The Illuminated Awakening (Celestine Plan / ⲉⲡⲉⲓⲛⲟⲓⲁ)

Steel Realms

Anubis is known to, along with Thoth, be the great advocate of a ‘cosmic plan’ (known to them as the Illuminated Awakening). This plan (ⲉⲡⲉⲓⲛⲟⲓⲁ) is referenced countless time in texts, so its name is known by scholars, but the contents and meaning of this is unclear and never specified by any writings. It is believed “the plan” was dropped by the Celestines once the Blood of Saemon arrived on Helca – it certainly appears that way for almost no references are found after this.

ALL of the following is Obscure Knowledge / Near-Impossible Difficulty.

The Duat-te: A secret Celestine group that still guides The Plan. All written records of Illuminated Awakening are written in Dunlupian – the language was invented and purposely difficult in order to communicate its elements and exchange information and confound attempts to intercept. It became the language of the Folk of Bronze.

The Next Step: The Tribes of Bronze

There was a group of Helcan Celestines that, under the guidance of Thoth, Anubis, and Ptah, were isolated within Amar-Gha. Their memories were driven deep, their language confounded, and like a blank slate the great Illuminated Awakening experiment was raised to another level. Uplifted to a Celestial nature though they were, their origins were Faeybrin. But the “cleansing” worked, and they were allowed to flourish in the Heart. About the time that The Blood of Saemon crossed into Helca, they had achieved a new level of awareness and understanding – the next step for the Helcan Celestians. But the “War on the Wind” came (Valley of Sighs) and changed everything. Strong with nature, the elements, magic, and having developed their own culture and language they had hidden from the rest of their progenitors and all the others on Helca that may corrupt them. They wove a warm world navel, and it gave birth to the Folk of Bronze. They taught them to build with strange architecture, in odd places, and wove their buildings throughout natural surroundings. Slightly bigger than humans, with reddish-gold eyes, and bronze colored skin and hair of pink, green and blue faint highlights. A new breed of human, the next branch of the great plan to seek a path of uplifting for all.

The Saelish Push

The descendants of the Folk of Bronze are a single tribe – The Saelonai in The Saelish. Their cultural experience promotes independent thought and the Celestials have supported this. This is seen by The Duat-te as a natural progression of The plan, and has kept the Celestine active in their culture, encouraging them to both seek out their past to learn from it and make their own distinct history.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic