Riebar James (character; DEAD)

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Aka… Delmond

Kinetic 4
MUS 3 (-1 temp =2)
SAN 3 (-1 temp = 2)

Light Sleeper, Good Luck

Stealth 7, Camouflage 7, Climb 7, Jump 4, Urban Survival 8,
Evade 6, Melee 2, Fend 1, Projectile 4
Language: Gladnorian 4, Language: Mercat 2, Literacy: Gladnorian 2, Language: Dukat 1, Language: Orrish 2
Lore: Dunstrand 2, Lore: North Merchant Cities 3, Lore: Gladnor: 2
Survival: Underground/Deeping 2

Riebar the thief has survived for years in the caverns. He is mad now, but continues to lurk and skulk and survive.
The denizens are aware of his presence, but because he does not try to hurt them, and they cannot seem to
find him easily, the concensus is that he should be left to his own design – he killed three hunters that tried to capture him.
He came down with his friends, having been in the caverns before and fought their way out.
He and his companions – The Strayhearts (out of Eliek-Sa; but journeyed far and wide, hence the name) were following the lead of
the magus Birman Orc-Bane, searching for buried treasure in the forgotten Riverdans and came under the effect of The Suffering Tread.
Half the band was lost in the initial battle with the giant half troll, half beast that dwells int he cavern – the Bolg Morda; and the rest vowed revenge. Birman was able to use his items to escape being exiled forever into The Deeping.
They returned to kill the Bolg Morda, armed with Neerciss – the Spear of Rage. This artifact from their travels is an old Orrish weapon that they found in a burial cavern deep under the Tolkisson range, before Riebar came to the group. He and Bordlen retrieved it from an old pond it had been sunk in. Encased in an iron prison, the spear was transported to Gnedford City environs. The group was being pursued by local rangers, and they were trying to avoid being located and upsetting the locals. They were brought under the Suffering Tread, the effect landed them nearly right on top of a settlement, they were overcome and all but him slain. The spear lies in a pond of water – a pond sacred to some foul dark god worshiped by the under-dwellers. Riebar has witnessed the Bolg Morda slay a few dozen adventurers over the last few years. He has spotted the three items of the dead magus Birman, given by the Bolg Morda to the under dwellers in some token of appreciation.

1) Yellow kerchief (about 20 foot) – This is some sort of device that Birman used as a loop to enclose those who we could transport. A headmans wife uses it as a symbol of her authority.

2) Necklace of tinkling glass – This is a necklace of dark and clear glass that sounds like broken glass tinkling. Birman used some power in the necklace to ‘convey’ them out of the caverns (Birman’s word). This is hanging in a settlement, used to call the locals to worship their dark god. It cannot be handled directly.

3) Gloves (a dark red glove actually) that had rubies sewn into it. This can hold the necklace directly and safely handle the crystals – otherwise they cut the person touching them. It also glows red when certain fungi are touched to it – these are poisonous (the power allowed the magus to know if food or drink the glove touched or container it touched, was poisonous). One of the settlement leaders uses it to see in the dark and impress his thralls and followers – the fungus is obviously not poisonous to the folk who live here and plentiful enough where he uses it for effect to impress and scare his people.