Manse Jonesh

Steel Realms
Manse Jonesh is the crumbling home of Sira Holey Torril and is part of the direct territorial lands of the rulers of the Riverdan of Horpan in the capital of Broken Spear Ford. The Torril family has stood watch on the border of County Faer, County Dunstrand and the Jonesh Hills.

A minor entrance to the Underlands of the Steel Realms that the Orrish had tunneled into several times. Never a major egress, or subject to the effects of The Deeping, constant vigilance kept the forces of darkness at bay. It was close enough to forces outside the Riverdans, that the forces of the 2 bordering counties often supplemented the scouting and defense of the area.

Torril’s Tower

A series of three small watch towers with lit beacons that could be seen from the tower at Manse Jonesh were the bulwark of the defense against the Orrish raids. They were often manned by soldiers of the Duke or the Count of Faer.

  • Wolf Thicket Tower
  • Ruby Creek Tower (named because of the heavy iron content in one of its tributaries)
  • Twin Creek Tower
Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic