Bug out bag at Feathers

Steel Realms

Mary took her Bug-Out bag with her when she left dogwood flats. She traveled to see Anwin, their old enemy, to get his advice but he had little insights. All her money in the bag is gone as of CY 9169.

1 Potion of Water Breathing
2 Potion of Longstrider
Two vials of holy water (gaia)
Two potions of superior healing

Emerald. The Eye of Dunstrand, found by Feather in her adventures. “The blink of an eye.” It can cast Augury and Divination each 1/Long Rest.

Added Items

The Ring of Anwin. He did not give it a name, she just calls it that. He says it serves two functions – Protection against scrying and he can find her wherever she is. Once she left his abode in the Stormfront Fastness, she has worn it since.