Solarian Scriveners

Steel Realms

The Solarian Scriveners is the non-occult branch of the Guild of Solars.

Scribe Services

These offices offer the services of scribes, linguists, translation, speech writing, and research.

Identification Services

Although they themselves are not staffed with wizards (this is guaranteed in their charter), in larger locales they are staffed with those conversant in occult and religious phenomenology. Some can provide identification services. This is limited to written works. It follows the practices of the Ryadian Oblis in the Steel Realms. Mystical Discernment is limited to a basic alchemy test that shows the presence of a mystical dweomer or not.

Scroll Services

A few select installations will stock scrolls with magical inscriptions for sale.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic