Tallow’s Deep

Steel Realms
Tallow’s Deep is a fortress of the Orrish in the south of the Tolkisson range, in the Grayjag spur. It is east of the duchy of N’lokrha. It is debated as its full disposition, though it it is definitely part of the Underlands of the Steel Realms. At times, the effect of The Deeping of the Steel Realms is seen and felt – even at times the full shadow of a Deeping Hollows. The entrance(s) to the legendary fortress are in turn guarded by the forces at the edge of the Black Hillz.

Originally it was carved out by the the goblin king Mogoglub as his personal domain and fortress. The numerous sons of dark one threaten to crush the hill, mountain and valley dwellers in the Grayjag spur range, east of the duchy and bring the protective evil shadow of the Curtain of Night over the mountains.

It was so resilient and indefatigable initially, it was believed by the greatest and wisest of sages that it was protected by the magic of the Murkenstone, relic of Everdark.


Call to Arms: In CY ????, the need to capture the underground fortress of Tallow’s Deep to occupy it and keep the hordes from overrunning the outnumbered forces of Ynth and Rockholm. King Arfenon of Ynth was personally in charge of the defensive force. King Arfenon desperately awaits the aid of the heroes of the realm. The forces of Arfenon cannot hold out unless the forces at Tallows Deep are crushed so that the soldiers of Gladnor can secure and occupy the fort for defense. The armies will clash in the foothills, and the heroes are needed to enter stealthily, and kill the goblin king. This will close the gateway forever, as the king has tied his life force to the Curtain of Night. After this, the twin “Towers” in the Black Hillz were built to keep the Orrish in check.

= FAILED! Mogoglub is now a lich?

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic