iBase Retainers (henchmen & hirelings)

iBase Modern Approach to Basic RP > Combat | DM / Character | Equip

Retainer mechanics are very misunderstood. Essentially they are cannon fodder. However it may be dressed up, they are there to help PCs not die. Given the extremely low HP of Basic/Expert characters, they are almost essential for survival.

Intelligence: The modifier also designates the # Loyal Retainers that do not run as a result of Morale Failure as long as the Party Reputation is positive.

  1. Allow the character with the best Charisma in the party to be the “Recruiter” for retainers. That means they are the one negotiating and making the offers and Reactions are based on their Charisma. The limits on # retainers and their morale once they are hired and assigned to an individual PC stand on that PC’s Charisma.
  2. Retainer Negotiations are affected by Reputation. When a 2d6 Reaction check is made to see if the Retainer accepts, adjust the check by the Party Reputation modifier.
  3. Large numbers of retainers get in each other’s way. The problem with huge parties in dungeons is getting each other’s ways. That tactical problem is not well represented. Assume retainers can move through spaces where their allies are, but cannot share the space to occupy. A character who has more retainers than their Intelligence bonus suffers a -1 Initiative penalty.
  4. Fleeing retainers who failed morale will seek an unimpeded exit and/or their previous home settlement. A fleeing retainer drops all held items and they are considered broken.
    Retainers that Surrender with their PC will share their fate. PCs with a positive Party Reputation can prevent a # Retainers from fleeing equal to their Intelligence modifier.