Gaming Contract v1 [Social Function] \Archive


Incarna Gaming Contract

The gaming contract is useful to Game Masters and players alike in that it clearly spells out
responsibilities for both parties, and dilenates some basic conduct that facilitates the resolution of the game.

Equipment and Supplies

During adventures, all actions, events, precautions, and items will be critical.
You must keep careful track of every resource closely. In cases where you do not, the GM’s determination will hold. In terms of equipment, unless otherwise stated,
if its not written down in the player or GM records, it is not possessed byt he character. Its only fair that if you track what you earn, you must also track what you spent.
Equipment must be gained during game play, or may be purchased at standard prices if the item in question is of mundane nature.

Player Actions

  • Dice: Only clearly marked dice can be used

    This reduces confusions, makes rolls eaier for all to remember during debated results, and facilitates faster resolution. This means No crystal dice, or speckled dice. Dice used must have clearly legible numbers. If you do not have any, some will be provided for you to use temporarily, but you must purchase a set for yourself afterwards.

  • Take Turns: do not roll unless prompted for by a Party Leader or the Game Master

    This will avoid confusion in order of action, and make sure the Game Master and Party are all aware of each party members and opponents actions. If you do not adhere to this, the GM can force you to roll again.

Character Actions

  • Determination of Intent

    The GM’s determination of a characters/players intent will stand unless it was specifically spelled out by a player, even if the determination may seem irrational. Its not the GM’s job to second guess the players.

  • Track Supplies

    As your character uses equipment, be fair and mark off what is used. Just as you do not have a endless free supply of items, neither does your character. Also note spell material requirements. If the GM catches an abuse of this, he is free to impose whatever penalty desired, including spell failure or equipment breakage.
    This includes all healing supplies, ammunition for weapons, etc.

Character Creation

  • Rolling Stats

    All character attributes must be rolled in front of a witness. This witness must be part of the existing gaming group. No character attributes should be rolled outside the gaming sessions.

  • Character Review

    All character must go through a strict review process. Point mongering is highly discouraged and where obvious, the GM will disallow. Obvious attempts at taking minor disadvantages to get a few more points is frowned upon.
    All negative traits are generally forwned upon, they hurt the part overall, creating vulnerabilities which are unfair to the other characters.

    Background: Creation of detailed character backgrounds is highly encouraged. A well done and approved character background can gain extra starting Character Points.