Mhyi t’k (Numinous Bird great spirit)

Steel Realms

Mhyi t’k – /The Beast Bringer; The Numinous entity of the Wylde Horde of natural world cycles, predator and prey, fertility, ecosystem and balance, cycles, and associated beast and animals as well as the symbols associated with them.

The modern age is heavily defined by the clash of faiths in the Affray of Darkness and Light” in which the entity plays a tertiary part (mostly guided by Darupet).

Role: The Finders of the Way (Predator & Prey); Secondary foe of those who wish only to conquer and destroy and/or corrupt nature

Numinous Bird Spirit – “Winged One”, “All-Feather”, “The Ever Watchful Eye”, “Bird Father”, “Bird Mother”; Invoked mostly as/for: Flight, Long Sight

This Great Numinous Spirit has affirmed participation in The Godspeak Accord of the realms. Even though this is true, it has been known to manifest to fight against those who would kill sacred beasts and threaten the the species under their protection without thought or bias to Light, Dark, Grey, or Green foundations.

During the Time of a Million Deaths, Darupet the Beast Lord summoned to him his most powerful beast spirits to fight the Lords of Darkness. From the navel of the world (called “Mother’s Nest” by followers) came the Winged One – Mhyi t’k. He conjured forth the spirits of many birds, manifesting as great spirits themselves and sent them into battle.

The Flight of Innocent Springs was a great battle in the south end of the Valley of Sighs. Fellip, the bluebird spirit, brought back news of a Shadow Lord – conjured by Sunstealer – lord Bahal. The god and dark one had conjured forth an army of shadow, and encircled an army of men and elves. The all-flock, a multi-million collection of flying beasts, imbued with power from the Winged One’s spirit creatures, flew to their aid, picking them up from the ground which was swiftly turning to shadow under their very feet. Golryth, the “Night Stalker” – the great owl spirit was sent to hunt down Bahal. Flying by night, when the dark lord least expected an attack, we descended into the army of shadow. Seeking his prey, he circled in the lightless sky and attacked when Bahal lead his war-gathering in secret. He struck silently, grabbing the dark lord in his talons, shredding him. There was a great fight in the night sky, and as the dark lord was ripped and pecked into pieces, each shadow became its own creature – attacking the lord of owls. But each of his feathers lost became another smaller owl, continuing to rip and shred the dark lord, and ever on until both were diminished and nothing was left at dawn the next day. It was Golryth though who collected most of himself, and flew to the rising light with the heart of the shadow lord in his beak – withering it for all time. A few feathers were lost to darkness, these feathers to this day, when found, are sacred objects.

It is half of the the sacred spirit guides that took the ancestor spirits of the Bronzemen on their journey to the afterlife. Umbravoep the bat and Golryth (the “Night Stalker”) – a manifestation of Mhyi t’k.

Sect: Night’s Messengers
These are rangers, druids, and dedicated followers who travel the darklands seeking information. Their owl companions send information back to the lands of light – helping them fight and keep track of shifts and changes in the Fallen East. They are also called “Night’s Guard” and “Defenders of the Night”. They are a small sect, and limited in power, relying mostly on their animal companions, stealth, and intimate (and some say secret or even forbidden) knowledge of the darklands and shadow creatures. they also seek the owl god’s feathers in order to restore him to his full power.

Aspect(s) Known For/Sacred Associations

Symbolized Role(s) and Value(s):

Expectations & Obligations: To respect and observe the Basic Drive to Flourish of all the animal spirits. Respect for elders, tradition, and adherence to bonds that attempt secure this for continuing generations.

Emblem: Each animal spirit’s emblem is derivative of the Life Loop symbol common for the Wyld Faith.

Sacred Observances: There are few great spirits that have any strict observance of specific sacred acts – it is not critical to acknowledge them to stay in good standing.

Sacred Events: There are few great spirits that have any strict observance of sacred days (though spring/birth is universal) or specific sacred acts – it is not critical to acknowledge them to stay in good standing.

Sacred Dates:

Sacred Times:

Sacred Creatures:

Sacred Colors/Shapes:

Sacred Items:

  • Armor:
  • Weapons:
Pilgrimages and Sacred Places/Places:

Followers of the Faith

Favored Followers: There are few favored peoples, races, places, etc. which gain better abilities or starting powers. Any corresponding tribe of Merovin would be deeply connected to the primordial power of The Wyld. For those friendly with the associated natural animal population, they may be favored or appreciated regardless of their tie to the faith itself. Those protecting of the related animals can receive Intervention through the Godspeak accord.

For for information on Roleplaying a character of faith, see the Divine Follower guidelines.

Avatar Manifestation

Favored Avatar:

Common Wyld Rites: This Great Spirit and their followers have access to all the common Wyld Rites practiced by followers of the wyld faith(s).


[Type (Form)]
[Restore/Gain Attunement] Enemies (those seeking the conditions guarded against by the compact), ; Form:

Wylding Powers

Dev: Kelly Berger; 2003 -->