Change Log for v3

Version 3 Announcement
Planned release date: 1/1/2009

– no setting, no special content – just new core mechanics and supplemental material update from 2.x. The materials are in Active Server Page format – no URLs should change and the search results on Google will remain the same. The style’s and layout have changed slightly.
Tara – I will be making the PDF version of the rules, adding art and such.
New artwork is being added! New slpash page artwork! Outside artists involved. A photo session of friends and developers was done to add new artwork to the site. The original artist for some of the art work has been lost track of (if you are out there, contact us!). We have updated some of the attribute images and corrected on copyright infringement (SAN image) by removing it for now. Some of the images are placeholders – we are always open to new suggestions!
The site looks best with Mozilla based browsers… Opera also looks good. IE it does not look so good in. How big of an issue will this be? Its a fact that many users still use IE. We recoo=mmend you upgrade to a browser that supports modern standards. The web site is moving away from writing any code to support exceptions to standards.
Aptitude updates: Psychic is still the exception more than a rule. It needs more work to be brought into line with the rest of the mechanics. It does not have consistent feel or rules. The images for each aptitude are crude and we would like to replace them – please send us your suggestions.
Traits: About the same. Traits do not have any artwork… send us suggestions!
Skills are becming “abilities”!
Incarna 2.8 has been scraped; a full update to a 3.0 rule set is under way! This document is a developer document – some terms and phrases may not have a reference for users, especially core-only rule knowledge. In addition to dealing directly with the version 2.x feedback items, there are specific issues that were adressed for the 3.0 release. And don’t forget, Incarna is registered on RPG.NET at – add your feedback there as well.
Introduced the Leadership trait based on play test and conversatins with Kelly Royal; part of character services.
Complete design definition of specialization; attunement, technique, accomplishment
Complete design and reference information for combat syles and tactics; run as skills
Add 2 sample styles (dirty fighting, non-encumbered), 2 sample tactics (personal, team), and 2 sample techniques (blind fight, multi weapon) to combat guide
Unified fame, infamy, reputation, and pedigree through a common notoriety effect.
Added non-core simple social standing mechanics.
Added non-core concept of ‘fortune’.
Characer Points – added reference to ‘deferred’ cost.
Creation of single unified ‘ease’ scale for activities
Capability/skill requirements – labeled as capability; updated to a more simple approach using common ease values; added ‘absolute’ aptitude requirement
Exertion – removed and simplified as a strict root mechanic and placed into ease gradient
ENC – uses exertion loss instead of exhaustion degrees; ties to ease mechanics
Unencumbered – uses common labels and linked from ENC; added ‘encumbered’ label
Balance Offset (advanced ENC rules) – unified with ease mechanic; moved to kinecism as kinetic ability rather than universal
Non-proficiency – simplified; uses common ease values/effects of familiarity only now
Difficulty – moved to central ‘ease’ mechanic
Familiarity concept as degrees – moved to central ‘ease’ mechanic
sanity/disorientation – uses common ease labels (should have full review)
Marked strikes – uses expert and masterful labels
Exhaustion – removed as a sep. mechanic completely, rolled into ‘ease’; can now be used as a label for a power
Disease (physical) – uses common ‘ease’ values
Focus – Part of ‘ease’ mechanic now w/some old exertion values
surprise – uses common ‘ease’ values and full impact scale
attack results – critical is 5x damage and no more AP; reflects RS is a full adjustment
Incapacitation – no longer a scale, just a measure thats cumulative and uses the ‘ease’ affects
medical aid = rehab 1 level incapacitation; this ties the mechanic together
medical treatment = rehab 2 levels incapacitation; this ties the mechanic together
wound types (severity) – removed as sep. mechanic; rolled into strikes
Damage prevention rules – added ‘damage sink’ mechanic as opposed to strait RS adjustment (under ‘ease’ now); failures not fumbles
weapon facet ‘power’ and ‘quality’ switched to bring ‘power’ term into alignment with other uses of it refering to +1 CS
sinking chi power replaced with ‘drive’ term and unified with masterful strike ‘drive’ for a +1 RS (failures are not success)
new chi power ‘sink’ mimics ‘damage sink’ (DS) property of damage prevention rules
Indirect combat actions: steady aim, drawing a weapon, drop prone – all titled with exertion labels
confusion (some) – AM and RS references converted to ‘ease’ labels/mechanics
stun (some) – switched to use ‘focus’ effect of ‘ease’ mechanic
tumble – moved to combat guide; removed from core or GMS, synced with exertion and prone rules now.
Iron Will – tied to aggravated and incapacitation mechanics (stave off); reviewed and updated all text
Countering and opposition mechanics collapsed; difficulty moved out of countering to ‘ease’
Fend skill – brought inline with familiarity rules and updated to reflect melee connection
movement in combat (GMS) – updated using measures (close = meters) and ease mechanic labels
Marked strike – refined definition to align with other changes
‘hasty and prolonged’ changed to ‘timed’ actions; text updated and new ease mechanic text reflects change as opposed to just ‘prolonged’
Bring KB in line with ease mechanics and references
Expert and Masterful Strikes – E = Agg/1 incap)/Force(count size as muscle+inter), M = Uncon, AP, 2 incap, BA (ballistic stike; all damage double for KB determination)
Force – Reduce from major indirect action to minor and unify force, charge and weapon mechanics
Result scale – fumble and perfect aligned completely with ease and countering mechanics
Old ‘avenues of focus’ (quasi-specialization) = Areas of Interest: Area within a skill representing closely related knowledge. Each grants a single familiarity within it.
Create learning cycles; trivial/minor/major/trade – each with base day and complexity check for learning
Assign all skills a learning cycle (initial pass – this may change)
provide views of all core skills by learning cycle base – linked from learning
Bring learning back into core rules
Non-Proficiency – NEW rules are minor gradient of ease loss (all). If the character possesses a skill in the same skill group (like ‘Athletics’), then only the focus and difficulty penalties apply, and if they have an area of interest in the same skill, only the difficulty penalties apply.
computer skills – fine perception to interact; leverages the label/mechanic
What is ‘familiarity’? Review the familiarity trait (rewrite to use learning and proficiency/ease) and home familiarity of best practice.
bring damage from in line – ‘ballistic’ = ‘high velocity’, ‘force’ = ‘ballistic’ (link) [effects] Denoted with ‘*’ absolute aptitude requirements for skills; linked ‘Apt’ and ‘Attrib’ labels in skills output
mana sense should be absolute magic 1; first to use this clear labeling
security id + ‘evade’ – change name from ‘disarm’ to evade to more closely unify naming conventions + familiarity = bypass and disarm
lores – add historical and current as familiarity areas
streetwise – familiarities are information, bureaucracy, travel/way-finding
stealth – same familiarity labels as camouflage
fit – lack of familiarity does not prevent fit
change dodge so that +1 rs is only for unencumbered; remove unenc from base evade skill
code of conduct – tie to ease, lack of focus
present half suit armor option (same PV, half PR+ENC, 2/3 price); have half suit armor halve the AP penalty.
fine actions – actions requiring fine perception and fine control) – expert and masterful degrees of fine
turn ‘marked strikes’ into ‘combat strikes’ = fine actions
fine perception – reference fine actions not marked strikes
Weapon Properties display – linked to strike effects [mostly] Munitions display – linked to strike effects [completely] Change AV and AR headings in armor to PV and PR; link to core scitech
‘closure’ = tightness of armor; expert = AP must > avg, masterful = AP > major = Incarnations #9 first
All natural weapons are automatically familiar (not proficient)
natural weapons – familiarity under fend and melee; add ‘melee’ to fend paths
med aid – familiarities are damage froms?
persuade – familiarity = fast talking and influence/counsel
meditation = transcendental vs introspective/reflective
learning – reduced by a number of days equal to rsn / add to Incarnations #9 about using MOD stat instead
bring combat results in line with general result scale/effects
add ‘deep familiarity’ as mechanic (+1 CS for 10 CP = old area of focus)
add ‘deep familiarity’ as an iText reference
‘place familiarity’ = deep familiarity (update familiarity trait text)
specialization = starts with deep familiarity (reference under deep famlr to GMS player guide)
update studious trait to reflect learning, deep familiarity + align with familiarity/ease
weapon properties display – min crd and mus to use the ‘capability requirements’
add bash as a new maneuver; uses > 15 ENC (GMS)
Environment – move towards unified familiarity and with survival skill
Clarify familiarity lack if base skill is possessed
Trait requirements differ from skill – unify trait and skill requirements under capability
embed/link indicators for ‘absolute’ min values for skills and traits in skill/trait list + desc
learning – how many # hours per day; learn time is 24 hour blocks; 1/3 max in a real day used in learning
re-link ballistic in damage from summary w/new combat strike
Add relevant skills to combat guide
Change chi ‘focus’ power to ‘rooted’ to not confuse with ease mechanic
re-link ‘kinetic’ in the double click context help
kinetic faculty – bring into line with learning rules in that there is no cycle per se
link the word study as itext to learning
kinetic faculty shows up twice in gms
Remove ‘exertions’ reference from recovering mana – may be confusing with exertion mechanic
add speed as a weapon facet = + to init (this for those with same avg all stats can have an edge against others) x2 value
Remove ‘heft’ limit for for specific person
poise switch with balance for item labels
sleight of hand – familiarities are external/deft + palming, juggle
Introduce concept of ‘avoidance’ – using the entire round to avoid getting hit (GMS action)
Add personal tactics skill to combat guide; substitute avoidance for tumble from the original rules
Add advanced personal tactics to combat guide; warrior archetype only
add ‘crossing’ actions to combat guide
add ‘intruding’ actions to combat guide
change current ‘cross’ (hands) in combat guide to ‘intercrossed’ maneuver
Team tactics – timing; hit at same time for KB
Add reference (half penalty) for expert + masterful to weapon specialization in combat guide
Specialization – use of weapon facets for weapons come into play naturally
Create equipment reference guide for core
Expert and masterful reflected in challenge ratings; added 1 degree “peerless” @600+ CP
Fix skill and action headings for better search results
Fix trait list display in GMS mode – columns collapsing, losing data
base weapon difficulty – some should have gain and loss based on ease
update ‘level of use’ with skill attribute modifier reference
Rewrite the ‘proficiency’ capability requirement so it flows better
Rewrite the studious trait to bring it in line with new learning rules
change fine actions to ‘refined’
add precise below expert type refined activity
specialization – no abilities granted by specialization can be practiced without proficiency
change trade time to extensive time in learning
re-craft attunement text and submit for review + update
rebuild specialization into accomplishment, attunement, and technique
Add 20 pt chi cornerstone example of restrained energy
Submit ‘bond’ guidelines for review [incarnations] Draft master-apprentice bonds [incarnations] Draft mystic transfer and mystic exhortation text [incarnations] Connect chi restrained energy to pre-planned actions in combat guide
Draft article on ‘The Tradition of Mystic Transfer’ [incarnations] Add Quigong in GMS and begin to flesh out the powers
Draft ‘ceremonial mysticism’ article for incarnations
Add munition caliber guidelines
Add archetype rules for psychics and better attunement
Note Expert -4 to accomplish or +4 if providing aid / Masterful -8/+8 – same labels
Draft ‘Lack of Focus and Interruption’ article [incarnations] Concentration idea options [incarnations] Add ‘intense’ activity under refined actions
Add designer notes, unify references, and context help for “X affects Y” text
interruption (general) and sorcery interruption – unify
Draft article on interruption for other fromulae types [incarnations] Reword encumbrance so as to not tie it 100% to physical items
Equipment comprehension – should be switch to familiarity and use ‘ease’ references; reduce in scitech
simplify ‘fit’
Draft article on armor fit and how the calculations were made
Add ‘intense action’ as a iText entry
Change fit scale to ‘tailoring’ and align with refined action labels
what does ‘easy fit’ for armor mean? no reference… add to fit section and link from armor display
Add expert and masterful (GMS) to fit scale
Clean up ‘power sources’ text
Rewrite ‘armor use’ skill to fit with tailoring and fit values
Add the ‘Take-Down Strike’ to combat strikes (leg shot)
Add hard take down strike in combat guide
Add feint to combat guide
Create general accomplishment guidelines for specialization (applies to all skills); players guide
Define all the parameters for the ‘natural’ traits and post in design effects
Alter the ‘further info’ link processing for traits to put in uniform reference for all ‘natural’ traits to design notes
Draft [incarnations] article: exertion – trivial cycles are INIT modifiers for immediate and/or extended?
Add ‘primary skill’ (link to archetype guidelines) in iText list
Add ‘Accomplishment’ (link to specialization/player guide) in iText list
Align all existing natural traits with new guidelines
add ‘trivial learning path’ as iText reference
add ‘skill groups’ as iText reference
Add learning path to occult reserve
Sorcery should be a 4 on learning scale
Add using reference materials to general learning guidelines
learning fromulae – bring into line with learning path rules + link
change synergy gain to use grace factor, not aptitude for CP
Add meditation to learning rituals
learning rituals – bring into line with learning rules
overconfident trait – all ref to non-prof, skill groups and other compulsions
specialization option – drive; convert +8 CS into +1 RS for masterful
Bring fabrication inline with refined activity
Link weapon facets back to fabrication
Settled learning rules for use of single approach (academic/reading & practical) impact + using quality ref matl.
Remove knowing [magic] fromulaes – no other knowledge is subjected to this; place in incarnations as draft for future article
Add occult modes (school of thought) for learning methodologies
Add mode areas of familiarity to sorcery method
Add mode areas to occult lore reference and familiarities
With added stress of learning, compile all teaching references into [incarnations] article for post 3.0
Add occult mode to magic starting guidelines
Create kinetic Best Practices references
Enable GM, player, GMS, character services, combat guide skill group and list filters for skill list and descriptions
Enable GM, player, GMS, character services, combat guide skill group and list filters for trait list and descriptions
Add back in the engineering skills (placeholders only; complete text later)
Correct the skill grouping lables in trade skill note for best practice
Update best practice intro text
Add modes (3) into Steel Realm magic
Add some advanced ideas into learning and teaching articles for [incarnations] Rewrite ‘uneducated’ trait
Rewrite of Tactics: Personal and Tactics: Team skills
Add ‘facing’, ‘crossing actions’, ‘unrestrained activity’ and ‘intruding actions’ to iText
Refine the skill and trait DB/code elements
Combat Guide: finish ‘crossing action’.
Combat Guide: finish ‘intruding action’
Added concept + mechanic of ‘unrestrained’ actions – actions which span rounds using AM in both.
Added 3 traits – martial magus, martial pssychic, martial follower + entered into Combat Guide trait list
Enhanced martial traits for psy, mage, fol in the archetype paths to use prof level, not ALU
Added chi cornerstone path of power after first presenting to PlayTest1 group
Add background Apprenticed Magus Arrangement 3 = 9CP; assumes Sponsored Upbringing
Added grouping to milieu upbriniging assignments
Reformatted milieu background list/description + added to SRLM character guide
Added several ‘weak’ backgrounds for the archetype guides
Added incapacitation reference in Iron Will
Added ‘dirty fighting’ to combat guide
Added ‘unencumbered fighting’ to combat guide
Added occultist and arcanist supplements
= 209 changes

Conversion to “Free” Changes
Announcement on home page + core features page 5/1/2010
Change of the 3 status for products
Enable the catalog link in the menu
Update the product catalog page stylings
Remove all the play scenarios from active catalog display
Complete catalog display