Frederick Nolan Granson (healer character)

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Frederick Nolan Granson Description: Race: human, Gender: male, age: 23, handed: right, weight: #__, height: __ , hair: __, eyes: __, skin: __
Mannerisms: stutter, harsh consonants
– Code/Alignment:
– Scars/Marks:

CLASS = Cleric of Gaia (Life Domain), 3rd level. HP = 21

Strength: 11

Dexterity: 12

Constitution: 12

Intelligence: 14

Wisdom: 16

Charisma: 14

Sanity: 11


Proficiency: +2 @ 3rd level

Skills: insight, religion, history, medicine

Attributes: Wisdom, Charisma

Communication: gladnorean, orrish, mercat, elvish (all literate + spoken)

Armor: all, shields

Weapons: simple

Enhanced Capabilities


Memorized: 6
Cantrips: guidance, light, toll the dead
Channel Divinity x1
1st [4]: bless, cure light wounds + healing word, sanctuary, shield of faith
2nd [2]: lesser restore, spirit weapon + hold person, prayer of healing, aid


scale mail, shield, holy symbol, light crossbow, mace, priest pack
holy water x1
10pt healing x 2

Arlu the Turtle

Similar to a pancake tortoise, he is small, somewhat flat, and beige and earth toned. It is the equivalent of a Familiar; It has a movement of 5′, it cannot be dismissed, it has 3hp and 1 Resilience. If killed, it will show up again after a Long Rest. As long as he is being touched or carried on the person of Frederick, Frederick casts Shield of faith that gets +3 instead of the normal +2. Also, 1/Long Rest he can cast Detect Thoughts; A Deep Dive can be performed without alerting the target as long is Frederick is healing or tending to the wounds of that target.


Created on: 6-25-2024/ Created by: Corey Cordray

Campaign: Dunstrand Rising / Goodwill Goblin Hunting/ CY 9167 campaign year
> using DnD 5e + i20 standard

Background: See Character Creation – Goodwill Goblin Hunting

Chronicle – Growing Up

ACOLYTE background

Chronicle – Coming to the Party

Chronicle – Time in Campaign

Gaia gifted Frederick with a companion named Arlu in return for his heroism and demonstrated capability.

Character creation Provisions

Character Creation – Goodwill Goblin Hunting