Weakening the Druids of Pranin Moorswood (Adventure) /DONE


The druids of the Moorswood have been a thorn in the side of the invading forces of Gwinn since the beginning. While they have not coordinated with the forces of the barony, they have remained alert and stalwart in their defense of the region. None of the empires bred creatures have been allowed to slip from the sea onto the land in Sabin Bay, to support the invading troops. Now, the clergy of Elancil has summoned truly frightening beings from the recesses of the deep. Awakened by their call, three Chul have answered. They can move through fresh water and salt, and have been sent to corrupt the pond, and take the druids and/or their attendants hostage. The druidic powers have dealt with the first, but its appearance has depleted their powers. They have discovered more are to be sent, and require aid to survive the onslaught.

Intro: Missive from the Druids

Dawn brings another cold, brisk day. It is overcast, but soon clears up as you prepare for the day. Breakfast is served, and today you just feel like being alone. You gather yourselves into your group and share a private meal together, talking about matters important only to your group. Suddenly, a mouse runs amidst you. Just as you are about to swat it with a mug, it stands up and says in a high squeaky voice, “Hello! Hello! Hello! No hurt! I run to you! For hidden tallones, in the wetwoods! No hurt! I have squeaks. You come, you help. Tall ones – smell of loam – have safe place, needs eyes. Yes, needs eyes and ears. Wetwoods will not be safe, if you do not come. There it is! Squeak! I go!” The mouse scampers away as you sit around, most of you trying not to laugh. For all of its grave import, that was fairly comical. You resolve to finish breakfast, and talk about what it means. Over the course of the next hour, 2 more similar messages come through. Whoever it was, sent backups. The wetwoods can only refer to the Pranin Moorswood – and those mice have made one hell of a journey to find you.

Travel to the Moorswood

3 days to get there without guide, 1.5 days with one.

1-3 on d10: Gwinnish scouting party
1-2 on d10: Baron’s scout (single fighter 2)
1-5 on d10: Foraging party for local steading; 2+d4 hunter, herbalist – looking for tubers, game because supplies are low and Gwinn has taken most stores. If surprised, will knee-jerk react with hand ax, short bow and spear charge. Stealth +4

Arriving/Meeting the Druids

Thank you for answering our missive. Assault,

The Briarwood is defended by ____.

What the druids Know

  • They expended a lot of energy defeating it, not believing there would be more.
  • Their standard creatures in service to them (Mud Mephit) were almost completely killed in their waterways.

  • The creature came from the sea, Sabin Bay, but seemed at home in fresh water as well.
  • A storm that came from seaside raged that night.
    [i] Religion DC 8 = Describes a storm sent by Elancil.
  • The creature was ancient – from a time where hideous creatures from the deep rules a myriad of worlds across the cosmos.
    [i] Nature DC 20; w/Arcana DC 15 > Chul

Defending the Pranin Moorswood

Mossbane Pond: The pond is a shallow (deepest part is 6’), 5 acre pond about 3 miles inland from the shores of Sabin Bay. It is usually covered in a gentle mist that leads travelers away – it is a sacred site to the druids of the Pranin Moorswood. Its water is always safe to drink on the surface, it is clear and crisp, and a place of refuge.

Defending the Pond

Preparations for the Attack on Mossbane Pond: The druids ask the party to set up a watch near the west side of the pond – where one of the outlet streams lead to the sea. They will set up watches using their remaining servants and beasts they can summon. Signal fires are lit around the pond.

  • Blessing of Fleetness of Foot: +10 Movement in the pond or its muddy shores; 1 for each character (Persuade DC 12)
  • Charm of Airy Water/Water Breathing: Water Breathing in pond; 1 only (Persuade DC 15)
  • Rare herbs and natural items to assist in any PC items or powers (Persuade DC 10).
  • Attack of the Chul: On the 2nd night, the first attack will be the Chul on the party gathered upon the shore of Mossbane Pond. = Weather Effect: Enveloped in Fog (for all medium sized or smaller creatures). Resist in water/darkvision in water 60′. 1-3 sunrise, 4-6 sunset/7-12 at night (2am) Elancil’s Presence in the Crestwold Campaign

    Druids can provide 1 round warning if it comes by water (1-5 on d6)

    If it attacks by water, 2 rounds later a swarm will follow from land side if the creature is still alive.

    Elancil’s Anger

    Assuming the PCs are not killed.
    The skies grow even darker after the sea-beast is defeated. Cold rain pours down, driving out all natural light and the fog. Thunder rumbles overhead and after a few moments of seeking cover, a massive bolt of lightning rips the sky apart. Terror is reflected on everyone’s flash-lit faces, and the target is bathed in white light – a massive stone on a small island at the center of the pond. As quickly as it came, the storm queen’s anger is gone. The winds blow the clouds aside, and moonlight can be seen again.

    The dolmen on the island has had a symbol of Elancil etched into it by lightning recently. The soil is still electrified, a buzzing can be heard. The druids say that their defenses were defeated temporarily, and it was revealed in the last attack. This is the subject of her wrath now, and she will strike directly for it. Without it, they cannot summon and control their mephit allies around the pound and forest.

    • She cannot send bad weather for 1 long rest if she does this. She cannot summon swarm.

    Assault on Coldeye Island

    The PCs must set up on the island, and defend it at all costs. They will send what creatures they can to aid the group throughout the night – the daylight hours are theirs, and she will not strike then. After 1 day, DC 12 Sanity check, or Twitchy (Disadvantage on first action and initiative check). The druids are not used to dealing with others and do not think tactically beyond the animals and fellow druids.

    Each night except the first 2 and until encounter #5 has happened, there is a 1-3 on d6 chance the assault of the Chul happens. Check each 3 hours.
    Twitchy: Sanity DC 12 > Or next Initiative and Action made with Disadvantage. A Perception check of a 1 means the PCs instantly react to imminent danger – wasting prep spells and abilities.

    1. Swarm (day or night; day is insect [Perception DC 10 to see > 4 rounds notice]/night is rats (swimming)
    2. Druid appears out of the water – just checking in with the party. First or second night: Fair weather means she may have exhausted herself.
    3. A giant owl alights nearby and watches the party for several minutes.
    4. Large snake swims ashore and slithers around the campsite.
    5. An obvious churning in the water reveals a strange pair of eyes that float above the waterline not far from the shore, bobbing around the edge of the light, and the water becomes muddy as it churns briefly and it vanishes. [Mud Mephit] DC 12 each day for druids to make a natural potion of water breathing. The mephit will deliver.
    6. Sea Queen’s Bridesmaid (Sea Hag); this creature will pose as a druid, checking in (as #1). It will “test” the defenses of the magics on the dolmen. Either an Insight DC 20, or Religion DC 15 check will reveal that something is not right. If it succeeds, the domlen is deconsecrated and it will try and slip away.
    7. +5

    Chul Attack

    If the party had a and beat encounter #5 on Coldeye, the clergy of Elancil will summon some weather in an overt warning to the attack. If that encounter did not happen, the Chul’s approach will be masked in an attempt to use stealth.
    Elancil’s Presence in the Crestwold Campaign

    If the original Chul was killed without incident and easily, she will summon an insect swarm to occupy the druids while her next attack is made. They will negate it in 2 rounds. In addition, if the PCs are particularly strong, a Morkoth.

    > The Mud Mephits get a Perception DC 12 chance to detect the Chul moving up, if it is using its stealthy protection from Elancil. If it fails, the Chul will get a round of Surprise, and Advantage on its next Initiative check. If the party seems weak, have the random encounters also serve as allies in dealing with the Chul. The Chul has a Shield of Faith (+2 AC = 16) from Elancil and at 20 Initiative, it regenerates 8hp within 10′ water.

    Chul Victory: All PCs are immobilized/poisoned, the dolman is toppled (deconsecrated). It will not stay to kill any poisoned or weakened foes.
    Chul Defeat: Death or it retreats and returns to the sea (if under 10 hp it will attempt to flee).


    Dolmen remains consecrated

    • Task defined by PCs (convert dragon hide armor [unenchanted], etc.)
    • Chul Armor: 1 suit per: chitin/light with Breastplate stats (AC 14, 1 resilience + Advantage on poison saves/absorbs poison))
    • Any character with Nature skill gains Speech of Beast and Tree while within Dunstrand.
    • Goodberry will appear each day at their campsite for a full week, starting whenever they collectively invoke the holy word of Gaia.
    • Each character can invoke a faerie fire 1/Short Rest for a full week, starting whenever they collectively invoke the holy word of Darupet.

    Dolmen is deconsecrated

    The druids will no longer be able to assist the PCs or their allies in any way for a year – all their power must go to restoring the consecration of their holy site. The GM is free to expand on any ramifications of this for current or long term help the PCs may be getting or have been promised.