Bronislaus Greatoak (‘Bron’; character)

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Bronislaus Greatoak character

Ranger 4th (Hunter) > Character Creation Parameters
Actively part of the World Watchers and a member of one of the orders of Those Who Range > Wylder Wends .

Bronislaus Greatoak, human, male,
REF = Google Doc, MIRO, DnD Beyond


@ start: Fantasy Starting Trek Kit

12 +1 arrows that ignore natural (trees, brush, rock outcrop, etc.) minor or major cover (not full) – crafted from cattails of the Athla Hills by the druids of the Briarwood there. Samedi had the spirit of the Briarwood ‘blessed’ them (Bron never saw this spirit, but it was actually a Unicorn trapped when the Dew Gate was closed); When Bron came back to Bondeu, he went to see his old friend and Samedi gifted them to him.
> Normally a full or crit destroys an arrow. On a full in Dunstrand Vale, a d6 is rolled. The arrow only is destroyed in a 1 on a d6. Otherwise, it can be recovered.

Trail Clearer: Favored by many Rangers of the Kingdom of Gladnor in his brotherhood, Bron has had a similar blade made; A deep but slender blade in the style of a machete. Evolved for use as both a weapon and a cutting tool, the slimmer spine thickness means the blade is not an armor cutter, but rather a finesse weapon when used in combat. The longer (hand and a half) hilt balances the blade for quicker movement and allows for different grips – though not a true ‘versatile’ weapon. Blade length is 30″ (typical varies from about 24-36″), and profile runs from nearly straight to a deeply curved belly, dependent on the preferences of the owner. Mechanically equivalent to the scimitar in game terms… Light (3#), finesse, d6 slashing damage


Origins: Bondeu, near Zerburre
Background: Folk Hero
Defining Event: Mother’s disappearance
Personality Trait:
Code of Conduct:
Ideal: I will give my last full measure to protect the good people of the Riverdans.
Bond: I will determine my mother’s fate
Flaw: I’m convinced of the significance of my destiny, and blind to my shortcomings and the risk of failure.
Alignment: Lawful(ish) Good

Current Visage

Bron is 35 years old, but looks a bit older due to a life outdoors. He’s rather tall and slender, fit but not bulky; and wears his blonde hair long to honor the memory of his mother. His stubbly beard shows a smattering of premature gray. He dresses in simple woodsman’s clothing in earth tones, but clean and in good repair, along with studded leather armor. His armor includes a ‘leatherneck’ throat guard, adopted due to years of fighting wild predators that attack the throat and neck.

Story of Bron

Origins: Bron is the son of Tazia the ‘green witch’ (warlock of the Arch-Fey) who lived in a grove outside of Zerburre; his father is unknown but is rumored to be Kristov the local woodsman (ranger 2) who was commonly seen to have dealings with Tazia, and who fostered Bron after her disappearance. He was not born with the Steel Soul effects. His grandparents are Lucinda Grath-Malor, magus of House Malor, and Adrian Lorwyth, son of Sir Mark Lorwyth – a minor knight of Fandelok – though he knows it not. His uncle Ifnn Grath-Malor was a troubled soul that his mother warned his father about, and asked that he not know his relatives because of their tie to political troubles of the Grand Duchy of Dunstrand.

Youth: From an early age Bron showed minor magical aptitude – probably due to his mother’s presence and her ties to the Fey summer court. Feyloise was the ‘hearth tongue’ in their house, and Bron’s native language. Even as a child he was involved with many rituals to Nerislinai/Nandha (or some aspect of it) and he claims he can feel the moment he steps out of the Nanford River’s watershed; “There’s a magical quality that flows up the river and streams and into all the lands they drain”. It was expected he might follow in the footsteps of his mother, but history had other plans as his mother disappeared while questing with a group of adventurers in the Athla Hill Country. When she didn’t return, Bron was taken in and fostered by Kristov, and taught the ways of his father.

Venturing Out: Bron has heard the rumors that his mother took part in the closing of the Dew Gate and breaking of the Grimdowns curse, and he strongly believes that the fey powers were responsible for her disappearance, or at least have knowledge of it. He began attempting to use his abilities to seek what happened to her, but discovered that he lacked the refined abilities to effectively run down all the clues. He felt a personal calling for this, and spent more than a decade of seeking answers as a loner and his reputation developed into a near mystical one.He encountered many folk, and even tracked down those that had met his mother, but to no avail. In his darkest moments, he met an elder druid named Samedi, who had taken over the Briarwood of the Athla Hills. He had collected stories from the few that knew her directly shortly after the grimm had been lifted, while it was fresh. He helped to free Bron from his own seeming curse – his obsession with seeking out his mother. He learned to accept her fate, whatever it may be, and embrace the future. The Orrish were beginning to stir again, and defenders of the wyld were needed! Samedi put him in touch with the elven High King’s ranger named Kothren. He spent a few years with him, learning the ways of the Orrish amidst warnings that they were re-appearing again after a 40 year absence. He learned the NE Riverdans like the back of his hands with his mentor. Kothren taught him Stalkers Sign.

Becomes a Ranger: In CY 9166 he was officially made a member of the Wylder Wends order of the the World Watchers, and his scar that signifies it is still fresh. His opened awareness was like breathing free and clear for the first time, and he knew that he had chosen the rightly for his path forward. In CY 9169, a massive raid of thousands of Orrish was made in the Riverdan of Horpan, near Manse Jonesh at a place called Wolf Thicket Tower. Hundred perished before a force could even be assembled. His mentor Kothren identified a darkling elf in disguise at the last moment, averting total surprise. When Kothren knew the tower was going to be overrun, he forced Bron to flee, to get word of all he could to others. The beacon was not lit, Kothren died trying to get to it, but Bron managed to get to another tower before it was attacked and a full scale invasion and destruction was averted. He fought in several battles to re-take the area, then made sure all he learned was spread through the river territories to the NE and the Earldom of Bar-Innis.

Aftermath of Gruxxand the Necromancer’s ascension to Lichdom: The Guild of Solars recorded everything they could about The Soul Scourge and the Dreams Leading Up To It and they and others used their skills to interpret the meaning or significance. The character experiences the full range of dreams…

Future’s so Bright: He now considers himself a ‘seeker of truth’ and watcher of the Riverdans and Nanford Vale like his mentor and father before him. The more he ranges – and learns – the more he comes to believe that there are unseen powers at work everywhere – both magical/otherworldly and the machinations of men. He harbors a real enmity toward the fey, holding them responsible for his mother’s disappearance for whatever foolish faerie machinations he believes they must have tricked her into. Additionally, his hatred is truly reserved for the Orrish now. The Civil War of Bondeu transformed it nearly 3 decades ago, and he returns to a stable place, not at all like many tales he has been told. He has never stayed long, mostly his travels have been at great speed and with purpose. Now he is free from immediate obligations, and can turn his whole attention to safeguarding it. He spends a week in spring communing with nature in the Earldom of Bar-Innis. During this time, he senses a Wound in the vale itself – something dire has happened to the east and he must seek it out.

Seeking Direction: To this end, he seeks out the great lodge of the ruler of Pelmon, in the city of Zerburre. There, in the castle of their ruler (the widow of a friend his mother once adventured with named Belim), he hears the news from the civilized lands and tries to match it with the long shadow his primeval awareness has told him is coming. A great force of Orrish is pouring into the Riverdan of Pelmon to the south. An evil champion has arisen and is threatening to overrun the region. A great host in The Underlands is growing while a host of evil humans from the south of the Dark Lands serve as their day-watch. Already, the might of County Faer and a small riverdan host combined have been assembled and a massive clash is imminent in Blue Willow Basin to throw the orrish host back and collapse their caves – a contingent of 40 dwarves was brought along as sappers. It may have already happened!

There he hears an inspiring speech by a paladin of the Lightbringers – a celestial being named De’Vosa (his name is long, he goes by this name). A remnant of the group that once traveled with his mother, he feels compelled to join him. You announce yourself and it draws his attention directly. His face, alien though it is, softens as he looks at you. “I have a fondness for those days. Though I did not know your mother, I know her memory – the other spoke well of her. If you are cut from her cast, I would welcome you in this endeavor. Those who have gone before us are numerous and traveled with a full camp. I can only offer you the company of a few, the chance at glory, and danger in great volume.” The two of you discourse for a moment, and he tells you that his force is assembling at the stables at dawn. “Tell the quartermaster you are with De’Vosa. They will equip you for our journey. I will see you there in the morning – others await my presence directly, I hope to recruit a few more.” He puts his hand on your shoulder, looks you in the eyes, holding your gaze for a moment, and nods. Then he drops back into the crowd, others seeking his attention.

He travels with an The Athla Hound.

Current Date: Common Year (CY) June 8th, 9169 @ Ancient Blood’s Due

Ancient Blood Party

  • L.J. – De’Vosa Paladin of Whelm the Protector (Aasimar)
  • Eric – Bronislaus Greatoak, World Watcher/High King’s Ranger from Dunstrand (human)
  • Arabus – Loman Ailbe, Darkland Ranger from the east (half elf)
  • Marc – Demis Emishkir, Berserker of Mizras from the Redlaen Enclave (dwarf)
  • Earl – Kvasir – Wizard of the Riverdans (human)
  • Corey – Aydim Bolstrin – combat medic (wild elf)
  • NPCs – Baggage Train (2 currently)