the plan will heretofore be known as The Awakened King.
The intent is to get the Once King to awaken and be released. From that, many will try and stop him. There will be a gathering of forces arrayed against him/it. There will be devastation and collateral damage. Because he was once of the Sea-King clans, and Gwinn is descended from them, whatever happens will be associated with Gwinn. This will break the local Dunstrand/Gwinn peace and perhaps the Duke and even High King will commit to throwing Gwinn out of Tarmysia in Dunstrand, restoring it and lasting peace to the central heartlands.
Elancil – Patron sea/chaos goddess of Gwinn
The Unholy Trio – Unknown?
Amerou, the Witch of Dwindor (as Celestine of Helca)
The other Celestine of Helca – Unknown? Conflict? Anubis already knows?
The Earl of Bar-Innis – Happening in her territory
The Duke of Dunstrand – Happening in his duchy
Gwinn – All blame must ultimately be directed at them to sabotage the peace process or end any accord achieved already
How to ensure House Malor does not get wind of this? “Security Through Information” is their motto.
= The castle personal rooms are proof against scrying (though maybe not to the Druids of Pranin Moorswood), so we cannot communicate openly once we leave. We will call it “Plan A” in conversation!
How to break the bonds of the Once King without it being known who did it
Secondary Results/Concerns:
How to ensure the druids do not take control of Dwindor but dont lose anything either?
Umbak > they border Dunstrand to the south
Merchant Cities > they border Dunstrand to the north and are primary shipping off the coast
Loamwold > Halflings border Dusntrand to the south
Druids of Pranin > between Loamwold and Dunstrand proper
House Malor > ducal wizard order of Dunstrand
Nobility of Dunstrand >
Lizardfolk of the Hoolip Coast >
People of The Saelish > descendants of the Bronzefolk, who helped put the Once King down
The People of Dunstrand >
Gwinn/Elancil – It is assumed they will try and assassinate whoever is involved for the rest of their lives, those known to be involved must go into hiding forever.
FEATHER: If the plan is to trigger the war again, House Malor must not know. Once outside the castle, you cannot speak of the plan. Only two factions might be able to hide the activities from house Malor – The druids of the Moorswood and the Na’grindl the green dragon. Which are you thinking of leveraging. Neither of these care too much about the affairs of man, and each would have their own motivation for wanting the destruction involved to happen.