Jesse and Athena Convo – RE:Krespar

Steel Realms

Dunstrand Rising Living World CHRONICLE > Dunstrand Rising is a Living World campaign set in Grand Duchy of Dunstrand in the Steel Realms of the [Fantasy] Steel Realms Setting (planet of Helca).

Request from Jesse to Athena: Would you be willing to aid me in asking the Druids to arrange for Krespar and his family to have this letter/package delivered? His expertise across the land is needed and the Druids would be much more reliable than other options, not to mention he is more kin to them than he is to most civilized people.

well a package is much harder to transport than a letter, which is it?

it’s that stuff from messenger. And if you are willing to speak to the Druids on our behalf about this there is also a Draconic Holy symbol that could be Traded to the Lizard folk in the Moorswood. On the way back you could stop by their territory and bargain for something the party could use. it’s both.

Any letter that has to go that far will likely have to be in a sealed heavy duty scroll tube or small strong box. Unless The druids have some other way

the package is just a small bag of sweets wrapped in a moisture barrier., nothing heavy.

The Mooreswood is very dangerous this time of year….

Message to Krespar from Jesse. The Message is as follows: “Friend Krespar, I hope this message finds you secure and healthy with you family. Attached is a small package of treats and preserved candies for your children. While I wish that were the extent of my reasons for writing, I do have a favor to ask that I hope will not violate your desire to avoid the current conflicts. There is a horse in the area that once saved Marys life. It is a sacred Beast of Epona named Rhiannon, once tasked with aiding one of our predecessors “Pony”. I need to find and speak with Rhiannon, and I am hoping you would be willing to track him down. Your bond to the land makes you uniquely suited to this and It would greatly aid my efforts. Will you help me?”.

So is that a no then?

Are you letting me read the letter?

It’s already sealed, but I told you what it was about already. I certainly can’t keep who its for from you if it’s going to get delivered.

okay. “I will do this Errand for you, but I need rest. my last travel has left me with some illness, probably just a cold, but i need time to rest and recover.”

Yea, he is visibly sick. Nasty cold. Needs a long rest

No problem. I just needed to know one way or the other so I could find an alternative if needed. in not too long I will be leaving the Barony for a small while and will not be able to oversee this.

“in addition i would like someone to come with me when i take this trek, the Moorswood is dangerous and an extra hand might be handy if something decides to try and eat me… again”

Anything that you feel could be helped by the healing supplies the Moorswood Druids gave us?

uhhh its just a cold. The gods said a few days, maybe a week at most, and i should be fine again. 🙂

There is the Baggage Train, and I bet you could convince the Lizardfolk Monk to aid you in that terrain. It is home to him.

Actually that might be good. There is no way he’s going to stay cooped up in a stone edifice this long Anyway. He would probably leave and return home until the party sorts their s*** out and he could escort me.

i’ll take what help is offered

Krespar says: “As soon as my family’s defenses have increased I will add it to my to-do list”

You will eventually get back an Eelskin sheath in a sealed package from the lizard folk of Hweran Clan for the holy symbol.

Krespar Side

something has been following you for a few days. but, like a critter, not the floating eye of a lich. After a few more days of this, do you try and coax the creature to you?

Either coax it out or counter-surveillance until Krespar sights it. / Well, it’s worth a perception check to try and get lucky right away. = It’s a fox

It stares at you for about a half an hour before it comes crawling out. It comes over to you with its belly beard wagging its tail and scooting along the ground without ever breaking the locked gaze. You sense that this fox has a quest for you! Krespar awaits the quest details, and offers the fox some food.

You see a written document through the eyes of an animal on the other end – the Eyes of Darupet.

Krespar nods. ‘As soon as my family’s defenses have increased I will add it to my to-do list.’ He then looks around the fox for the candies for his children. He looks at the fox with a questioning, glance assuming the fox ate it all. Does the fox accept any food? It would be like dog-friendly/safe pemmican.

Yes, it happily rolls on its belly, squeals for rubs. The candies are on the other end of the communication… otherwise it would compromise you by knowing where you are if they sent a messenger. They dont know where the fox is, you dont know where they are (you assume the Moorswood – correctly).
Once pets are done, the fox will run away,

Krespar definitely gives the fox tummy rubs. Krespar will have to go to the Moorswood for the candies?

yea, and they may not even be good by then. ITs assumed the druids eat them “payment for service” 🙂

Krespar is OK with his progeny not getting the sugary stuffs.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic