Jessup Finch (character; NPC)

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Jessup Finch is a human (variant), male, age: 40, right handed, weathered/tanned skin, brown eyes, brown hair (short, well trimmed beard), Size: Medium, Movement: 30′
Background: Athlete – logger/wood crafter
{tattoo/scars/markings} right forearm a wood axe, left forearm a tree

Fighter 3rd – noble warrior
STR 17 {+3}
CON 18 {+4}
DEX 13 {+1}
CHA 11
INT 11
WIS 12 {+1}
SAN 11
Essence =

Proficiency @3rd = +2 bonus

Skills: Acrobatics (DEX), Athletics (STR), Survival (WIS), Perception (WIS), History (INT), Animal Handling (WIS)

Saves: Strength, Constitution

Armor: light armor, medium armor, shields

Weapons: Simple weapons, All Axes

Communication: Gladnorian (literate/speak), Feyloise (speak)


Health: 9,6,6 + 12 = 33 (+ Second Wind/Short Rest for 7)
AC: studded (12; 1 resilience) + Dex = 13
Features: Action Surge (extra action) per Short Rest
Style: Dueling (+2 damage melee only or thrown ax)
Fighting Spirit: 3/Long Rest – Your intensity in battle can shield you and help you strike true. As a bonus action on your turn, you can give yourself advantage on all weapon attack rolls until the end of the current turn. When you do so, you also gain 5 temporary hit points.


Armor: Studded, heavy buckler (min str 14; 2 resilience)
Weapon: 2 hand axes (throwing), Carefell (chopping ax)

Carefell: The long hafted ax, named carefell careful-felling, given by elves and passed down. The ax head has been replaced. It will not chop wood the Saivelaugh logging accord would not approve of. Once a year, the blood of any Finch family blood must be applied to both head and handle (1hp damage each) to gain the family blood benefits.
> Chopping Axe +1, d6/d8 (6/6/12 +6| 4/8/16 +6) 2h and +4 init. and the handle butt can be used as club d4/2 (2/4/8 +6) as bonus action (w/dmg. bonus) by one of the Finch family blood.


His ancestors were a landed family near Pellan (the Treefell settlements – specifically Village of Koreelam) in the Riverdan fief of Bondeau. They were logging the Grebell forest in accordance with the blessings of the elves. Hundreds of years ago they lost last of their land as Koraleem was taken over by the forest – and the Burren family did not support the locals. But his family stayed logging, and leased land in Pellan. Despite the loss of their title of “Sir”, his ancestors channeled this into a noble outlook, keeping their Feyloise speech, reverence for the woods, and a martial focus that the old bannermen of the Burren family used to have.

Jessup learned to use his family’s prized axe given to them by the elves to seal the old accord in Koraleem. The axe head broke a hundred years ago, though the family kept it as a reminder of their old position. It was a passing adventuring group that told him it was still magical and he had a head reforged. The wood accepted the new human forged head and the balance was perfect and his father used He used it to win many a logging contest, as Jessup has done in his lifetime. So much so that 2 years ago he was banned! He is slightly traveled as he goes to other places in Bondeu to enter into the spring games for wood splitting and axe throwing contests. He is considered a team lead for the local loggers, organized and working under the Sunbelt Merchants in Pellan. Jessup knows they have been violating the provisions of the ancient accord with the elves and over-logging – he discovered this through using his ax (or rather attempting). He stayed silent because the locals needed jobs and everything was controlled by the merchants in conjunction with the ruling Burren family. When word went through the community that the local ‘heroes’ that had rid the Athla Hills of the grimmdown effects from the last 75 years decided to support a cause to restore control to locals and go against the Burren family and Sunbelt Merchants, he decided to flee. Then he heard the same adventurers had assembled a force to go against them, he left the woods and joined up with them for the Battle of Pellan Fields.

Battle of Pellan Field

CURRENT ADVENTURING GROUP: Belim, Beedel, De’Vosa, Rabat, B’Hein, Jessup Finch