Office of the Protectors

Steel Realms
Office of the Protectors headquarters of the magi in direct service to the Duke’s efforts in the Western parts of Dunstrand. It is located in the city of Mev Na-Innis (Mev) – marking the far west reach of House Malor, though staffed, minimally. It is really there to remind locals that the arm of the order stretches over ALL of Dunstrand. It stands in vigilance against the threats from Gwinn, the old magics of Dwindor Swamp, and the strange beings known to exist in Scar Flow.

Heit Rookery: This rookery is THE major hub of information in the west of Dunstrand. It is one of the three breeding rookery’s for the Malorian Doves, and their trained and attuned creatures are distributed from here all over the west of the duchy.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic