
Steel Realms
Glassteel is mined and made in the Mines of Alag – it only comes from one place. Create see-through bracers, shields and helms. The outside is polished like a mirror, reflects images and light. All sizes are heavy versions of shields.

Made to Order: All items are made to order. There is a waiting list for them, most of the time it is years unless a ransom is paid. Wearable items are all fitted. Small items can be encased (but are not see-through), treating them as a minor Glassteel Glaze. This is mostly for aesthetic reasons, not to make an item more resilient.

One-Way Wear: The exterior gets marred over time. It generally cannot be repaired except in the deepest mines of Ducateon smiths.

  • Glazed:
  • Tempered:

i20™ Glassteel Details

No Perception Penalty with helms.

  • Glazed: +2 Resilience (Minor Glaze for +1 Resilience)
  • Tempered: +6 Resilience

iCore iCore™ Glassteel Details

iCore [specific] Requirements: / Cost _ CP/_ Essence

iCore Text

  • Glazed:
  • Tempered:
Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic