Bob209 of Crestwold

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Bob209 of Crestwold (a play on “Ed 209” from Robocop) Status: -> logged in the Gallantine Personnel Companion

Stats taken from: What the Players Know (hunt for Mendollin)

  • STR 18 / DEX 13 / CON 14 / INT 10 / WIS 12 / CHA 10 / SAN 11
  • Second Wind (10), Action Surge, Style: Dueling (+2 damage), Fighting Initiate – Fighting Style: Defense (+1 AC)
  • HP = 45; 2 attacks per action, long sword (d8; 10/14/22), spear – thrown x2 (d6; 7/10/16)
  • AC = 18; Dex w/Chain Shirt (13 ac – 1+2 Resilience), Light Medium Shield (+2 ac – 1+1 Resilience) | Assume any mundane gear (pack, fire starting, etc.)
    > Sir Roryin Lavinge can have any equipment on this list as well (or from Gallants inventory).