Creature Size/Stature

Creature Size/Stature can indicate several things, including relative strength, stride, and damage by mass. Standard humanoid Size Factor runs between magnitude 2 and 6.

Vast Strikes are typically the provenance of creatures of massive Size/Stature, effects enhanced through Mystic Power Scaling or Rituals of massive magnitude of power.

Magnitude Label Size Range Space Used
1 Tiny
2 Small
3 Medium
4 Large
5 Huge
6 Gargantuan
7 Colossal 40 by 40 ft.
8 Titanic 120 by 120 ft.
9 Immense 480 by 480 ft.
10 Enormous 2400 by 2400 ft.
11 Stupendous 14,400 by 14,400 ft.
12 Tremendous 284 square miles (bigger than a city)
13 Humongous 13,953 square miles (size of small US state)
14 Ginormous A mid-sized nation
15 Brobdingnagian Larger than the earth
16 Vast The size of a star
17 Astronomical The size of a solar system
18 Immeasurable The size of a plane of existence.

i20™ Size Factor Details

Size Factor = Magnitude.

iCore iCore™ Size Factor Details