Strength = 17 (+3)
Intelligence = 10
Wisdom = 14 (+2)
Dexterity = 8 (-1)
Constitution = 16 (+3)
Charisma = 7 (-2)
Sanity = 9 (-1)
Essence = 20-5 = 15
Languages: [Spoken only] Orrish (Learning – Acquire, Study, and Recall of Knowledge), Gladnorian (Accomplished)
Abilities: [Saves] Strength, Constitution
Skills: History (Intelligence), Perception (Wisdom; Darkvision + checks based on Hearing have double the Wisdom bonus applied), Athletics (Strength), Survival (Wisdom), Intimidation (Charisma – negative = positive; can use War Song bonus), Vehicle: Land [chariot, cart, wagon – too big for most horses] (Wisdom)
Lores: War Songs +1, Lightbringer faith +1
Feats: Kinetic Aptitude 1, @4th Heavy Armor Mastery
Armor: All Armor, All Shields
Weapons: Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons
Tools: Gaming Kit (dice, cards)
Intimidating Presence: When you take the Attack action on your turn, you can replace one attack with an attempt to demoralize one humanoid you can see within 30 feet of you that can see and hear you. Make a Charisma (Intimidation) check contested by the target’s Wisdom (Insight) check. If your check succeeds, the target is frightened until the end of your next turn. If your check fails, the target can’t be frightened by you in this way for 1 hour. Any negative Charisma modifiers are treated as positive for the Intimidation skill check.
Darkvision: Thanks to your orc blood, you have superior vision in dark and dim Conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in Darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in Darkness, only Shades of Gray.
Hit Pints: 6,6,6 + 9 = 27
Armor Class: 15 = (Ring Mail = 14 +1 from style)
Fighting Style: Defensive (+1 AC when wearing armor)
Relentless Endurance: When you are reduced to 0 Hit Points but not killed outright, you can drop to 1 hit point instead. You can’t use this feature again until you finish a Long Rest.
Savage Attacks: When you score a critical hit with a melee weapon Attack, you can roll one of the weapon’s damage dice one additional time and add it to the extra damage of the critical hit.
Hard Blows: The Champion, each time they gain an Expanded Critical increase, can either take 1 point of critical range, or gain +1 on their Attack (which effectively adds to the ability to score a Major Hit more often).
Damaging Blows: At third level, the Champion deals an additional d4(2) damage on every hit. At 10th level, the Champion deals an extra d6(3) damage on every hit.
Hard Chargers of Ikribu: REQUIREMENTS = #250+, heavy armor, heavy weapon, use ALL available movement (min 20′). Targets must be same Size or less (Disadvantage if smaller).
> Any foe that gains an attack of opportunity on the character must make a resisted Strength check afterwards or take a d4/2 (+ strength) damage as the charging character rams past them. On a Major result for the charger, the attacker is knocked prone/on a critical check it is treated as a Savage Attack (unless the target successfully resists).
Armor: Ring Mail (heavy; 2 Resilience), Hide (medium; 1 Resilience – backup)
Shield: None
Weapon(s): 1 hand axe (for throwing), 1 [Umbakian] broadsword (2d4/5 base, Heavy/min. Strength 13; +1 Resilience/-1 Initiative);
“Line Breaker” (non-magical dwarven made; min. Strength 14, +1 damage/-1 Initiative) maul; 2d6+1+2 > 10/17/41 (+Strength) — damage using Ikribu Hard charging = d4+1+2 > 5/9/15 –> This maul is massive, with a weight on the bottom, thick haft (+1 Resilience) and a big head. It is a single piece of hickory carved and painted with violent combat scenes; when he uses his Intimidating Presence, if he has it in hand the check gains +1 as well.
Duke of Dunstrand: (patch; left arm) The ducal heraldry is a red (blood) outlined white pine tree overlaid on a yellow triangle (mountain). A green background is cut diagonally from left to right – the left has the tree and the right a stone chair – the chair of Innis Dunstrand.
House Malor: (patch; right arm) – A White Pigeon on a diagonal red slash, leaning right and gripping a scroll.
Gallantine: (tabard – full chest and back display) The bird is a phoenix, facing right, wearing a helm – symbolizing rebirth and majesty/a noble defender. The background is black – symbolizing the evil of the world. A green vertical strip on the right symbolizing life, with a sword tip down. A yellow vertical strip on the right symbolizing the rising sun, with a sword tip up. The phoenix is covered by a shield on its breast, with a blue lightning bolt superimposed over it – symbolizing strength in arms, and the divine power of righteousness.
> Born Omsara (Steel Souled) of the Steel Realms.
Current state of the campaign, post Blackwells.CONCEPT: Half ork zealot of light, taught to hate his dark heritage, disillusioned with his past and seeking a home > has come to: Location: Crestwold is a barony in the Earldom of Bar-Innis, part of the Duchy of Dunstrand in the Steel Realms.
OATH > HOUSE MALOR: (Oath of Erudition – the ‘least’ oath to the mages order) “I hereby swear, upon penalty of censure, exile, and even death if it betrays the ducal interests and leads to death, mayhem, and division, that… The magic I practice, acquire, and that which I witness, shall be reported to authorities of House Malor along with any impressions and ideas that said magic may be against the betterment of the Ducal family and/or the stability of their lands.
Driving Ethics: If the strong must rule the weak, let them do it with a light hand and light heart. (This was one of the earliest teachings of the Lightbringers he learned.) Let them possess the courage in all cases to use the heavy hand in their defense. (Rastur).
Background: Soldier (Infantry)
Personality: I can stare down a hell hound without flinching.
Ideal: Responsibility. I do what I must and obey just authority. (Lawful)
Bond: I fight for those who cannot fight for themselves.
Flaw: I made a terrible mistake in battle that cost many lives—and I would do anything to keep that mistake secret.
A foundling from the darklands, rescued by a half-elf Darklands Ranger, he was given over to the church of Ikribu and given his common name of Hendrahk based on the half ork hero. He wore this name (as many half breeds do), this title, with pride as a badge of honor hoping to bring greater glory to this hero. He was raised to see his dark blood as evil, and to “rise above it” by the Lightbringer faith. He trained in the Hammer and Anvil pass to fight Orrish, by the orders of Whelm, Ikribu, and Balthazaar – he became one of the Hard Chargers of Ikribu. Ultimately he found the Lightbringers hypocritical. Behind his back they ridiculed him (they did not realize his hearing was so sensitive), and when he was young he believed in the goodness of Ikribu – he thought if he did right, he could change their hearts and minds. This turned out not to be the case, but he could not get out of his sworn service to people who he knew despised him. Still honor bound, he isolated himself and soon he had no friends. He would keep track of his treatment, scarring and tattooing down his arms tallies of how he was treated as well of how he dishonored his blood. Years passed like this. A bard of the high king came through and interviewed several people for information to pass on – as they normally do as a service to the people and nobles. The bard, called Derbin, quickly understood his plight though he never once complained. Derbin knew that he might lose his way and fall from his path if he stayed so he hatched a plan to get him out. As a World Watcher, Derbin asked for the service of one of theirs to escort him north through dangerous areas. The forces of the Lightbringers were happy to find a way to get rid of the dour face amongst themselves. Once north, the bard turned west and made for Dunstrand, on his intuition and faint recollection of a more tolerant view on the half breeds there. During the thousand mile journey, the bard converted him to a combination of the lessens from the Lightbringers of the power of Ikribu, discipline of Balthazaar, the temperance of Whelm, and layered on top the courage and devotion to the pride of Rastur. This idea of finding a pride rekindled hope in him, and he looked forward to a future where he had a true home. Derbin pays for his way and takes him all the way to Mev (the capital of Bar-Innis in Dunstrand) as it appears as if war with Gwinn is gearing up again – as it has for the last couple decades. He even vouches for him – even giving him a writ of vouchsafe (A World Watcher notice attesting to his character and intentions – sealed with the Sigil of the High King’s World Watchers) for his reputation and service. He purchases for him an Umbakian broadsword as a back up weapon (no one would have sold him the weapon directly). Derbin leaves him, believing that his future is the best he could have set for him. As he goes, Hendrahk sings for him a song of war (one the defenders of Whelm sing as they march to battle), and many faces turn his way. With a final wave, Derbin vanishes down the road, and many see the half ork come close to tears. While many shy away from him, the bustling camps of mercenaries and duke’s soldiers around Mev have many that dont look away and welcome him to their fire. He tries not to revel in the fear his racial countenance inspires, but enjoys the camaraderie when he finds it. Optimism pulses in his veins, and he listens to everything he can in order to understand what is going on and what opportunities he may have.
Story of “Line Breaker”: This weapon was commissioned by the church of Ikribu from the dwarves (from the nearby Granite Hammer trade post at the west edge of the Hammer and Anvil pass) to make him a suitable weapon. This was to reward him for an exceptionally brave act in which he triggered a landslide to stop a patrol from being wiped out by raiders from the Darklands. Despite being in the middle of it, he survived, and was rewarded for his bravery as the tenets of the Lightbringers in service there demanded. A single piece of hickory was used, 1.7m long, with a metal head bigger than a normal maul, and a weighted bottom end. The dwarves named it “Line Breaker”, but after using it several times against the Orrish in the Sword and Anvil pass, his Lightbringer companions told him it was a “breaker of wills”, as its use was often followed by a demoralizing retreat of their enemies.
The Villa Neroway is the Gallant’s home base, rented from the land holder Lady of Dogwood Flats (Lady Mary)