck works; No use of Commander/EDH or companion (scroll down on linked page) unless specifically allowed.
  3. Construction: No crazy banned/restricted cards (Mox, lotus, etc.); Min Cards: 60; Nothing pre-constructed; No infinite loops; Land: legendary/non-basic ok, no restrictions.
  4. Ante: NONE
  5. Roll a d6…
    1. Black
    2. Blue
    3. Green
    4. Red
    5. White
    6. You MAY roll again for a second color; roll until a color result is obtained.
  6. The colors determined by the rolls are the ONLY colors you can use. All non-land cards must have only the color(s) rolled in addition to colorless mana in their casting cost.
  7. No colorless decks because Arabus and Kelly Berger have too many colorless options that other players could not compete against.


Victory Conditions:

Winnings: As always, bragging rights!


Game 1: