The Shielders of Pomata

The Shielders of Pomata is an adventuring band operating out of Pomata in the Southern Merchant Cities.

Current Members of the Band

  • Huel, priest of Mizras
  • Byrin Cordan, magus of Ados
  • Krut and Garul, dwarven axe-brothers
  • Weston the Shieldman
  • Sven the Darktreader
  • Zoltani the Darkhunter

Exploits of the Band

In 9141 The band first made a name for themselves tearing up renegade bands of plains elves that were raiding between Ynth and Pomata.

They put to rest the Torgul war band by infiltrating them and killing its leaders.

They tracked down the poisoner of the Setlands of N’lokrhia.

With a host of mercenaries they formed a shield against Agbant the Merciless and his orrish horde in the battle of Olrans Narrows. They killed his general, the demon-knight Phalfahr.

They tracked down the kidnapped daughter of high mayor Uruja of Pomata.

They awakened the mummy of Gareath Moon heart and caused the Eye Plague in the Tolkisson range and bordering lands SW. However they quested for a cure in the south Tower Lands. Eventually, they assaulted the lair-become-city-of-the-dead the priest of the self-sacrificed mummy, they stopped his Eye Plague and drove him east into the Dark Lands.

When the lightning serpent broke from the Valley of Sighs, and started fires on The dry tall grass of the Pale Plains, they worked with the elves to track it down and kill it.

They took down an awakened stone spirit rampaging through the Stormfront Shield Eastlands.

Raising a force against the Necromancer of Vale Evander

The Necromancer is said to have an attendant now, someone named The Silt Man. He has laid siege to a couple of the ancient towers in the Vale Evander, the combined might of the wizards of the Vale Evander has held firm and defenses have not yet been breached, though many have died and clouds of residual corrupt magic roll across the land for days before dispersing.

They coordinated and lead a force of High Kings soldiers and stormfront hillfolk in a three way attack with the Merchant City Coin Riders mercenary band and Hadzyhn Greenshimmer the elven general of Ynth with an army of spear and bow.

They plan to converge on the broken dam of Turtleback. It is said the necromancer has amassed an army of skeletons and zombies. Also with him is an army of blights that his powers have drained of life from Ynth. The Silt Man commands these blights.