[ Feature Impact ] > Positive (Cost = 0 CP as a Trait granted by Archetype)
– Normally only a single measure per activity can be held by a character.
Using Second Wind, the character taps into their physical insight, determination and the many inspiring moments of their own experience and tales to pull from a well of stamina that recover a certain amount of Health, such as when they attempt to Skipping Sleep. This can only be done once per Rest. Normally only a single measure of Second Wind can be held by a character. Second Wind’s outcome is improved if using Rested Healing:
Rested Healing: Applying healing immediately after a Rest and before any other activity is taken normally assures a major result (full amount).
As a Bonus Action, Second Wind restores 1d10/5 + the warriors level in Health.
Second Wind Boost: Cost = 1 CP, the outcome of using it without Rested Healing improves by 1 for each Second Wind Boost, to a maximum of the normal Second Wind maximum.