Flower’s Will

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Captain Flowers last Will, charged to Sargent Books: Gallant Annalist

I leave you with multiple letters, to be delivered upon my death. I entrust this to you because of everyone in the Gallant s only you have shown me any real use for reading. I give you the instructions as follows 1: read every note. I know you will anyways so just do it and record what you see fit. 2: deliver the following letters to the appropriate gallants. 3: tell no one where the ring of chaos and helmet are hidden unless absolutely necessary. Better the secret die with you than those items be thrown haphazardly into the world. 4: If bandage grows out of line, kill him. I’m sorry to task you with this, but only you will recognize when it is time. 5: Follow the next Gallant captains orders above my own, even those within my will.

On a personal note: Stop fighting, the gallants needs your magical skills, and I had you focus too much on other tasks. Do what your best at, you were always a comic in your crafts, it was a small bit of happiness in our world.

I’m am deeply sorry to do this to you, but you must accept charge of the gallants. We approach a time of semi-peace in which case the primary skill necessary will be that of wit and persuasion. I feel I was the best choice of leadership for the time we were in, but both the times and gallants are changing. You have a good head on your shoulders, don’t get it cut off. Of our entire brotherhood, I am confident that only you will be able to lead the majority out of our troubles alive. Should you feel I am wrong, or are scared of the task then I must warn you: gimpy will be even more reluctant to lead. He is loyal and good hearted, almost to a fault, and with the attitude of many gallants his noble quality’s would be pushed aside or destroyed. I am fairly certain that should you refrain, Nigel would see his chance at glory as the captain of the gallants. Nigel is a good soldier…. but too chaotic to lead you safely. Consider everything before you decline the position as captain.
On a personal note: Go get your Chicks and shaving ads (insert milieu appropriate reference in place of shaving ads.). Don’t give up on that dream. Up till whenever the hell I died I was trying to make sure you got that wish.

…. I hope someday you can forgive me for my rash decisions that led to your sacrifice. I’m sorry my friend.

In the case of my death spin is to take the captains rank. If he seems to be faltering I need you to make a grab for the leadership role. I am NOT asking you to take charge, I am asking you to prove a point for me. Your very chaotic nature makes you an incredible soldier and a refreshing comrade, but it also makes the gallants as a whole less inclined to see you as captain material. I believe that you expressing an interest in leadership will give spin the push he needs to carry all of you to greatness. Im certain you’ll enjoy his leadership more than mine…. I think I was more prone to restraining you than he will be. Thank you for being you Nigel.

You have been the most loyal man I could hope to have at my side, and there was never a blow you took that I didnt see and know you were taking it for all of us. Your the truest of heart out of the entire gallants, and I want to preserve that. Don’t take my place. Let spin take on that mantle, and I ask that you serve him as well as you did me, dont let anyone question the final word of the current captain. Stay alive my friend, and do what you must to keep our brothers alive.

I rarely worked with you given our different skill sets, but I could never have led us so well without your intel and perspective. Know that I appreciated your every day in the gallants, and I pray that Gaia will show you a life of long prosperity.

Gallants as a whole
I dont know how I died and I pray it was something that will bring honor and fame to our party, I dont expect it was quite as epic as I had hoped, but nonetheless at this point I’m dead and will never know how horrible it was thankfully. After surviving Berithor I decided that I did not want all of you wandering aimlessly without direction should I randomly die. You are all capable and theres plenty of leadership material in the gallants, which I have addressed. I fully expect all of you to adapt and change as you must under your new captain, I only hope that some of the standards I set were effective enough to stay in place after my passing. I thank all of you for your loyalty and service, it was more than I ever would have asked, even within the confines of my faith. We fought wars, undead, Magic and the powers of the void, yet all of you stood in spite of it. I stand more proudly as a gallant than I would have with any title of court. I ask that you burn me. Burn me so that the majority of my body may be scattered across the graves of those who died under my direction, and a small vial may be placed within the confines of my church. It
was an honor and an adventure to lead you. With that I give my final order as Captain: Should the next captain tell you, then disregard everything I’ve ever told you. Don’t ever let the past fuck with your future.

Artlow Dendrise
Captain flowers of the Gallants