Ducateon Crystals

Steel Realms

An enclave and/or holt may have a multitude of Ducateon Crystals. If found on the Exotic Commodities/Materials of the Steel Realms market, Ducateon will actually purchase and return to one of their people’s settlements.

Ur-Ducateon versions: Although these may exist in the Steel Realms somewhere, not even the Ducateon know where. Ancient settlements may reveal them, but they will not generally be recognized. They are larger and resonate more aggressively. Ducateon will purchase them for 3x the normal price to get them back into their community.

Song Crystals

Song Crystals respond to vibration and light. Ultraviolent light mostly. Taken out of the Ducateon enclaves, they tend to function more subdued. They typically function best in clusters. Different colors can make different sounds. Different deep sonic vibrations trigger different sounds, with

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Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic