Water of the Living (Holy Water/Water of Life)

The Water of the Living is a specialized empowered divine item that is inimical to undead. As most divine principles put forward a life path, which leads to the promise(s) of an afterlife, they are in touch and affirm and promote the normal cycle of life. From this affirmation, most institutions, organizations and powerful enough clergy/followers can create The Water of Life – also known simply as Holy/Unholy Water. This is a very specific form of holy item, meant to be wielded by anyone who can pick up its container and wield it. It is imbued with an effect to prevent it from ever spoiling or going bad in any way, forever until the container seal is broken. It is often packaged in a fragile glass container, so it can be thrown and will break upon the first hard surface it strikes – usually an undead target.

The water and container both will have a strong dweomer and an Aura that project the Divine Principal that imbued it with its power. This will determine the effects upon consumption.

Requirements: Pure water, a pristine container – both cleansed and blessed. The crafter/maker imparts a reflection of their Aura of Conviction.

Typical Value: This item’s base cost should be about 1 Cost Portion.
This item is the sort that may be given to well regarded followers as a gift, as reward, or even part of their regular progression through the ranks of followers. Each faith and institution will have their own policies, though many will offer this for sale as a means of promoting the reputation of their faith and fulfilling their core mission of affirm life and the cycle to the promised afterlife.


It has a horrible effect upon those separated from the cycle of life and death, for whom the afterlife has no meaning and therefore the it is an affront to the typical Divine Principal and their faith and sects. Like acid on most of the living when it strikes, it burns and causes great pain. If it is imbibed, its effects last 2 rounds. If it is targeted upon the surface, its effects are felt instantly, and not beyond.

Harmonious Consumption: The imbiber or target receives the positive effects.

Unharmonious Consumption: The imbiber or target receives the negative effects.

Greater Imbued Effects

The Unbroken River: When a person imbibes this with Harmonious Consumption, their material form cannot be made undead by any means for the next 10 days (or equivalent), whether they are alive or dead. A faint Aura halo reflecting the Divine Principal origins will surround the material form of the dead.
Typical Value: This item should cost about 1/2 a Cost Portion in addition to the base cost.

i20™ Water of the Living Details

  • Harmonious Consumption: All healing spells from the Divine Principal origins heal +1 per die.
  • Unharmonious Consumption: d8 radiant damage

iCore iCore™ Water of the Living Details

  • Harmonious Consumption:
  • Unharmonious Consumption: