Within an Encounter, as it progresses, one side or the other may suffer a traumatic set of circumstances that would trigger them to abandon their positions, give up hope, surrender, and/or flee for some reason. The chance of this happening is dependent upon the Morale of the group. This is calculated by setting a base Morale value that considers the quality of gear, supplies, and competence along with the leaders or influential figures that comprise it adjusting it. Typically the death or capture of these fires is an extraordinary circumstance, triggering a check itself. Other than extraordinary circumstance, morale should be checked when the threshold of half the group is lost in an encounter.
If Morale breaks for an individual or group, the will flee. If they have a Rally Point laid out ahead of time, they will make for it. If not, and it’s everyone for themselves, they may likely drop everything they can to shed weight and flee at top speed. If a rally Point is set, and the group is at least Average Competence, they will attempt to disengage first and perform an organized retreat, covering each other.
The Base Morale value for Average Competence represents a 50% chance; It is typically a DC 10 Sanity check.