Mary Rellian (original character)

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Names: Mary Rellian, The Hag, Mary Rellian
Player: Iziah Nixon III
Created: 2012
System(s): Incarna 5
Locations: Steel Realms (current)
Status: Gallantine Company of Dunstrand, Captain of The Gallants

[Playtested Aura of Luck]
Concept: healer, tom-boy

LAdy of Dogwood Flats
Commander, Gallantine Academy

Mary Rellian

Mary Rellian

Feats: Magic Initiate (prestidigitation, message, Comprehend Languages)
SIGILRY = counts as a Language; the wizards of the academy inscribe everything with a wizard mark, and Mary uses this to verify.

Current Stats (Incarna 5)


Kinetic 5











RES = 5×13=65 +5=70


Essence = 16

Appearance: Ugly (-2 CS reactions) (black hair, pale skin, right handed, knobby nose, jowls, thinning hair, drooping left eyelid, hairy arms/pits, small mouth, beedy eyes)


Dominant species, Basic Communication, Agile Communicator, Good Luck, Toughness 1, Danger Sense, Aura of Luck, Bad Luck, Group Bond (AP in death; tranfer 1 AP/session), Natural Healer (The character is a natural with healing, not medicine. All medical checks get a +1. Any medical healing checks gain a +1 on the healing done.
Any attempt to use Botany or Zoology to seek out curative and healing materials gains a +1 on the checks. Any attempt to learn new healing skills gains a +1 CS adjustment or has any penalties halved. Lastly, the instinct of self preservation causes the healer to gain +1 on their Soak skill checks.),
Familiarities: sword, shield, spear, staff, Code of Conduct – Bannerman’s Oath of Service, Code of Conduct – Gallants


COMBAT: Melee 3, Evade 4, Soak 3, Propel 2, Shoot 2

Ride 2 (to get to remote places; +3 w/gear), Lore: Midwifery 2+1, Persuade 1, Lore: Religious 1+1, Lore: Richfield 3+1, Lore: Dunstrand 2+1, Zoology 2+1, Botany 4+1, Cooking 3, Brewing 3, Survival 2, Camouflage 2, Stealth 2, Streetwise 3, Lang: Trieb (dialect) 1, Lang: Gladnorian 4+1/literate 3+1,
Medical: Aid 5+1, Medical: Advanced 2+1 (max. 3 in Steel Realms; x2 learning cycle – taught by Jingle who learned from White Sisters)


Familiarities: staff, sling, spear, sword


Std Kit: Basic clothes (2 sets), good clothes (1 set), 2 sets boots, warm wool cape, overnight pack, bedroll, cook gear (utensils, whetstone, bowl, cup, 1 pot, 1 pan), flint & tinder, lamp, 3 flasks lamp oil, 3 torches, 20m of rope, 2 belts, light tarp, 1 grease tin (waterproofing), 2 small sacks, walking stick (light staff), wine skin w/watered wine, 1 week worth of preserved rations, 1 week worth of fresh rations, mule w/saddle bags

Field Med kit: 10x 1 pt salves (1 per wound), 3x 3 pt poultice, 10x 1 pt burn balm

Weapons: staff (9 dmg/3 AM) – 2 hands; Ease = +1 melee, +2 parry

sling (3 AM); 5 stones @ 5dmg

Armor: leather (taken from garrison at Blood Hawk Inn in Richfield)

Goods: 200 silver crowns worth of goods from Lemrin’s tomb – primitive, but a source of pride

  • 3 potions from Teerlink’s lab = 8 point healing + dispels ALL malaise and fatigue
  • 6 flasks marked with a healing rune and the symbol of the goddess Merkaine of fire. Seems straightforward but i don’t know how effective they are. Heals 4 points +4/category of Vitality check. Bloodlust for 8 hours/result category


“Retirement”: Mary retired to the Gallantine Academy in Dogwood flats, where she is head of the hospital facilities, rehabilitation of wounded, and training field medics for The Gallants. She took over as Vicount of the Freehold of Dogwood Flats, and given title of Viscount. The freehold was on the verge of becoming a barony when she was made a “Lady”, peer of the Earl. She was enguaged to Sira Freeman Crane – 2nd Nephew to Baron Wheglin. 37 years old male; “Lt” in the Baronial Guard of House Wheglin (honorarium with stipend).

The Gallant and family Wheglin ties will be bound in marriage – but through Mary, the current titled ruler of Dogwood Flats. Through marriage she will neither inherit title of Wheglin land (it will be to his 2nd nephew), nor will the Wheglin family inherit title in Dogwood Flats. The title is at the Earl’s privilege anyway – not hereditary. What IS noted is that Grace is an agent of the ducal authorities now. He (Sir) and she (Dame) will be knighted appropriately. Sadly, Sir Freeman Crane passed from the flu in CY 9159.

Regained Rep: With the press of House Malor barring down on Tarly Castle Mary went with the Gallants to clear out evidence that could incriminate or be-smug them. Several fights with unearth creatures ensued. A tentacle demon, a headless whitened body, and the risen Guardians of the Tarly crypt. But, dealing with such things aren’t nearly as startling as the revelation Plague informed the party of while sitting in secure locked and lavishly decorated siege room. His connection to dead god or weakened would be a better way to explain it. Under the Gallants base of operations, no less. A GOD! Or a “could be god” if given what it needs. These are powers that few have the balls or means to influence and here is Mary right in the middle of this! Shit… Mary is more then just curious about the Celestial. The instinctual knowledge that something is wrong with her child presses heavy on her mind. This god-like being could possibly help cure what ails the child.

Dead Child: During a hunting trip the Earl of Richfield ordered the Gallants to be his personal guard. Threats and worry hang with such a request. We usually only receive orders that ordinary soldiers either can’t or won’t handle, the “left hand” of a lord if you will. But here we are on watch duty. Something is amiss. Mary feels uneasy about this. Though some questionable actions have happened amongst our ban she worries that we will be ordered to assassinate the Earls hunting partner in a clandestine manner. Her worries are alleviated by the attempt on the Earl himself. During the process of saving his life one of the assassins exhaled a cloud of poison. Mary tripped and staggered inhaling all the while. She collapsed after getting the Earl out of danger. A whole was cut in her throat to her to breath. The child was affected by the poison in some unseen way, but she knows something is wrong. Later, the child will be still-born.

Love: She found love in the arms of a young lord during the vacation the Earl allowed. Unclear of his intentions she continued to see him all the while trying to get pregnant. She doesn’t think there may be another chance for her to find love, but her loyalties are now intertwined with the Gallants and until she is clear of this suitors intentions, she won’t allow herself to be married. How many rejections can he take before he leaves? Is he true to his words of love? She doesn’t know for sure, but what lady wouldn’t want the attentions of a young attractive lordling. The extensive efforts of lovemaking have PAYED OFF!! Mary is with child. She withholds the news from her souter in fear that he would claim his fatherly right to her and force a marriage, before she truly knew what he wanted from her. The rejections have finally gotten to the lordling. He left a note, such a cowardly way to break a heart. A piece of paper to hide behind. A night of sorrow is all she allows herself locked in her chambers. Life is a hard thing, as she thought. She hopes that the life that she now carries can survive its mothers lot in life and solidifies herself.

A member of The Gallants. When word of the impending attack on Blood Hawk Inn came, she rallied the local healers and supplies at the garrison to help the Gallants. Already impressed with the ability to get som mcuh ehaling for them in their kits, and then this, the Gallants asked if there was anything else she could do.
She said she could fight… her views on pacifism were leaving her when it came down to losing the only home she knew she felt she had to fight. Unsure, but hearing from a few militia that she did serve, she was given a place to stand
next to the Gallants in the fornt to hold off the hybrid horde attacking. The proved herself when she and Books dove into a bucnh of horde trying to kill Plague who was pinnned under a cart. Later she was made an official Gallant,
and Plague brought her with the help tend the wounds of the hybrid horde and investigate whatever was causing the shamna of the horde to fear the home cave. She ventured into the ghoul Lemrin’s lair and got her first
taste of Void Burn fighting him. Having mroe than proved herself worthy, she was made an official member of the Gallants by Plague. She felt like she had found a new family, a new purpose, and a future.


Mary’s mother dies in childbirth and her father moved away soon after – unable to cope, leaving her an orphan. She gre up cared for by her “nan” – Penelope Rellian, the local best midwife at the Hawks Blood Inn in Richfield. She grew up learning all the modwives skill, and despite her ugliness (the locals called her “The Hag” behind her back) and appearance was well loved by local folk for her skills (just not well loved by the men!). At the age of 18 she tried to prove herself by joining the guard. She practiced with staff and sling and even spear. She spent one year in the guard and eventually left because she cuold not take the constant looks and whispers behind her back – not fit for womens work, cant be women so she joined the men, etc. She was very hurt in the whole experience, and became a pacifist and looked to Aerna. Her healing skills got even better and she took over for old Nan when she retired. She has resigned herself to a life of never having a family, children, or much to show for herself other than her work.

Social Standing: Average
Fortune’s Favors: Defense (4 full automatic successes of evade and soak skill use)

Built under the Gallant mk4 character parameters.

Activity Record

Character Point Record:

7/7/2012 + 2

10/14/2012 3 shared = 3 soak

1/3/2013 3 CP

1/20/2013 1 cp for lore: religious 1 @ 2

3/3/2013 1 cp sword familiarity; 3 + shared for medical aid 5 = @ 1?

3/24/2013 1 Shared CP for Toughness 1; 2 CP to raise brewing from 1 to 2

6/2013 @ 1 saved (learned advanced medicine)

Training: Evade 4, Shoot, propel, soak

10/2014 – +1 level of ride for time with Gallants

Action Point Record:

7/7/2012 + 2

+ more unrecorded

1/3/2013 3 AP

1/20/2013 3 AP – 3 @ 3