Character – Rayla Winter
Kinetic 5, Divine 1 (gained from Malek’s entrophy draught)
SAN 3 {+1, -1 from evil book burned/-1 from trauma of Tour of Duty}
Looks: Ugly (a bit haunted from the sanity drops over time; steam burned in the face)
Size = 9
Essence: 12 -1 Good Luck, -1 fiend mansion adventure = 10
Health 9×4=36+12=48-2 (wound from Tour of Duty) = 46
Melee Familiarities: Shield/Sword, Equipment, Toughness 2, Good Luck, Code of Silence (outside the north, you do not speak of the north), Synergy Pool (1; 20),
Intolerance: Undead (In regards to undead, she is considered to have an severe (-8) compulsion of Quick Temper.); [Home]Familiarity: Kalascor (can never replace; +1 knowledge of this area), Familiarity: Sword, Phobia: The dark (SAN check or -1 CS checks for 1 hour before another check)
Entrophy from Malek’s trial toast: Gain 1 aptitude that was not possessed before [Divine 1 – to pursue against undead/Merkaine]; if SAN check [made] is made gain matching energy pool (with normal amount) if not already possessed. VGR check [failed] or all other energy pools are permanently drained by half.
Combat: Soak 1, Evade 2, Propel 1, Melee 2, Shoot 1,
Language: Gladnorian 3/Literacy 2, Language: Dundarum/High Umbakian (old language of Dundaria) 4]/Literacy 2, Lore: Undead 1, Lore: Dundaria 1 (“the greatness that was”),
Lore: Kalascor 2+1, Math 1, Art/Illustration 1, Persuade 2 (social), Streetwise 2, Stealth 1, Climb 1, Jump 1, Swim 1, Camouflage 1, Shade Sense 1, Ride 1, Medical: Basic 1, Mobility 1, Medical: Basic 1, Botany 1, Ride 1
Knowledge: Knows greetings/friendship words in Pinetribe/Wylding, Giantesh, Grollen, Ducateon, Orrish + Gwinnish cure words
familiarities: Spear, Sword, axe, crossbow, Shield, [humanoid] natural weapons (@+2 CS head-butt/punch/kick)
CON = 4
Tactics: Used to fighting defensively since she is not a bruiser tries to find an opening.
Personal [from north] Basic clothes (2 sets), good clothes (1 set), 2 sets boots, sandals, warm wool cape + furs (worth 500 silvers), overnight pack, bedroll, cook gear (utensils, whetstone, bowl, cup, 1 pot, 1 pan), flint & tinder, lamp, 3 flasks lamp oil, 3 torches, 20m of rope, 2 belts, light tarp, 1 grease tin (waterproofing), 2 small sacks, walking stick (light staff), wine skin w/watered wine, 1 week worth of preserved rations, 1 week worth of fresh rations
mule w/saddle bags – issued by Gallants
Bannermen’s Bundle: 2 sets work clothes, 1 tabbard, 2 belts, mess kit, hard bots, lamp, 2 oil flasks (sealed), fire-making tools, 2 torches, coil of 20m rope, 1 weeks hard rations, satchel with 2 days good food, watered wine skin, 1 crude map of
Dunstrand, rough bedroll, tent, flimsy pole w/pennon
Hephaetus’ Fist – Artifact from Mewrkain retreived by Jaq from realm of Malek
Rayla travels south, through the wyld tribes of the northlands. Gwinn is on the march, and she evades many a patrol as she heads south. Deeper and deeper they push into the mainland – and she travels from one village to another that’s been burned and enslaved. The merchant cities seem decadent to her – clean, lofty, and filled with spires and pennons of the Prinzes of the north. After honing her skills with the Gladnorian tongue, she departs south – spending nearly all the remaining money she has to buy passage across the River Beyne. Never has she seen such a rush of water since she left the glacier run-offs of her homeland… perhaps it is a sign. She moves south, through Cabella – a place of poverty and old. Whispers of freedom fighters, and rebellion are still heard… but the war with the Gwinnish takes all the resources and many soldiers of the hated Count of West River Run are camped along her coast and such instability would be forwned upon by the Duke of Dunstrand in time of war. With money running thin, Rayla attempts the perilous journey behind the lines of fighting between Dunstrand and Gwinn in the Gillman Pass.
Coming down from the pass is a baggage train of hundreds of wounded – Grollen and humans alike. She gets caught up and mistaken as a medic’s aid in the rush. Having no further funds and her plans wearing thin, she allows herself to be swept south – like a melting glacier river. She ends up in the area of Dogwood Flats – home to what appears to be a band of mercenaries-turned-banner men, The Gallants. She comforted the wounded and dying, looking for some sign, or something which will indicate which direction to go. She is noticed by one man, though she tries desperately to move constantly and stay out of sight. The man notices she is haggard, and speaks to both the Grollen (she knows a few words of comfort) and humans – this man introduces himself as Jak.
“Anyone who could move so comfortably between such diverse worlds is someone i am interested in.” You hold a conversation with him, weaving a tale fraught with white lies, to cover your specific origins. Every now and then, your imperfect Gladnorian causes you to swear under your breath. After one such episode, he looks at you and, in a horrible accent and pronunciation, says “You speak the old tongue?” How can it be? This far south, how can someone be speaking your homelands language – albeit poorly? A broken conversation commences, in which you discover that it is still spoken in the Kingdom of Umbak to the south, and Jak was originally from there. He thinks you must be Umbakian as well, and so to protect yourself and the north, you feed his expectations. He seems so overjoyed to find a kindred spirit (he apparently fled his homeland under dubious circumstances – it’s a bit unclear), that he seems to not notice the minor mistakes in culture you make. Jak makes you an offer – he is an officer in The Gallants. He wants you to join his team. You tell him you will consider… in the meantime, you run into a Grollen wounded who recognizes you. His speech is atrocious! You convince him to not reveal your origins. This Grollen came in with wounds you were sure he would die from, and yet a week later he is mending – you recommend the man Jak to him. He agrees, and you introduce him to Jak, as a possible recruit for the “team” he is putting together. After a day, you decide that the place for you is with these Gallants. Too much has brought Rayla here, and with powerful Grollen, and a band of smart, tough warriors, perhaps your fortune will be assured. Incredibly, as Jak brings you to his bivouac area, his company even includes a half-elf. So alien and strange, full of energy, and boasts of spending time in the Darklands!
After gaining a point of Divine aptitude, Rayla has dreams about a woman dancing in the blaze of a fire. It can only be the goddes sacred to his people – with a pact between them and her… Merkaine, goddess of fire.
Rayla like the rest of her kith were forced to fight against their common enemy. She came away with wounds and scars from a vicious and aggressive tour against the Lich Lords. She lost 1 SAN and took a nasty wound after failing a VGR check and lost -2pts of Health permanently.
[AS written by Rayla] I was born on a wicked winter day during an eclipse with the howling winds screaming their joy at my birth. My mother was old and dying and many wondered who would do the cover dance with a women who was all but a hag. But my mother was a powerful witch and it was whispered she could charm even the gods. So my mother called a lover to her. Soon my mother passed away and the only gift she bestowed upon me was my initiation and oath as a daughter to winter. I however, was not lucky, without parents or kin to call my own I was an outcast. My snow pale skin and silver grey eyes did nothing to endear me to my tribe. Also my nails were thick as talons and my teeth almost sharp little fangs which caused the children to beat and taunt me as a beast. For all the wounds they inflicted I laughed and reveled in their discomfort and loathing. Every ill they marked me would come back to them in the fullness in time. It is unsurprising that my prayers were answered on a dark evening during the heart winter when the village was buried by an avalanche after a freak storm. I danced to the symphony of scavengers dinning on the villagers flesh and remember the creature’s howls of pleasure as they tore at the fibrous entrails. My village prevented me from attending the previous gatherings but I am free from their stifling bondage. While some have called me witch and worse if you look upon me you will see that I am a daughter of winter and I go to claim my birthright.Character Point Record:
8/2013: 4 CP/-1 Group: Rayla spent 1cp for her race. 1 cp for medical basic and 1 cp on Ride.
10/13 and 10/27/2013 and 11/8/2013 3 shared @3
11/24/2013 +5, -1 shared pool, +1 shared pool; -2 Streetwise 2 @3
3/2/2014 – DEAD
Action Point Record: [MAXimum = current Essence total]
8/2013: @ 4ap
11/24/2013 +4
3/2/2014 – DEAD + 3 AP (body burned- shes warm until 3 AP used by player for the rest of the group = Merkaine’s Kindness)