Character Creation – Goodwill Goblin Hunting

Steel Realms
  • 1st IRL/Physical: Noon, Tuesday June 25th 2024; @ Arabus’s place.
  • 2nd IRL/Physical: 11am-5pm, Saturday July 27th, 2024; @ Arabus’s place (not enough people).
  • 3rd IRL/Physical: 10:30am-7pm, Saturday August 3rd, 2024; @ Arabus/Alanna’s place.
Characters/Scenario Intro – Goodwill Goblin Hunting

SCENE: Barony of Crestwood, today (Jan 4 CY 9169), the southern edge of the Earldom of Bar-Innis, Grand Duchy of Dunstrand. The baronial capital of Torrelson’s Ford is recovering – there is peace (for now) with Gwinn. Military forces have drawn down. A new trouble has been rising for the last year – Orrrish once again prowl the country side at night. Never long in one place, and vanishing using their fell magics once their raids are done.

Adventure Setup: In the last few months, more and more goblins have been seen in the countryside of the Barony of Crestwold and even further out around Dunstrand. Its time someone did something. The Baron is looking for goblin hunters through his herald Verel Blackthorne. No one else is available. In steps the PCs –

The Profoundly Irregulars mercenary band!

Verel Blackthorne looks at you with relief in his eyes and says that there have been few options around these parts and he is happy to engage with a new set of freebooters who are willing to do the barons bidding. All across Dunstrand there have been activity sightings of Orrish. They’ve rated in various places and it’s been getting worse over the last year. It is the barons responsibility to handle and Chase down some of the sightings in Crestwold and make a report to the Earl. Then report to the Duke. You will be both eyes and ears, trackers, and Justice at the end of a sword for the foul-blooded orrish that raid on the lands of light

Character Provisions

Limits: Keep It Simple Stupid – no complex characters, its a straight up bug hunt. PHB based rules only as a starting point, exceptions allowed but please, keep it simple… or let Kelly Berger make the character for you.

Races: Human only (no variant for 1st set!)

Classes: Cleric, Fighter, Rogue, Wizard (this is a ‘classic’ scenario!)

Level: 3rd; Max HP at 1st level > Point Buy stats.

Mercenary Benefits: You all know and trust each other. Members can exchange Initiative scores once per combat if within 15′ of each other.

Mercenary Banner: [ ]

Characters Made

Part 2 characters: