Travels of Athena to County Faer/Lizard Folk/Torrelson’s Ford

Steel Realms

Dunstrand Rising Living World CAMPAIGN> Dunstrand Rising is a Living World campaign set in Grand Duchy of Dunstrand in the Steel Realms of the [Fantasy] Steel Realms Setting (planet of Helca).
CHRONICLE: Feather’s Rise > (Second Era of Feather)…

{– This was run on Discord and will be archived here; Each character had their own thread. –}

Travels of Athena to County Faer/Lizard Folk/Torrelson’s Ford

I dont even remember what it was I wanted to do with my in game time at this point

At some point you will begin getting some strange dreams. The face of a serpent is hazy and seems like it’s trying to intrude in your deep dreams. You begin to mentally catalog when it’s happening because it’s not every night. You seek to find out if there’s some element that the night that they do happen has in common

The druids of Pranin Moorswood send an animal messenger to return to the normal Briarwood. They have a mission to assist in escorting a package from Nettlemist, in County Faer hundreds of miles away.

wheres the package going to? how big is this package? is this a solo mission?

Yea, they need someone they can trust… and not to tell Feather. Come up with a story, but they assure you its not working against the Gallants interests… they prefer only a follower of the lord of serpents go. they package will fit in a saddlebag

they want you to return it here: The Briarwood of Moorthorne

ill gladly go on this mission
would just saying that i feel the need to go to the briarwood to pray be a good enough story?

{ check } Her insight does not see through your deception. You notice that she seems really distracted and take advantage of that. “a great annual ritual” you tell her. She nods and returns to her notes, barely looking up. “Take what supplies you need”, she says. Not wanting to give too much of a hint, you take a week of rations and 100 silver crowns. You do note that supplies are low. You grab a mule to ride and head west. After an hour, you go north and follow the river East. You take the roads and make as best time as you can. Though a lot of washouts slow you down. It’s one of the worst times of the year in crestwold. There’s so much mud. You say goodbye to the baronial lands as you cut through the North edge of the Saelish. After about 8 days, you come to the boundary markers of county Faer. You are exhausted and cold, and decide to spend a little bit of money on the first end that you stop at. You. Get your first night s full rest and a warm meal. The next day you go downstairs and talk to some strangers to get a sense of your bearings. You enjoy the company of people who don’t know you and who aren’t going to report back that they saw you. You get a late start but set off to the hills in the distance days away. That will lead up to nettlemist.

Do you wish to simply proceed, or do you want to adopt some sort of disguise ? The town you were seeking is elevated along up a pass that goes through the mountains to the Grand barony of fandelok . You are probably a day or two in this weather away.

I assume I have some cold weather gear and something for the rain correct?

Yes. Nothing that would probably fare you well going up over the past but you don’t have to go that far. You were definitely prepared for the rain as that’s been going for days on end. It is January and the coldest days are starting to give way to more and more rain

How much was room and board for the night?


Hmm I think I’d like to pick up something that would help me blend into the surroundings a bit

Are you looking to just buy something off of another traveler?

Preferably a shop hut if there isn’t a shop that has anything like that I’ll see what traveling sales has to offer

Better to get it from a traveler used. Brand new weather gear will make you stick out more. It’s easy to simply pose as a fellow traveler who doesn’t have much funds. It costs you about three more silver but you get some more in but serviceable local cold weather gear, including a rain overcoat.

Ohh okay then yea ill do a traveler

You wait until the Sun starts to go down. It’s not night time, but there’s enough shadows to disguise who you are to a casual observer. There’s plenty of trade moving through this area and you managed to acquire what you need. For the next day you will be traveling in safe lands so it’s okay to make a fire. There are always spots along the road that are slightly elevated for travelers to pitch a tent and not be caught up in mud. You camp safely that night, there’s a couple more fires around you of other travelers and ones and twos or small groups. The sun rises without incident and you begin to make final Trek to nettlemist

As I’m traveling I’ll make sure to keep an eye out for hostiles

{ check } You. Begin the slow rise up the road to nettlemist. It’s been a while since you’ve had to traverse a constant incline as crestwold is fairly flat. The road winds through the hills following contours it’s not straight. That said, you catch a glimpse of somebody who you think might be following you. And then again. They are neither gaining nor losing pace, but keeping their exact distance.

Hmmm okay, ill just make sure to keep an eye on them for now as I’m moving along

{ checks } Already suspicious. You are using the changing road to look over your shoulder when you notice that the figure has disappeared

Aww shit. I’ll be on casual gaurd as I continue

{ check } well hell. “Hold up there stranger” says a voice, as two men step out of hiding and attempt to seize you. You easily spotted them before they could surprise you – perhaps they are new to the bandit trade. What do you do?

You are picking the wrong mark fellas I know how this looks but I promise it’s not something you want to do. Let me pass and you get to find another mark and won’t be in massive discomfort. If either one takes a step towards me ill spend 1 synergy and cast green flame blade as I draw my short sword

{ init, morale, etc. checks } They fail their morale check and how. The green flame flashes through the air flickering along your blade and their eyes widen. They don’t even back up. Slowly they turn your their backs to you and run upwards into scrub and Rockland. You look over your shoulder and see the one who was following you staring with his jaw hung low as he slowly backs up. Turns tail and runs away as well

I start whistling a small tune to myself and continue on my way. as i pass where the people jumped into the bushes i say that was a good choice. pick better marks

{ history checks } Well, its a wide road leading up to a plateau. You overhear people talking about Nettlemist, so you assume this is it. Unfortunately, the plateau IS the barony of Nettlemist, but the fortress town of Nettlemist is another hike on a switchback up. Its raining, the rocky plain looks dangerous at night, and so you just follow a string of people, headed for a city about a mile ahead. Its not walled, and when you get there after the sun has dropped, its sprawling. You have no idea where you are going. You can either find a hidey hole till morning when its light (even darkvision would not help much, its too short) or start asking people directions to accomodations.

I’ll drop some silver, like a total of 5, to get accommodations

You spend a couple silver and people are surprised at your generosity. This place is cold and hard. The people look hard and on edge. Looking at you, they send you to a place called “The Wet Cat” – its a bit of a bawdy place. Its an inn, with rest facilities, food and wine. The crowd is decent size for this time of year… about 20. Theres a dancing girl, and innkeep and a couple servants. You grab a small room – accommodations are plain and a single bed. Food and drink and a night of warm rest. ITs loud all night until midnight but you wake up to fresh porridge and bread. Stingleaf is where you are at, about 6000+ population. The city of Nettlemist is the fortress up on the road higher up. Its imposing. Dour and very defensible. Its raining when you start out. Theres almost no one on the road. The gates are closed, though the postern gate is open for human sized traffic. You re stopped. They take a close look at you, looking for telltale signs of Orrish blood. They inspect your documents and send for a sergeant. Anything you want to ask, or juststay silent and do what they tell you?

I’d like to make a perception check while I’m doing what I’m told, I’d like to be more general curiosity and compare it to what I know of other fortresses that I may have come across in my travels

{ checks } Its definitely well maintained. Its far more stark that most fortresses. you have never been this close before… but this place has no care for aesthetics – looks be damned, its all about functionality. It takes about 15 minutes, but you are escorted inside and told to wait in the gateway. you are between two portcullises with murder holes above you. Oil, boulders, fire, arrows, spears… it would suck to be where you are at in an assault. The walls above it have been scoured of ledges and overlooks – there is no way to assault from above it – it is built into the hill side practically. A waterproof package is brought to you, tightly wrapped. Its about 18 x 10 inches. There is no seals or symbols, no writing on it at all. He makes a sign with his hands, and you give the response the druids taught you. “The sign is passed, good journey to you.” He nods and the door is opened and you exit the death zone. Just then, it starts to rain again. The slow walk down to the plateau is dangerous – its slippery. Do you want to stop in the same place, or just keep going?

I think it would behoove me to get as much distance from the would be bandits

How many days travel is it from where I am to where I’m going?

You are returning to the briarwood. All total with the rain. It’ll probably be about 10 days. The guard sees you there assessing things. Not yelling out but using a slightly louder tone of voice so he can be heard through the rain. He says to not even think about camping in the ruins at the bottom of the road where it spills out onto the plateau. The ruins are too dangerous. You may want to just push it and get past the city as fast as you can and off the plateau. No one will bother you between here and where the road meets the plateau down below.

I’ll do that then
Soren to the plateau I go!

It’s a strange feeling you have. As you walk down the road. You go slow to avoid anything that may cause you to fall. You have no idea what is in the package, but it is not heavy. It cannot be metal. It does have some weight, so it may be wood and therefore breakable. The skies are overcast in a fog rolls down the road behind. You never quite overlapping you though. It does. However, when you get to the plateau. Your visibility quickly. Diminishes. However, the road is clearly marked. The rain begins to come down even stronger. The worn down road begins to collect water and a cold wind blows from above you. Make a perception check, modified by hearing if you have any sharp senses

{ checks } You hear the roar of a large amount of water in the distance. To your right is what appears to be a broken pile of rocks. Right here at the very bottom of the road seems to be very vulnerable to washouts. You can try and clamber up the rubble or you can just try and hold on from the wave of water you know is coming

I’d like to clamber up the rubble with acrobatics?

{ checks } Every time you try and pull yourself up the slick rocks you just cannot find purchase. You feel it before it hits you as a 4-ft wave of water sweeps through the area. You take seven bludgeoning damage as you tumble and roll across the open plateau. The sharp rocks leave many bruises on you. Make a dexterity check to hold on to the package.

{ checks } Well, you protect the package and your gear and manage to not lose anything in the process. You lay gasping as the rain continues to hit your face as the water disperses and leaves you about 100 ft from where you started. You are soaking wet. Keep pushing to get off the plateau or stop in town to warm up?

I better stop in town to warm up and dry off

Another five silver for a warm bath and good food in a night of lodging with a room to yourself. They tell you you were wise to stop – that cold water from the mountains can set a chill in the bones. You never let the package out of your site . You’re drinking some watered wine and eating the last of your bread and butter. Make a perception check

{ check } Thank goodness for all those bonuses. You hear a fluttering sound outside your closed shutters. It’s very faint, almost imperceptible. It stops quickly.

I move the package away from the window and then I’d like to stealth my way to the window and peak out

{ stealth checks } You and your damn bonuses. The shutters are closed so peeking out is impossible. It’s cold and rainy outside but you are at the window

Shutters open in or out?

It’s a recessed window. They open in so they cannot be merely pried off the outside. There is also a bar for security. Right now it’s just the inside latch that’s been flipped so they don’t fly open for any reason.
There is no glass in the window

I’ll put the security latch in place and back away

Well, there’s no really hiding the sound of that big chunk of 2×4 going into place. You hear the soft fluttering of wings fly away when you do

{ check } You can’t tell what type of wings it is

Dang. Alrighty I guess I’ll try and get a bit of sleep

Nothing happens. You get a good night’s sleep once you finally cave in to your need for rest. A couple of eggs and coffee and you’re on your way the next day. It’s going to be a long trip back.

id like to push to make good time back

Ok. If you want to push your movement, you will be making survival checks with Constitution as the modifier. Let me look up the travel rates for that area

That’s funny you say that. It’s better for me to do it with con mod 🤣
Would you like a few rolls?

we will do blocks of 5 days then i will check for encounters. check #1, go ahead – I just did a solid calculation of road travel time and you are about 360 miles worth from home

Travel in the Steel Realms

Do I have a mount or am I on foot?

from previous: “You grab a mule to ride and head west”


you dont have your character sheet in front of you, and if you did it would not be there. No big, i had to search for it myself! I couldnt remember.

would a ride check be handle animal?
let me ask a different question, am i on primary roads?

yes and half the time

sooo like 21 miles a day without pushing? > yep > soo if i wanted like 26 a day would that be imposing exhaustion? > yep > dang

County Faer is a pretty safe place, its border with Bar-Innis a little sketchy. Eastern Crestwold pretty slow going but fairly safe.

I’ll take the regular speeds. It’ll be a bit longer but I won’t hurt the horse or myself this way

{ many checks } Someone may be following you at a very long distance

How far is a very long distance? > 100m

I’ll keep a look out for them. As I travel on

{ checks } You lose track of them the second week.

Dang. Okay
I’m almost back at this point. We’ll if my math is correct that is. At 21 miles a day it’s just over 17 days travel

{ checks } It gets particularly cold and the wind and the rain border on making you sick but you shake it off. Make another perception check

You are jumped by three figures as you drift off to sleep. They use the cover of the rain and shadows to surround you with drawn weapons. You are startled awake and they tell you to give them your weapons and money

Ummm I hate to remind you of this but
I have the “watchful eye of Sissllenn”

Then roll the snakes perception with advantage

Is it the same as mine? None of that is written online…

Coke a snake has plus three to perception. And yours gets advantage

{ checks, many! } Of course. Well, so much for surprise. Just as they begin to surround you, you are bitten and it wakes you up. I guess roll a regular initiative

Activate my dragon mark and pull my sword and cast green flame blade as I do.
Then rush the first person and attack

Ok, their morale does not break and combat will begin.

{ LOTS of combat rolls } Oh yeah, that green flame leaping to another one of them? Their morale fails. Do you want to just let them go or try and actually kill one?
Constitution means it’s six points!

Ohhh! I guess I didnt see it like that.
Can I try and capture one

You can. It may cause them to stop and try and rescue whoever you’re trying to capture.

I’ll just got for a trip. Would you like acrobatics or athletes?

Thats an attack

Well shit. Okay I’ll let them go

They run off into the night. A quiet settles over the area and then the normal sounds start to pick up again. You spend the rest of the night without incident and begin traveling again the next day. One more Constitution check to avoid getting a cold

DC 10
Regardless, you will make it back to the moorswood, and give the exchange of the packet and Tell The druids of the briarwood what befell you. Just mundane perils. They are satisfied and say that the wise Lord of serpent has had his will done. You may return to the keep and your life for now until he calls upon you again. The briarwood has changed. As they sometimes do, many things have shifted around and the whole briarwood has moved several yards slightly. Such is the way of nature. Even the path that led to it had shifted and moved like a serpent. You marvel in it all for a few minutes before setting off for the keep. The road to torlson’s Ford has some sort of roadblock on it. Fortunately, you were traveling in the other direction back to the keep, but it’s right at the ferry crossing where the road to the briarwood spills out onto the main road. You note that there must be new troubles and make your way in the cold rain Eastward along the road

{ checks } = sick! It’s not surprising considering the s* weather you went through. One measure of fatigue that isn’t going to go away anytime soon. Fortunately one measure is only ability checks.

Gross. I’d like to just relax for a day or to

Well you can have the talk with your character and Jesse, during that resting time

The real question that will arise is, if Jesse does give your character a message to send through The druids to get to krespar…. Are you going to try and read it yourself or just let it be sent the way it is expected? As long as you’re just resting in the keep after a long rest, one week, you’ll be fine. Assuming there’s nothing you want to do in the meantime, besides let the lizard man know you’ll need him in a week, we will pick up on that journey next

That’s the plan

It’s never normal traveling with a lizard folk. They are big, tall, and their tail sweeps back and forth as they move to help balance them. When they are out of the water. They require five ft on either side so walking side by side isn’t going to be very practical unless you’re slightly in front on one side or the other. It’s nothing but odd. Looks and gasps and mudders under people’s breath as you leave the courtyard. He merely watched you while you ate, but you ate a hearty breakfast. Warm soup, bread and cheese fresh from the oven. Several days of glorious fresh food and you set out. He doesn’t take much in the way of rations, perhaps a day or two for him at the most. You see him occasionally. Stop dig up roots and drink water from puddles. Water is obviously the key to his survival while he is on land, but he seems to be able to drink from any puddle. Once you are away from everyone else, you could see him visibly relax. His tongue constantly flicks out, smelling the air like you know lizards do. In fact, he travels through the mud and through any water that power laws, roads or trails or past that you might take… He is more at home in these places. It’s not hard getting to the spur of the road that leads to the briarwood. He actually carries you through areas that would normally be extremely difficult. Once into the moorswood itself, he relaxes even more. It’s an uneventful trip back to the briarwood

Yay! That’s a good trek so far

You are paying close attention, for the lizard folk have long been allies of The druids of the moorswood. And sacred to your God and to dragons alike.

Are you referring to our surroundings or to him?

Him. The serpentine trail that leads to the official briarwood of the moorswood is purposely kept open by The druids. It’s the easiest way to get to the edge of the heart of the woods. Even though it changes yearly and it is a twisty windy trail, there’s no root sticking up, there’s no fallen trees on it, it is the intended route for people to travel, so you don’t need to bother paying any attention to it.

Ahh okay

The strange thing is that he barely ever utters a word. Not when he’s happy, not when he said, not when he stubs his toe. When you try and have a conversation he says yes or no or nods’s head if you can see him rather than talking. He is not very verbose, like most of his kind

That’s normal for his kind though

Yep. Not the most fun of traveling. Companions which you knew. It’s the way in which he moves and travels. That’s kind of interesting to watch.

You arrive at the briarwood safely. There was no one on the path. You are greeted normally. The lizard man comes up to you. He puts his arms out Palm up. You grasp his palms in recognition of the action. He shakes his head and moves closer so that you are grasping each other’s wrists and forearms. And then he pushes in so that his arms rest upon your shoulders. Never breaking eye contact. He looks deep into your eyes and you stare back into the endless depths of a race that was there when man was born. He merely nods his head slowly, acknowledging that he has seen you and he knows you and he wishes to see you again and turns away so that at last he makes eye contact. This is the way he says. This is the way of my people. Farewell in your journey. Wherever it may take you. I will spend time with my people and then return to my adopted tribe. May your wings carry you far and safely.

“May your wings carry you far and safely, and I’ll see you soon”

He takes the package that Jesse gave to give to his people and leaves the rest of his worldly possessions with you, saying he will have no need of them. He says he is not sure when he will return, but that he will. He fumbles through thanking you and your group for returning the holy symbol that the troglodytes, as you call them, took from them in their war. His people will rejoice in its return. His tool harness could be used as an excellent climbing harness if you reinforce it with some metal connectors. Not for climbing ropes or anything like that but for scaling Cliff faces. +1. A bone hunting knife, wrapped with shed, snake skin and lizard skin that needs virtually. No upkeep. It won’t rust. D4. His stool harness is also covered in small tools and equipment. His folk just don’t wear clothes. It’s a survival kit but it’s not something that could be worn over clothes or anything. For a human. It’s a climbing harness. Without anything else said he walks off into the forest happily splashing through mud puddles and taking in the scents, enjoying it without a human companion for the first time in a long time

Alrighty. After I watch him dissappear Into the woods, ill continue to the druids, pay my respects to the forest and then ask them if they can get a message to krespar

The druids of Moorthorne have access to such things. The Briarwood of Moorthorne – They ask if there is to be a reply, r is it just a one way communication?

I would like to know if he is going to accept this undertaking, yea

It may take a week or so

That’s okay. I ask if it’s okay for me to stay with them and attune myself with the land a bit more

It takes a few days. The response is: “As soon as my family’s defenses have increased I will add it to my to-do list”

I thank yhe druids for doing the task again, and bid them farewell in the proper manor of them. And head back to the keep

Do you want to do any scouting on your way back, or just most direct route possible?

Jesse and Athena Convo – RE:Krespar

I can do a little scouting, but not much.

The winding path out of the moores wood comfortably reminds you of a serpent ‘s track. You lazily wind through the edge of the Moors wood and turn north as it cuts through several muddy marsh-like areas. Still upon land that The druids lay claim to but just about to pass over a rise which you know marks its boundary, snake slithers out into the trail in front of you and stops. You yourself stop as well. It can only be a sign. You get low to the ground like a serpent and make your way to the rise. Tromping through the mud you push aside some Marsh, grass and peer through. Make a perception check

You can just barely make out movement, someone hidden behind some brush. You would have been a perfect target walking over the slight rise. They are about 60′ away. They have cover. There is no way to sneak to melee range. They do not see you yet.

id like to hide and see if they come closer so i can get a better look at them to see if they are a danger

{ failed hide, combat } a shortbow arrow comes your way. 11 damage
another dam sneaky bastard like yourself!

well shit. that hurts, i think ill use a reaction to halve the damage cause fuck that guy
then ill return fire with my bow

{ checks } wiat a second… Short Bow +1 (attack – double if sneak attack, damage and initiative)
thats my bow so is it an extra plus 2 since i have sneak attack going?

for this, yes.. Regardless of anything else, your character is not bothered by the rain too much. The cold, yes, but rain and mud, no.
its another full

ohhh buddy soo thats uhh 24 damage.
then ill move and hide again

{ LOTS of checks } Basically you guys are both doing the same thing. Shoot, scoot, hide, ambush and keep moving. At this point does not see you but you managed to spot him
You can try and stealth to get behind him for a surprise attack or just keep shooting since you know where he’s at

{ LOTS more combat checks + steal } You see him scowl as you are rushing forward and he makes a careful pull from his quiver of a black arrow and draws it back. Go ahead and make your attack

What is salvageable? Is 68 silvers, a short bow, six normal arrows, three black arrows. He has two daggers. 120 silvers worth of jewelry. The black arrows are barbed. They do +2 damage. You believe that there is actually a bounty for this highwayman, a bounty of 50 silvers for his head. You also noticed that he doesn’t have a backpack or anything that would get him out here and allow him to survive. Do you want to try and track it back to find that loot as well? It’s going to be difficult with the rain and the mud and you’d be going off-road and so you might get hurt. Your choice

Hansel the Highwayman

Yea ill see if I cant find his stuff and I want to take him back and get the bounty

technically you only need the head. ok, make a perception check, disadvantage because of all the rain and mud
or survival

And okay ill just take his head

Head to Torrelson’s Ford? You can take a shortcut through the north Pranin Woods logging area… the druids are not going to be upset if one of their dedicated followers moves through the woods off trail.
It makes the most sense, so unless you want to risk going through the blockade, lets just say you do

The druids freakin part the woods for you!
it takes you 1 full day only to get to Torrelsons Ford, and you avoid ALL potential encounters

Fuck yes!

When you get there, there is something going on there. A celebration in town. You seek out the watch, who regardless of everyone else seems always to be happy to see one of the Gallants. They pay you the bounty and gripe and whine about their jobs (not really, but their guard is down with The Gallants) and ask about Ulrich. They tell you to go out and be careful… the town is having a big celebration. Lots of contests and the the baron is going to present the winner with a prize. They are holding on to it until then – they point to a sealed scroll tube. sitting on a bench in a locked cell. “Some proclamation or something… should be interesting.” You nod and chat for a bit then head out to see what all the hubub is about?

So the scroll tube is the prize?

yea, whatever is inside of it. The baron’s herald will be picking it up before the reveal ceremony… he said he didnt even know what was written on it.
They are assembling some sort of raised stage outside the watch barracks for the baron

Ohh okay I understand now!
Yea ill take a look around and see what’s up

i should have specified. You trekked a day till late nightfall – with the forest opening up for you you trekked in one day what would have taken 3.. Then went into the town after a full night’s sleep and getting a big brunch. After enjoying the celebration – dancing, drinking (free at some places!) and all sorts of gambling – about 3pm you went to the watch barracks
perception check

{ check } The day is moving forward and you’ve never really been in a large town celebration like this, so you are caught up in all of it. You have avoided this most of your life, prefering the solitude of the woods and small places – as do the druids.

ugh. you get your pocket picked for 5 silvers and dont notice till later.


Did I find that jerks campsite?

no, adjusted 9 was too low
unless you want to take another day

I mean what’s the harm?

but we’ve kind of flashes forward

Oh the harm would be great than. Fuck it ill just keep away. I’ll make a mental note to go back later and see if I cant find it. If not I’ll ask the druids if they found it and see if there was anything that didn’t want

ok, you are goinig to be happy you didnt
hang on, still making some rolls

After the last contest, the dancing contest that Huff was involved in (and he succeeded at 7 different ones), Huff is declared the winner of the day’s festivities. The mayor stammers through the announcement. He appears nervous. The people pick up Huff and carry him to the watch barracks, where the baron is supposed to make a proclamation and give the winner a gift. Athena is in the crowd and has a VERY concerned look on her face after a brief moment of contemplation. Then takes off running at full sprint ahead of the crowd.

{ checks } you run to the watch barracks

you win the race. You get there just in time to stop Coran Markle, the mayor’s assistant. And a known douchebag. And enemy of the party. Hes trying to fast talk the watch into opening the cell so he can switchout the scroll tube when you arrive. “No so fast douchebag!” You turn to the watch sergeant “You don’t know it, but this man is slicker than whale shit in an ice flow.” He’s trying to cheat. The watchmen, because you are asociated with Ulrich, grab him. They hold him in another cell and walk out the scroll to the waiting Baron. You just smile at Coran as he stares daggers at you. “You will regret this” he says.
The guards say they cant hold him “without evidence”.. and they all laugh. He runs out to try and stop the Baron, but its too late.

More > The crowd hoists Huff onto a stage outside the watch barracks where the Baron is waiting, along with his herald. The watchmen take the scroll tube that was locked in a cell out to the Baron. He opens the sealed tube with a apprehensive look on his face. He opens it, and looks ill. His hands are trembling as he tries to read it out. The herald takes hold of him. “Sit your lordship…” I will handle this. “Im sorry good people, it is late in the day and the Baron has been busy. He writes and reads all day, making decisions and assisting withthe peace process so that we may all live a life of stability and security. Ahem* “I do hereby award the winner of the first ever Torrelsons Ford Community Contest – the Grollen who goes by “Huff” – this prized possession, so that he may give back to the community: … uhhhh…. The Bladden Silver Mine!?” THE CROWD GOES WILD. Huff is swept off his feet. the herald pockets the document, yelling to see him later. Attendants take the Baron back to the keep along with Coran Markle and the mayor.

Wtf just happened? Who’s huff

Larry’s Grollen who has been in his own discord thread the whole time

Ohh. I don’t think I’ve ever met huff

not your character. thats why i never had you roll to see if you recognized him
but it all worked out

I figured with the tone of voice of the herald and how the baron reacted that you probably just thought that that was completely unintended and that someone might do something to switch out what was in the scroll

We move into the final phase… on Common Year of the realm, 2-19-9169 the chronicle picks it up: Killing Mendollin

Return: The moordaeth himself thanks you for representing them in the fight. As you leave to go home, you are asked to deliver a message to the baron. You may give it to his herald. We think it may be taken more seriously than delivered by animal messenger, if it’s coming from another human. It is a sealed scroll tube.

Moordaeth is the head druid isn’t he?

Yep. The Moordaeth is his title. The head of the briarwild and the druid hold always takes that same title. Whatever their name was before it is forgotten

Okay, just making sure. Do I have time to heal up while I’m with the druids? Or is this mission a time is of the essence type of thing

The druids heal everybody

Sweet. I also ask if they found that highway man’s camp?

They didn’t, but a wild boar did. Of course they work remotely through animals

Could they point me in the direction of the camp?
I haven’t even looked at what was all there but I have a funny feeling that the contents should be given to the guards as well and make sure to point it out to the guards that it’s from the same highway man that I got the bounty from
Holy shit. I want that stuff!!

I don’t understand. You have it all. If you read the hunting mendolin text as you were entering the moorswood it was given to you

Well shit. Okay
Guess I better go back and reread it

Yea man, you had it for the fight

Theres a summons back to Torrelson’s Ford if you want to follow that, otherwise, you hear rumors among the refugees that they are trying to organize a big hunt.

I have a scroll that needs to be taken to the baron
I’ll do that first

are you going to try and avoid being seen by the baron’s watchers as you leave the castle?

if avoid, make a stealth check with advantage

Naw man, I walk in deliver the the scroll tube, and take my leave as professionally as I can

Ok, you leave the castle and make straight for the road. No one stops you but you are obviously observed and your comings and goings are tracked and probably sent to the baroner somebody in his employee. It’s still pretty rainy. Everyone on the road is traveling alone or in tiny groups because of the sickness that is spreading and the strange portents making the moons eerie in the sky. It takes you 2 days to travel. At the ferry crossing and at the entrance to town your passing is recorded. Nobody tries to stop you in town.

There are no encounters in the high district either. The gates of the keep are shut. They ask you your business

The galants keep right?

No, that’s the castle you left. It’s the barons, where you are dropping off the letter

Do you wish to simply drop the scroll tube off with the guards, or do it personally? There is no requirement that you do the later.

Personally if possible

They ask your business.

I have a scroll that I was instructed to hand the baron myself

The Guards say: “well, we cant just let you do that. Instructed by whom?”
the guards dont appear to be too impressed. There all manner of strange things happening with the portents after the killing that are still going on. They obviously feel on edge. They are wearing facemasks and gloves.

More > Im going to assume you just talk plainly and say the Druids. You are wearing your holy symbol, and the druids are a a known force in the area. They make you wait in the rain for about 20 minutes before a sergeant of the house guards is brought. They tell you you have to disarm yourself. you’re allowed a dagger or knife, but thats it. He brought a cloak to wrap your weapons in – those are the terms. Do you accept?

More > m going to make the call here… you dont have any choice. And as a follower, you are bound to perform the service The Moordaeth asked. They wrap up your weapons and you are taken inside to a sitting room off the great hall in the keep. Its pleasant, and warm yea is brought. It takes 2 hours for his retinue to some in again. They search you one more time and are at arms length as the baron enters. Theres a couple people you do not know with him, and three guards. At least one of the civilians is armed with a sword as well. You cast your eyes down, but dont bow. Nature does not bow before man. He takes the minor slight without complaining. “Yes, you bring a delivery of some kind errand boy?” Neither of you openly insult each other… too much. But theres not a lot of good will between the druids and the baron… or the gallants and the baron. You say that the druids bid you to deliver this in person, so they would know the serious nature of the communication. You hold it out to him. What must be the herald steps forward, tensely. He waves his hand in an obvious gesture of magical ability. He turns and nods to the baron, who steps forward and takes it. “Am I to send an answer with you?” You shake your head slowly. “That was not requested, though if you have one I would take it and assure you of its personal delivery.” The baron looks over his shoulders… one of this retinue is shaking his head. He turns “There is none for now. If a reply is required, there is a glade near one of the logging towns that your masters and I have used to communicate and so i shall use it if no swift reply is asked for,” He tursn and his retinue and him depart. You are escorted back out and your weapons are returned. They are all there, no attempt has been made to sabotage or deface them. The sun is about 2 hours from setting when you leave. The postern door closes behind you and the two guards say nothing as you walk away from the baron’s keep.

Nice. I’ll take a room at an inn for the night and try to relax for a while.

Make an insight check

sorry, i wanted to speed this up. WELL. You are being watched and followed.

You are not sure, but you think it might be someone who followed you after you left the keep. You can make a stealth check with advantage to get away, or confront them.

{ checks } Well, you manage to slip away completely. Where do you want to go? Who or whatever it was was incompetent. In addition to telling me your destination (still Donk’s Inn?) you can make a Perception check as you move through the streets of the High District

{ checks } I know you have a big bonus. It appears that someone has released aerial trackers. You wouldn’t be thinking about it. Were it not for the fact that house Miller emptied The rookeries in trying to search for somebody all across dunstrand and it made news. You just happen to be looking skyward when you notice a pair doing a pattern over an area next to you. House Malor.

Uhh can I get to the roofs and make my way to where the birds are circling? Or are the gaps to wide

What you notice is that they are in a search pattern over the town, not circling over a specific spot

I assume you lay low for a day, move around, avoid public places kind of thing?

{ many checks } You realize that house Malor is probably looking for you and your companions. Diamond’s Curio shoppe is where they are located out of in Torrelson’s Ford. Do you wish to go there, or stay roaming? You have to assume that there is always spies watching the shop itself, their motto is “Security Through Information” ou are naturally suspicious and new to the world beyond the moorswood and the urban areas around Torrelsons Ford.

{ checks } you stealth your way to the south edge of town, stopping at the Dogsbody tavern to see iif any other Gallant is there.

{ checks } Those searching for you do not see you. Theres no one you know at the tavern, if you are trying to avoid someone, going to the south of the town, edge of the moorswood is where you would likely feel most at home

Done and gone for sure

{ checks } beat that PErception check
Well, dont bother… jeez. You make it to the south edge of the fields. Through the sawmill area into the edge of logging territory of the Pranin Moorswood. Eevn thought its being logged, its still managed by the druids and brings the cool comfort of the shadow of the Lord of Serpents.

You can however make a stealth check as there is a party making its way through the logging areas. Unless you want to simply raise your hands and be seen?

It looks like a survey party. Scribe is taking notes, surveyors working, a pair of guys pointing and talking.

Do you want to try and overhear what they are saying? If so, stealth check to get closer.

{ checks } The conversation is about increasing the logging since it’s up for renegotiation this year. Apparently one of the men represents some people the baron owes money to.

What logging? Wouldn’t that encroach on the druids territory?

North Pranin Edgewwod

how much of the mooreswood is currently being logged and what are the reprocussions from it being logged?
are the druids actually okay with the logging or are they just being pushed into this?
soo many questions
so many decsions based on asnwers, so many potential jobs/quests to be done here
athena might have to start making hard life desions and decide if she wants to be part of the “world” or go back to the druids

Only you can answer that question. I updated the praning northwood page with answers to your questions. most were already there, i clarified and broke it up so it presents better

whats the rumor on what the new contract is going to look like? I think I’d like to find that out

Only thing you know is that it sounds like they’re pushing for more than what they’ve been allotted in the past. The specifics of the legal contract and binding one you would have to go to The druids or try and break in to the offices of the traders. There’s no guarantee The druids would involve you in that because you are not a druid. You are merely a follower. You can make an insight check to see if they are talking about pushing the envelope or really know they are in the wrong and pushing anyway.

yea, the only thing you overhear is them saying they want to harvest more than last year.

Well fuck…

Do you want to head back to the castle? You can also try and move through the logging area and deeper into the moorswood. If you want to report what you saw to The druids. Or you can go east until you can swing South on a safe trail and not have to worry about stealthing past the logging area.

I’d like to report to the druids


Uhh let’s do the stealth way at night

{ checks } You make your way through the Northwoods in the dark. There’s enough moonlight to make decent pace. In one night you are through most of the logging areas to the edge of the deep wood. From there it will be slow going and you’ll need to make survival checks

Do you take three damage and a level of exhaustion. Make another check

Conming through the woods, you know to turn east, avoiding the deep moorswood. The briarwood maintained by the Green Church is the safe outpost for followers. You end up there safely, and are recognized by the priestess. You are given a safe place to rest after telling them about what you heard. They ask you details – descriptions, how many, did you see any added loggers or logging tools, etc. They tell you that the masters – the druids – have said that the delta is unsafe. It is being prowled by a fell creature that has made its way to the coastline – called to the conflict by someone or something the druids would not say. “Let it afflict the city-dwellers, they are no ally of ours.” After a few days, you feel the exhaustion fade. The way to the east is open, or you may return to the city to the north.

Uhhh what is east? I forgot

The castle of feather – Aqua Pluma


The trail from the briarwood to the East is a standard trail but you find no one traveling it. It whines like a serpent through the dense undergrowth and the edges of the forest until it reaches Open Fields and cuts North to meet up with the main road which goes east west. I assume you want to avoid contact with anyone on the road?

That sounds like a good idea.

2 stealth checks, 1 to avoid on the road, the other to get past the sentries watching the castle. DC 12; and once you get back, is there anything else you want to pursue? Otherwise, you have a couple months of sitting around.

Oh there’s a couple of MONTHS left still? Sheesh, I guess I’d like to keep an ear out for some more info to send back to the druids

Are you going to cut the ear off and fly it on a kite? 🙂 Well, does that mean you are heading back to town? If so, the boat is no longer kept there, it will cost money to get a place to stay since the group is no longer Bannermen

hats fine, I’d like to try and find out more about what the people are trying to get out of the contract

Brother Eulogy’s Letter

how do you plan on doing that? theres always violence, infiltration and stealth, you can try bribery, or owing a favor to someone. The question is what people do you target?

Thats a very good question..
I feel like trying to figure out who is bargaining for the humans; Okay is it common knowledge who is bargaining for the humans? If it’s not then I’d like to spend some silver so I can find out

Well, the baron usually would have their herald do it. However, since the Bank of the Silver Stacks has taken control of his finances, its likely to be someone in their group. You would assume they have an office in town, but they have taken over such tight control, they may be staying in Cerstwhile Keep with the Baron.

Hmmm shit. I don’t wanna play there again
Fuck it ill just take some time off

ok, let me know if you change your mind. You are not well known – the newest member of the group – and might be able to infiltrate the keep as a servant or something. Risky, but its not an assassination attempt!

A fresh new book is taken out to record everything. Twitch, Feather’s 2nd and the official annalist of the Gallants at the castle records it all. She does not bat an eye or flinch at any detail, but records it all for posterity and adds her own notes and symbols as she goes. After a couple days, she verifies it all with the White Sister and asks you to read and sign it. Its all there as you experienced it, with dates and little symbols that must mean something to the annalist added in the margins.

Brother Eulogy’s Letter

Feather’s Goodbye and Missive