Fyodor (character/priest of the sea; DEAD)

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Fyodor, Human, Male, Age: 40; Cleric 5th (Domain: Life/Sea) – Gallant in good standing
Status: DEAD 9-2024 -> logged in the Gallantine Personnel Companion

Does not get heavy armor (thats a good way to sink at sea); Instead receives the single Druid cantrip of the Nature Domain 1st level power with its provisions on it.
An additional domain spell for 1st level: Speak with Animals (sea/water only).

Channel Divinity: Preserve Life restores only 4x level (instead of the normal 5)

Gets the Channel Divinity: Charm Animals and Plants (sea/water dwelling only) at 3rd level.

HD: 8,5,5,5,5 +5 =33.
Essence: …uh.
Sanity [11]+0
Strength [11]+0 Intelligence [14]+2
Wisdom [18]+4 Dexterity [12]+1
Constitution [12]+1 Charisma [14]+2

Proficiency bonus +3 @ level 5
Skills: History+5. Insight+7. Medicine+7. Religion+5. Survival+7.
Lores: Gaia, Elancil
Tools: Medical Kit
Conviction: Gaia, Elancil
Weapon: simple.
Armor: light, medium, shields
Saves: Wisdom+7, Charisma+5.
Communication: Gladnorian, Mercat, Yvaldeysean (Gwinn/Sea-King) = Literate for all

Background: Fisherman.
Skill Proficiencies: History, Survival
Languages: One of your choice.

Class: Cleric. Domain: Life/Sea.
Receives the single Druid cantrip of the Nature Domain 1st level power with its provisions on it.
Additional domain spell for 1st level: Speak with Animals (sea/water only).
Channel Divinity: Preserve Life restores only 4x level (instead of the normal 5)
Gets the Channel Divinity: Charm Animals and Plants (sea/water dwelling only) at 3rd level.
Tactics/Setup: Fully support, healing focused

@Pre-Combat prep: 1st round: If there is someone going to be an Archer, hand over my crossbow and bolts. Depending on the circumstance, help them reload during the fight.
1st/2nd round: Sanctuary on myself, Aid on myself and the two people I think will be taking the damage first.
2nd round: If tactics are being discussed and there is one person that is BOTH melee and will be pulling Aggro consistently, Shield of Faith on them.
2nd/3rd round: Depending on weather/time of day, maybe cast Light or Daylight.

@round 1 combat Prep: See above: 1st and 1st/2nd round(s).

@round 1 combat Attack: Hope my initiative role is shitty enough that I go at the bottom of the round or close to it, preferably after the enemy.

(Total Fight Plan): Focus on monitoring the party’s health, specifically any tank/aggro characters and focus on keeping their health above half to ward off characters going down to critical hits. If I can, cast Sanctuary and hope that as the combat continues, I’m not the enemy’s target as the people meant to take damage will control the battlefield well enough that I don’t have to.

Armor: = Scale Mail. ARMOR CLASS = Dexterity+1 + Scale Mail 14 + shield+2 = 17 AC

Domain Spells: 1st level: Bless, Cure Wounds(D8(4-5?)+4+2), Speak with (Sea/Water) Animals.
2nd Level: Lesser Restoration, Spiritual Weapon.
3rd Level: Beacon of Hope(C), Revivify (Useless)

Prepared: Cantrips: Guidance, Light, Toll the Dead. Druid(Sea domain): Druidcraft.
1st Level: Healing Word(D4(2-3?)+4+2), Sanctuary(useless), Shield of Faith(C).
2nd Level: Aid(5-7?), Blindness/Deafness(useless), Silence(C).
3rd Level: Daylight, Dispel Magic, Magic Circle.

Armor: Scale Mail. Shield (medium, light = 1+1 resilience)

Weapons: Mace D6, Light crossbow D10.

Munitions: 20 bolts.


CREATED 8/2024 / Campaign year CY 9169

Background: Fisherman

Fyodor grew up in the Tomir barony of Tarmysia. He was raised on a combination of Gaia and Elancil (the Sea Mother sect), and venerates the sea and life above all things as his Sea King ancestors did. For his people, the sea IS life. It is the ultimate holder of memories and the embodiment of the cycle of life and death. The militancy of the Sea Kings, after they were conquered on the peninsula, eventually was tempered with the more tolerant and community minded aspects of Dunstrand – who claims dominion now over their land but rules with a light hand and has not tried to change their ways of faith or rulership. Foyodor’s mother was a seamstress – sewing sails for the Dunstrandian navy. His family had a simple, but stable life. The sea was good, the navy was generally good (except the marines sometimes), and he was engaged to be married soon. Then, Imperial Gwinn came. Violence, fire, axe, and death. His promised was killed in the initial attack. He helped to shield as much of the young as he could, but he was only 6. When the surrender happened, he stayed. For years he chaffed under the Gwinnish. He rose up in the ranks of his people’s small sect of faith, taught by his uncle. It was close enough to Gwinn’s that they did not repress it, though teased him for its lack of militancy. Eventually, when he recognized that peace might mean forever domination, he fled with some of his family. The refuge life around Torrelsons Ford was brutal. Separated from his homeland, it was difficult – but he ministered and kept the calm. His Hetman made a deal with one of the Gallantine (the order that once stood up to Umbak in the area when it crusaded in Dwindor Swamp!) for land on an inland lake and protection if they join them in defending the area in an attack against strange frost giant like creatures. He was there, healing the wounded and helping to withstand multiple attacks of the terrifying ice encrusted skeletons. Then went with a bunch of his people to this new homestead. There was an assassination attempt, and bad blood between the Gallants and the baron in Crestwold. The homesteading got bogged down in politics. He constantly seeks a new way to be noticed, to rise up and show the land-locked the beauty of his faith.

How Fyodor Joined The Team

He stood out among the refugees. Feather offered him a place in The Gallants. He swore the oath. He was in secret, with Mary. Only he knew Feather was gone from the castle, and Mary was operating in her stead. She takes it to the grave with her.

The call went out at the keep. Dalcia Graf-Malor, of House Malor, gathered whoever was there at the keep who had sworn the oath of the gallantine and rode into the druidhold of the Pranin Moorswood on a do-or-die mission…