Act of Transgression

An Act of Transgression means that an action, contemplation, or end result has gone directly against a character’s core. Breaking a Code of Conduct, vow, sworn word, oath or pact always involves, at the very least, the transgressor suffering some measure of Despondency. Typically both direct and indirect results count as a transgression – depending on whether such beliefs are adhered to in both letter and spirit as part of the [tenets of the code]. This can result in ostracization, prohibitions, removal of mundane or mystical power(s) and/or actions taken to harm or kill the transgressor. Often times the the dictates of the tenets that bind have also spelled out a path of Atonement. If the transgressor has been given the knowledge of the Act of Penance, they may stave off the worst impacts of Transgression until Atonement.

Acts of Atonement, Censure, and Transgression are part of the structured common Bindings of Fidelity.

Transgression against others Beliefs’: This can result in some sort of proclamation against the transgressing entity by civil, religious, or organization authorities which has repercussions in the game world. This can result in ostracization, prohibitions, removal of mundane power(s) and/or actions taken to harm or kill the transgressor.

D20 Transgression Details

Despondency: The character will suffer from self-doubt, melancholy, and will be disconsolate. They suffer Disadvantage on Sanity checks, and a -1 penalty to all Actions.

Incarna iCore Transgression Details