Darius Barlogue (character; Dead)

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Darius Barlogue; Human, AD&D 1st edition, Necromancer 16th
Agent of Orcus (at one point); part of The Dread of Vesicant, founder of the order of Barlogue Blackguild.

RACE: Human PHYSICAL: 5’4″,159#,A:26(90),H:L,S:M,Hr:blck, E:pupiless(magic) accident from youth twisted leg; MOVE=9″

CURSE: (From Ravenloft) Small fangs (1-2 damage); growl when tense or excited, pointed ears & eyebrows

09)STR=9; doors:5, wght:35, press:90, BB/LG:1%

16)INT=20; non-wpn prof:+9

16)WIS=16; +2 save bonus vs. mind influence

12)DEX=11; no adjustment

15)CON=14; SS:88%, RS:92%

10)CHA=18; max henchmen=15, +8 loyalty base, +7 reactions

11)COM=14; +1 reactions with opposite sex

09)PER=9; no adjustment


Darius began his career studying under master Granither, an unguilded alchemist in Juniper. As an apprentice, he learned the art of identifying plants and herbs. As he approached his sixteenth year, he began to feel the impulsiveness of youth. Using all the money he saved, he bought an apprenticeship to the magician Crymfar Thet Tamer. For the first two years he served as a lab assistant, as per agreement of his apprenticeship. Then, at the age of 18 he began his training. Both wise and intelligent for his age, he was the most apt pupil the mage had ever taught. For four years he served the mage and learned. Then, when he was ready, he was brought before the guild masters of WyrmTamer guild. He was tested for a year and finally it was decided that his talents lied in necromancy. He was sent south to the duchy of Rhyl to be tutored in the arts. Six years later he emerged as an accomplished necromancer. For the next few years he began to compile a vast amount of knowledge, seeking access to the libraries that pertained to his field. After seeking knowledge in Oerdney and failing, and through a series of adventures being banished in the guise of Billblahz he traveled the shores of lake Caolite.


Killed by his own party after his custom spell “Marrowhite Transformation” caused him to attack them.

Legacy – Barlogue Blackguild and Beyond

When Darius died he was in the process of working out the details of the “Coven of Barlogue”, to become one of the The Lichna of Djerduth. He had made a copy of all his notes, journals, and spellbooks and created a binding ritual of a coven that would make him a quasi-lich. This was eventually found by his ‘protege’ and kept, preserved, but unusable. Only someone who was already beyond the grave in some way (part of his essence was already transferred to other gods in pacts) could actually be part of the coven, so it say for thousands of years until the Lichna discovered it and used it to form their own coven.

Notable Relations

Wife: Hhalerea Sypheradhiss

Darius Barlogue’s wife is a succubus

Alignment: Neutral Good (helm of Alignment change)

Physical: H:5’6″(11″ wingspan),W:115#,E:yellow(cat pupils), Hr:long/black, S:Fm, Skin:Ivory, A:156, small horns, bat like wings (18″move)









Related to (antecedant) Drakista Sypheradhiss, wife of Shoka.