Low Mystic Art

Low Mystic Art: The Low Art of Mystic Practice require none or a low measure of aptitude to Manifest Mystic Powers. Using the Low Art form of mystic powers requires BOTH Mystic Envisioning and Presence Agents, whereas the High Art does not. It is assumed all practitioners Manifest Mystic Powers using the Low Mystic Art approach.

Mystic Envisioning (Mental Components): A component to the practice of mystic arts that are a series of arcane symbols, images, and high dimensional concepts. These are combined in a mental envisioning process that helps garner, channel, and manipulate the effects of Rituals, Formulae and/or their triggers. Both Low and High forms of mystic practitioners rely on this common methods. High measures of aptitude have progressively more complex envisioning.

Presence Agents (Physical Components)

Presence Agents are components that are manifested physically at the time a Formulae is used that act as catalysts. All of them serve to amplify the Mystic Envisioning. They have a physical manifestation, and are therefor detectable; Easily for those who know what to look for, and often times so obvious that those without any Phenomenology Lores still recognize them from popular or pervasive cultural references. Each Formulae has a specific configuration of these agents. Some Rituals contain mechanisms that amplify the Presence Agents power and substitute for the Mystic Envisioning, allowing them to be enacted by those without any formal training.


These are actual materials – components for individual Formulae. Rather than carry around all manner of materials, a Focal Point Item in some form is made as a proxy for pervasive, common materials.


These are movements – full body, gestures, both obvious and subtle.


These are sounds, vocalization, words and phrases.