CURRENT POSITION: Mother was Lucinda Grath-Malor, magus of House Malor, and Adrian Lorwyth, son of Sir Mark Lorwyth – a minor knight of Fandelok. The tricks she learned in the Feywild she has perfected into the herbalist craft in the normal world. She grows food for local woodland animals who just know when they are desperate and can wander in and take it. Over time, she has sought to understand her bond with nature – the goddess Gaia was a natural place too look but she has continued to feel the pull of the summer Queen from the Feywild. As long as her dreams are pleasant, she is content to stay with her dual patroness. She makes her living selling women’s remedies, as a midwife, and as a herbalist. Occasionally some will come to her seeking to identify items they believe are magic.
Currently part of the Ancient Blood campaign.
AC: 13 | HP: 14 | Speed =
STR 12 | DEX 13 | CON 12 | INT 3 | WIS 3 | CHA 9
Skills: Perception, Survival; recognizes family unfailingly by scent
Combat: Bite (2D4/5+1 as wolf; +3 hit)
female, blue hair, white wings, yellow eyes, left handed, green painted toe and finger nails
AC = 15 leather + Dex | HP = 2 | Speed = fly 40’/walk 10′
STR 3 | DEX 18 | CON 10 | INT 14 | WIS 13 | CHA 11
Skills: Perception +3 (passive 13), Stealth +8
Languages: Gladnorian, Feyloise, Sylvan
Combat: Longsword (1), Short Bow (+6/40′) (1 + DC 10 CON or poisoned 1 minute; 5 or less save = unconscious)
Heart Sight: Touch a creature to know its emotional state; DC 10 Charisma save or knows alignment as well (Celestials, Fiends, Undead automatically fail save) + auras @4th
Invisibility: At will as an action along with any equipment until concentration ends or attacks.
[contentblock id=popcontent1]2022; With Tazia in the bag – she crawled in to escape being killed by an ork!
10/2022? The Hag will get D6 spell-dreams (1 use) and D12 full dreams “polished” for the party before Tazia attacks her and kills her in her weakened state, or, if it is known she is in there, she can be extracted with -1 Sanity.