Character – Szandor
Kinetic 4
MUS 5 Conviction 1 (Gaia); Good Luck, Mild Bulk, Equipment, Hardened, Delayed Decrepitude, Code of Conduct: Gallants, Code of Conduct: CHAOTIC, Tithe: 50% lord, Mana Pool (30), Cohesion Pool (7), Chi Pool (32), Synergy Pool (0; used some for Ducateon faith – abandoned + Gaia), Familiarity (blades-small), Clumsy Grip, Near Sighted, Ultraviolet Vision (Essentially the Ducateon have dark-Vision; while not making their senses sharper, this Ultraviolet projection and detection aility allows them to see perfectly in complete darkness to a distance of 100m.)
Vibration Sense > The Ducateon can sense vibrations (acuity level of 20) in hard stone using their claws – gauging distance, speed, weight, and general shapes through the vibrations caused by their movement. Requires PER check for any such activities, with a range in meters equal to the noted sense Acuity Level x 1m as short range, using standard range modifiers beyond (Medium Range is Acuity Level x2m with -2 CS, Long Range is Acuity Level x 4m with -4 CS, etc.).
Elemental Sensitivity > Due to their high heat retention and insulative abilities, Ducateon receive -2 attribute modifiers and negative CS adjustments to skills in environments above 27° C (80 F). Ducateon almost never use anything but a half-coats of armor outside of their cool underground lands for this reason.
STA 3 {4 normal; – 1 from major wound}
CRD 6 (+ 1 CS for affected skills)
HLT 6 (+ 1 CS for affected skills; + 1 healing rate)
VIT 6 (+ 1 CS for affected skills)
CHA 2 (- 1 CS for affected skills)
Appearance: 6 (was 4; hair is soft and silky, covers majority of body through ghoul change feature potion)
Size: 11+1 minor bulk = 12
Appearance 4
[language] Gladnorian: Speak 4, [language] Du-kat: Speak 4/Literate 4, Survival 1 (+ 1 for Hardened), Singing 2 (baritone/bass only), melee 2+1, fend 2+1, Evade 1, Armor Use 2 (soft/flexible), Geology 1, Repair 1+1, Appraising 2, Craft: Animals (hide) 2+1 [knows Pine Tribe laminating technique for + 1 PV], Streetwise 1, Stealth 1+1, Camouflage 1
Resilience = 12×6=72+8=80
hardened: The character always suffers 1 point less of fatigue damage from any effect (minimum 1)
Clumsy Grip > The subject’s grip for fine manipulation is inherently clumsy and prohibitive of some uses. Manually propeled objects are especially difficult – bows, slings, etc. – all but rudimentary throwing; these suffer a -1 CS penalty always. The grip for melee weapons wil always need to be large and sturdy.
Near Sighted > [Moderate] Although their sense of sight works fine closeby, the Ducateon are unable to distinguish details beyond 100m. All ranges are reduced to 20% of normal (1/5th).
Familiarities: shields, clubs, small blades
Tactics: He is a mostly defensive fighter – using his shield and and shorter weapons in close quarter melee combat. With his poor eyesight, he prefers hand-to-hand melee.
He NEVER shies away from a fight, for such would invite others to push him around – “Flesh is the factory of fear.” (Ducateon saying)
(EC = 6×12 = 72) -36 lam. leather armor; -12 short sword; -7 shield (held); -10 helm = 65
Silver Value = Purse (50)
Armor: [worn] half suit lamellar leather (fit 3/=36 enc;12 PV/105 Res)
Helm: [worn] (does not usually wear one to keep cool)
Shield: [carried] small light leather (+ 1 CS; 45/160)
Weapons: [carried] claw/dagger (D=4 base/2 AM), short sword (D=8/3 AM)
Worn: [usual] pants, shirt, boots, belt, tabbard (Wheglin; light green with a yellow striping)
Carried: [usual]
x2 > half suit lamellar leather (fit 3/=36 enc;12 PV/105 Res; COST = )
x1 > small light leather (+ 1 CS; 45/160)
Kerrang’s Helm* 24 pnt armor (104 resilience left on it) + protects against paralysis and knockback (maybe more); demands adoption of some from of iconic perspective – good, evil, etc. ENC 10
I hereby espouse my love of home and hearth – that Osmail Mark is my home, the home now of my immediate family
I shall do all in my power to flourish here, to bring a sense of safety and stability upon my friends and family that are here
I will do all in my power to ensure the future security and prosperity of the land and its inhabitants
As the land and lord are one, as one prospers, so does the other; My lord Baron Wheglin is the will of the land and its peoples, his interest are my own
I shall obey the commands of my lord, my loyalty is my honor
I shall contribute to the welfare of community through tithing to my lord and liege, his family, and/or parties they designate in their stead
Duty to brotherhood, faith and guild… but loyalty to group first
Trust and follow the chain of command, inside the group and out
Orders given are to be obeyed. Abuse of command will result in a vote that strips it and gives it to another.
Information is given on a need to know basis; not everything will be shared by the group – this is to protect it more than anything
Respect authority but never without question
In battle, back your companions move – later is the time to question
Never leave anyone behind – even if you have to return
Spend on the group, not outside – monetarily and time-wise
Never volunteer for locals; safety and expectation management are more important than making friends
Never leave the safety of the group without providing plans and details to the leader(s)
Always take the opportunity to gather intelligence on places, people, and items
Never walk into a situation without a plan or way of getting out
Was sentenced to death according to the code of the Gallants. It was decided that he should be able too choose his own from f death – he chose immolation. He did NOT cry out once while he burned to death – he made sure he did not pass out from the smoke – he doused himself on oil to accelerate the process. All that was left was the helmet of Kerrang! The helmet had been healed of some damage and looked strong and fresh.
During the Umbakian war in Dwindor Swamp 9164 – It is an embarrassment to him; he must find a way to redeem himself! Took a major wound.
Szandor did not think that his journey with the Gallants would his bring thoughts back to HIM, the god under the mountain, but watching the very earth move to delay and hinder two well trained Umbakian heavy fighters unit, all at the behest of the Gallant commanders… This gave Szandor pause. Though it could have just been a coincident, but then his up bring and fromer faith did not believe in such things. The true point of revelation was a thunderous act of GAIA. Upon returning from his scouting mission of a fortified Umbakian stronghold Szandor, he reported the likely hood of taking heavy casualties was very high. Commander began to pray to GAIA, her answer, causing a massive mudslide that engulfed the entire Umbakian position and then opening the very ground on which it stood and swallowing the stronghold, destroying even the slightest chance of retaliation or resistance. As Szandor stood on that hill top with his companions, he witnessed this horror and devastation he did not shy away. He thought of his claws and how he no longer could carve stone, he was cut off from HIM, could he mold soil? Maybe, just maybe he could find communion with the Earth mother as gratifying as communion with HIM. Maybe, this feeling of being lost and without connection would finally be at its end. May GAIA except him in her warm embrace.
The Baron gladly took him in (Ducateon noted for the excellent warrior skills), armed him and gave him armor and supplies. In return promised 3 years service to the Baron in exchange for sheltering him from Umbakian entanglements. The Baron gave his service contract to The Gallants, so that his chosen elite would always have their own armorer and repairman if needed. Though his armoring skills were meager, the reputation of his people made him welcome into the Gallants.
Szkale (not his real name) grew up in Cragteeth Holt, high in the Smallteeth Mountains of the Freelands of the North. His family were traders with the Pine Tribes and occasional boat that would brave the weather of Drakange Bay. At a very young age he knew he would not take his father’s place. It was his faith that supported him in his youth. He always felt different, and was often reminded that he was inefficient, ponderous, and did not contribute his share to the Holt. He grew to hate his family and community. On his 40th name day, he rejected the torc offered to him by his father as a diplomat – the life of a caste member did not appeal to him. The elders grew angry and many wanted to exile him. He was cornered by his older sister and some younger society members and a fight broke out. During the fight, he slew a youngling. He was imprisoned for 2 years while they debated what to do with him. During this time, his faith once again kept him sane, but the favor of the God Under the Mountain slowly ebbed away – he was truly alone after that.
And so it was on his 42nd name day that he left his family, clan, and Holt – branded outlaw with no family or home. He traveled south out of the Freelands, into the Merchant Cities of the North, buying passage across The Neck (a journey he remembers little of – having been throwing up the entire passage across the mighty Beyne River) from Karolak to the lands of Southgap. He had never seen such a smelly, crowded, and disease ridden place like Karolak. The humans he met were not kind to him, and his initial estimates of their kind were not favorable. The trade goods he left his Holt with were rapidly being depleted – and he felt the humans were likely taking advantage of him.
He eventually made his way to war-torn Dunstrand. His people’s reputation served him well, and he was offered many mercenary contracts – he eventually signed on the side of the right and proper ruler, Berithor. His meager skills kept him alive for a few times in battles. He made few friends and was wounded in his third battle. His position was overrun while he was in the sick tent… and he became a captive of the forces of Dierdre Aelishan.
All his gear was lost and his leaders left him to rot. The particular battle had taken place beside a hamlet, and his one-time brethren had murdered a farmer’s family. For that, all the wounded in the camp were killed by Dierdre’s forces – except for him. He swore he had no part in it and vowed he had not, nor will he ever harm a youngling again. He offered a full year of service in exchange for his freedom. During that time he has fought a half dozen battles and countless skirmishes in the field under the command of Baron Robert Wheglin. His service was up, and he was paroled with a minimal kit and the thanks of the men he served with. He had been watching one group in particular during his time with the rebellion – The Gallants. He saw them from afar as offering a higher standard – they too had served their time and choose to stay with the Baron. It is said they also have the trust of Dierdre and her allies directly as well. While he was no diplomat like his father, he knew enough to know that he should get close to the strongest political faction for the best chance of survival. They had been resting – coming from another one of their unknown missions when Szandor decided to go see them about joining. He planned on playing on his races reputation as warriors as his “in”… but he will take any offer he can get. His ultimate goals have shifted and changed. Once he was upset with his situation, and vowed revenge on his own kind – but war has changed him. He seeks to see the war in Dunstrand to its end, and get revenge on those who left him – a Sargeant Corey Loashrod, and 2 villainous louts named Brett and Jamel – he heard boasting of their defilement and killing of a little girl. They are all part of the Bar-Innis Irregular Infantry (levies mostly), 2nd Company. Beyond this he has no plan – just to make his way and try and discover a path of his own. Szandor often has little to say, though when he does speak it is a deep, commanding voice. He is very critical and quick to point out flaws he sees in those people or ideas around him. He is very disdainful of human culture… and cannot stand the smell of unwashed humans. He is slowly learning the odd customs of humans and has reconciled himself to a long life among them.
Character Point Record:
4/15/2012 @3 (Increased melee to 2, conviction 1)
6/10/2012 + 3
6/24/2012 + 2 +1
Action Point Record:
4/15/2012 @3
6/10/2012 + 3/ + 3 – 3 = 6
6/24/2012 + 2 +1 – ?
Hide Effects: Pitch, tallow, and rare plants go into the special hardening process.
It takes about 40 silvers per point of size of the armor and can only be applied to hide/leather flexible type armor.
It automatically increases the PV by 1, and the resilience by 50% – with only an an increase in ENC = SF of those worn.
He has taken a sacred oath not to reveal this secret that he learned, upon pain of the curse of the moon goddess Ezrilus.
Only he can repair the armor, or it loses its effects after the repair. He has only done it a few times in secret outside the lands of the tribesmen, only for those who he owed a great debt to.
What he does not realize 100% yet, because its always been done under perfect circumstances, is that it causes a point of malaise damage, for each total portion of his SF
(always min. 1; any above 10=2) which takes a week to heal naturally (per point).