Connor the Conjurer (character)

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Description: Human, male, age: 24, 5’10”, #165 (bean pole skinny), black hair (short; for wigs), brown eyes, right handed; Background: Criminal (criminal specialty = Blackmailer) – COVER = “investigator” (witch smeller pursuivant)

Wizard (conjurer) 4th; Health: 6,4,4,4 +8 = 26 -2

STR 8 {-1}
DEX 10
CON 14 {+2}
INT 18 {+4}
WIS 10
CHA 16 {+3} – Visage changes when he is “in rizz mode”
SAN 11

Proficiency +2 @ 4th

Skills: Deception (Mesmer/leading w/prestidigitation?+EXPERTISE), Stealth, Investigation, History
Tools/Kits: Forgery, Disguise
Attributes: Intelligence, Wisdom
Communications: Common (speak/literate), Elvish (speak/literate), Primordial (speak)
Armor: None
Weapons: Daggers, darts, slings, quarterstaffs, light crossbows


Feat: Keen Mind (time track, 30 day sharp memory)

Spy: Although your capabilities are not much different from those of a burglar or smuggler, you learned and practiced them in a very different context: as an espionage agent. You might have been an officially sanctioned agent of the crown, or perhaps you sold the secrets you uncovered to the highest bidder.


Minor Conjuration: Starting at 2nd level when you select this school, you can use your action to conjure up an inanimate object in your hand or on the ground in an unoccupied space that you can see within 10 feet of you. This object can be no larger than 3 feet on a side and weigh no more than 10 pounds, and its form must be that of a nonmagical object that you have seen. The object is visibly magical, radiating dim light out to 5 feet. The object disappears after 1 hour, when you use this feature again, or if it takes or deals any damage.
> can make Daggers, darts, slings, quarterstaffs, light crossbows

SPELLS (8 prepared) DC = 14 / +6 Attack
Cantrips (4): Prestidigitation, Mage Hand, Create Bonfire, Acid Splash
1st [4] Ice Knife, Unseen Servant, Fog Cloud, Sleep, Ray of Sickness
2nd [3] Detect Thoughts, Flaming Sphere, Dust Devil

FAMILIAR: “Pete” (Poisonous Snake)
> Wraps around Connor’s left wrist and is hidden inside his sleeve.

Wizard Spell Book

  • Conjure 1st = *Find Familiar, Fog Cloud, Grease, Ice Knife, *Tensers Disc, *Unseen Servant
  • Conjure 2nd = Flaming Sphere, Dust Devil, Web
  • 1st: *Alarm (L), *Comprehend Langs (L), *Magic Mouth (L), Protection from Evil/Good, Sleep, *Detect Magic, Ray of Sickness
  • 2nd: Detect Thoughts, *Gentle Repose (L)


750 in coins; -10 > purse w/20 coins
Plain brown linen tunic, low boots and leggings, hooded cape, cap, brown balaclava
Arcane Focus: Snake bracelet wrapped around right wrist – duplicate of snake familiar.
Satchel: (waterproof) with spell book, magnifying glass and investigators accouterments, cigarillo kit
Explorers Pack
small writing kit (guards emblems + 1 letter)
> Disguise Kit (nobles garb (50gp); peasants
hip quiver 10 bolt +1 damage @1gp each


Connor was a criminal in Neverwinter. He was very cynically enterprising, and an accomplished blackmailer until the age of 16. Magic had always fascinated him, and his partner was a fence that he learned the ins and outs of criminal activity from. He saw many minor magic items go through his hands and his fascination grew. He studied the histories of famous legends of items and practicioners. He thought he knew enough to try and blackmail the wizard named “Waylon” – a conjurer from area of Cormyr who was visiting Neverwinter to gather information for a few years. The blackmailing went sideways and Connor was caught. Rather than turn him in, he made him swear an oath of service if he would serve him for 10 years. He learned his craft in about 5 years of venturing along the sword coast and spending every waking hour of every day he could. This, combined with his high intelligence, allowed him to quickly become a conjurer in his own right. 3 years into his remaining five years of service as an apprentice, his master was killed by an ogre when it ambushed him and his master at night next to a campfire. He did not catch the ogre himself, but heard that it was killed by an adventuring band later – of which some where in service to Tyr. He’s been looking for a way to repay the debt by doing a favor for the temple of Tyr. Returning to Neverwinter, he has been using his combined skills of blackmail and forgery along with his magical ones to make a name in the criminal underground. Going up against the gangs of a major city under the careful watch since the calamities befallen it was difficult. Now he seeks to discharge his debt and make his way to gather up companions to gain fame, notoriety, and power.

AKA: “Pants shitting coward”

4th level 7-2024 +1 intelligence/+1 charisma

Contract in temple of Tyr, contract, assuming nothing illegal, survivors can claim party fund equal plots. Tyr truth tell will verify identity and conditions.

Orks meeting, mounted, peace is intent, use lethal first per Corey.
Scouts in all but west and river.
Bows to Nolan
Sees us…


Moonstone Mask – Protector’s Enclave

High-Society and Privileged Elite bar and speak-easy. Any “entertainment” is available here at the right price. Also caters to retired adventurers.

Astra – Courtesan, half-elf female, mid 30’s but passes for 20. 50gp, will give you any interesting snippets she’s heard in the last week. Do NOT let the proprietor know, or she may be removed.

Morg- Bouncer. Half-Ogre male, late 40’s. Long-time informant, will trade info on who’s been violent for arcane residue (he sniffs it).

Arcane Residue: Created by casting a 1st or higher spell into 10gp worth of powdered agate. Extremely toxic (DC 18 Con save or Sickened and fatigue rank 3 for 24 hours). Produces effect of

Iron Flagon Inn – Protector’s Enclave

Private Jacoby – Human male, mid 30’s, Member of the Emberguard. Currently being blackmailed. See below.

The Beggar’s Nest – Chasm District

A wretched hive of scum and villany located near the Chasm. Frequent drinking hole of other rogues and scoundrels, dangerous and unfriendly to outsiders.

Sunny Jim – Pickpocket, halfling male, looks anything from 30-50. Will barter any interesting scrolls he finds, magical or correspondence. Cowardly but clever.

Lyren – Confidence trickster, Human NB, early 20’s. Sometimes loops you in on schemes when a partner is needed. Theft only, no wetwork.

Tarmalune Trade House – Blacklake District

Dominant old money noble house that controls a significant portion of shops and trade in the city and has a shared home in Waterdeep.

Garrek Tarmalune – FENCE, Human male, late 40’s. 4th son of house Tarmalune, willing to buy questionably acquired goods without asking details. Offers half value, but nearly guaranteed untraceable. Also sells items at 1.5 value, but can get almost anything given a few days notice.

Current Schemes:

Brandon McConnell – Blacklake district, frequents the Moonstone Mask. Fondness for young half-elven men, a fact he wants kept from his wealthy wife. You have documentation of his visits and payments for services to the Mask’s proprietor.
$50gp on the 1st of every month. Indefinitely.

Private Jacoby – Protector’s Enclave, you have evidence of him aiding smugglers into and out of the city. Small time gigs, But enough to get him kicked off the Force and at least a year of jail time. He turns a blind eye and can weekly do you minor official favors for continued silence. Small faction benefit with the city watch.

Wizard Scrolls and Spellbooks:

To make things easier to plan for as you level, I’m setting a baseline cost for magical scrolls with exponential growth.

1st level – 100gp
2nd level – 200gp
3rd level – 400gp
4th level – 1,600gp
5th level – 6,400gp
6th level – 12,800gp
7th level – 25,600gp
8th level – 51,200gp
9th level – 102,400gp.

Note – anything above 5th level is exceedingly rare, and would almost certainly have to be custom ordered from a trusted source. Wizards do not like to share power of that magnitude.

Cantrip effect scrolls can be obtained for 25gp, but cannot be scribed into spellbooks. They are less spells, and more of innate magical ability that a caster has focused over months or years until it is instinctual and all but effortless.

Copy spells to spellbook: 2hrs and 50gp worth of magically infused paper and ink (or equivalent for whatever form your book is) per spell Level. The cost is a baseline, not necessarily what you personally paid for it. Barter or negotiating for cheaper price doesn’t affect the quality.

Your spellbook can take whatever form you like for your character. A physical book, a set of metal disc’s with runes, a crystal with etching, tattoos, a talking skull that whispers to you, whatever fits your narrative. If it’s something really wacky, reach out.

history vol = stolen/rare
holy book of mourning = stolen