Irrigi (Numinous Rat great spirit)

Steel Realms

Irrigi – /The Beast Bringer; The Numinous entity of the Wylde Horde of natural world cycles, predator and prey, fertility, ecosystem and balance, cycles, and associated beast and animals as well as the symbols associated with them.

The modern age is heavily defined by the clash of faiths in the Affray of Darkness and Light” in which the entity plays a tertiary part (mostly guided by Darupet).

Role: The Finders of the Way (Predator & Prey); Secondary foe of those who wish only to conquer and destroy and/or corrupt nature

Numinous Rat Spirit – “The Scrounger”, “The Pestilent One”; Invoked mostly as/for: Finder, Hoarder, and Hider of things, Pestilence and Scrounging

This Great Numinous Spirit has NOT affirmed participation in The Godspeak Accord of the realms. It has been known to manifest to fight against those who would kill sacred beasts and threaten the the species under their protection without thought or bias to Light, Dark, Grey, or Green foundations. This narrow focus to which few enlist it for keep the ire of other powers n the realms from interceding. Where their allegiance to the greater Wyld Faith enjoins them, they adhere to Gaias’ and Darupets’ own perspectives on issues. The followers of Irrigi are often paranoid and distrustful. They have few alliances, thought the group known as the “Red Hoarders” are said to work closely with the sect of Malek known as Lekam in the Southern Merchant Cities – they rule (self-styled “Lords” and “Ladies”) the under-urban world, are the dwellers of the sewers and alleys. It is said they attract a safe harbor for the shape-shifting wererats. Many of the most powerful followers of this principle have embraced its most powerful primal aspect and are of the ranks of the classic Lycanthropes.

Aspect(s) Known For/Sacred Associations

Symbolized Role(s) and Value(s):

Expectations & Obligations: To respect and observe the Basic Drive to Flourish of all the animal spirits. Respect for elders, tradition, and adherence to bonds that attempt secure this for continuing generations.

Emblem: Each animal spirit’s emblem is derivative of the Life Loop symbol common for the Wyld Faith.
Sacred Observances: There are few great spirits that have any strict observance of specific sacred acts – it is not critical to acknowledge them to stay in good standing.
Sacred Events: There are few great spirits that have any strict observance of sacred days (though spring/birth is universal) or specific sacred acts – it is not critical to acknowledge them to stay in good standing.

Sacred Dates:

Sacred Times:

Sacred Creatures:

Sacred Colors/Shapes:

Sacred Items:

  • Armor:
  • Weapons:
Pilgrimages and Sacred Places/Places:

Followers of the Faith

Favored Followers: There are few favored peoples, races, places, etc. which gain better abilities or starting powers. Any corresponding tribe of Merovin would be deeply connected to the primordial power of The Wyld. For those friendly with the associated natural animal population, they may be favored or appreciated regardless of their tie to the faith itself. Those protecting of the related animals can receive Intervention through the Godspeak accord.

For for information on Roleplaying a character of faith, see the Divine Follower guidelines.

Avatar Manifestation

Favored Avatar:

Common Wyld Rites: This Great Spirit and their followers have access to all the common Wyld Rites practiced by followers of the wyld faith(s).


[Type (Form)]
[Restore/Gain Attunement] Enemies (those seeking the conditions guarded against by the compact), ; Form:

Wylding Powers

Secret Burrow

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic