Todd Eshrin (squire; character)

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CLASS: Fighter 3rd – Banneret

Todd Eshrin: Race: Human (variant), Gender: Male, age: 23, handed: right, weight: #200, height: 5’10”, hair: black (short; clean shaven), eyes: blue, skin: white (lightly tanned)
Personality: I’m always polite and respectful; Ideal: Greater Good – Our lot is to lay down our lives in defense of others.
Bond: My honor is my life; Flaw: I’d rather eat my armor than admit when I’m wrong.
– Code/Alignment: Good
– Scars/Marks: Gnarled deep scar on right arm where skeleton tore into it.
– Mannerisms:

Strength: 17 {+3}

Dexterity: 10

Constitution: 14 {+2}

Intelligence: 12 {+1}

Wisdom: 13 {+1}

Charisma: 10

Sanity: 11

INSPIRATION/Character Weave = 1

Proficiency: +2 @3rd (until 5th)

Skills: Athletics {Strength +5;+7 if trying to save someone else!}, Insight {Wisdom +3}, Perception {Wisdom +3}, History {Intelligence +3+1=+4}
> LORES: Undead +2, Dunstrand +2, Heraldry of the Steel Realms +2, Laws of Gladnor +2, Faith of Whelm +2

Attributes: Strength, Constitution

Communication: Gladnorean, Mercat, Orrish (language of the enemy!), High Dundaran (taught by knight/culture of Knightly orders of the steel Realms) – All are spoken + literate (educated!)

Armor: Light, Medium, Heavy, All Shields

Weapons: Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons

Enhanced Capabilities

Watcher’s Eye: Your experience in enforcing the law, and dealing with lawbreakers, gives you a feel for local laws and criminals. You can easily find the local outpost of the watch or a similar organization, and just as easily pick out the dens of criminal activity in a community, although you’re more likely to be welcome in the former locations rather than the latter.

Rallying Cry: You learn how to inspire your allies to fight on past their injuries. When you use your Second Wind feature, you can choose up to 3 + Proficiency Bonus creatures within 60 feet of you that are allied with you. Each one regains hit points equal to your fighter level, provided that the creature can see or hear you.

Faith: Lightbringers – Whelm

Conviction = 1; Basic Litany of Protection of Fellow Brothers and Sisters – even IF from a misguided or bad law or order.


ARMOR CLASS: armor (14), shield (+2), style (+1) = 17
> 1 resilience from armor, 1+1 resilience from shield, 1 resilience from sword
HEALTH/HIT POINTS: 10, 6, 6 + (Con) +6 = 28 -1 wound = 27
> Second Wind 1/Short Rest for 8hp

Fighting Style: Interception – When a creature you can see hits a target, other than you, within 5 feet of you with an attack, you can use your Reaction to reduce the damage the target takes by 1d10/5 + your proficiency bonus (=7; to a minimum of 0 damage). You must be wielding a shield or a simple or martial weapon to use this Reaction.

Fighting Initiate – Defense: En extra fighting style! While you are wearing armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC. When using a regular shield, it has the resilience of a Heavy Shield (+1); this extra use is subtracted first.

Action Surge: On your turn, you can take one additional action. Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again. Starting at 17th level, you can use it twice before a rest, but only once on the same turn.

Typical Tactics: Todd is used to being a shield man as a squire. He will find a strong warrior he can pair up with in melee combat and watch their back, using Interception fighting style.


Armor: Breastplate, Medium Shield
Light Crossbow > @+2 Attack (armor pierce = +2 medium/heavy armor); d10 (5/10/20)

Umbakian Broadsword “Light of Halleon”; a heavy blade (req 15 str) of Umbakian make that once belonged to the knight Sir Halleon. It was crafted for him in the southern Merchant City of Poelitz. Holy Water used upon its surface will make it glow as though a Light cantrip had been cast on it. As long as the wielder is knight, squire or page, they gain +4 on saves vs. cold and necrotic damage.
> @+5 Attack; damage = 2d4 (8/11/19); +1 resilience – 50sc to repair (only merchant city/ducateon/dwarven/umbakian smith)

Mule “Sam” > saddle bags, saddle, travois, tent, heavy hooded cloak, 1 spear, 1 dagger, clothing roll with Nice Clothes x2, 1 Heavy Medium Shield

Horn (3 calls the PCs know – rally to the leader, attack, retreat)
3 vials of Hearthlight (knight taught him the prayers)
Field Med Kit + > 5 x 1pt salve (1 per wound), 3pt healing mustard bandage (+3 pt on a Short Rest), 5 x 1pt burn balm
Explorers Pack


Created on: 7/17/2024/ Created by: Kelly Berger for Larry James

Campaign: Character Creation – Goodwill Goblin Hunting/ CY 9167 campaign year

Background: City Watch for the town of Nettlemist in the Barony of Nettlemist in County Faer of the Grand Duchy of Dunstrand.

Chronicle – Growing Up

His parents were well-off clothing merchants in the city of Nettlemist, importing leather and cloth from the other wise of the hills in the Grand Barony of Fandelok. He was a second son, so he was educated and literate but had little hope of entering into the family business. His father got him a job in the City Watch as a guardsman. He he met MANY different travelers from different cultures coming over the pass. He learned a great deal of history. When he was 19, he was growing weary of his job when Gaenor Cladaugh, the famous Ducateon archeologist needed volunteers to assist a Sir Halleon – a knight of Umbak traveling over the pass in winter – when goblin attacks are at their worst. The group was caught in am ambush, and the knight’s squire was killed and Todd managed to grab the knight’s arm as he rolled off a ledge. With his great strength, he pulled him up, getting struck by multiple rocks. Standing once again, the knight managed to slay several, while Todd covered his back. Impressed with the courage of Todd and his physical capability, he offered him the role of his squire – which he gladly took. The knight and Todd waled over the pass, eventually finding the Sir Halleon’s horse that had been driven away with magical fear. They traveled for months on his mission, and then picked up an item for Gaenor and returned to Nettlemist. His parents and the locals were proud of his accomplishments. He traveled with Sir Halleon for 3 more years, going to Northgate Garrison and spending time on the cold wall, defending against the hordes of undead that menace the pass and threaten all the civilized lands. Sir Halleon was killed there, ending Todd’s path to knighthood. He returned to Country Faer just as peace was breaking out with Gwinn and the Grand Duchy of Dunstrand. He had to sell most of what the knight had left him to travel back home. When he got there, the mercenaries hired during the war made it a lean time as he had to compete with them. He went west, towards the coast and the Barony of Crestwold. There in Torrelsons Ford, he waiting for an opportunity as he had heard Orrish were raiding from Dwindor Swamp.

Chronicle – Coming to the Party

Eventually, the escalating Orrish attacks in the area (mostly because the PIN FEATHERS were busy) caused the re-hiring of mercenaries. He watched a couple bands leave and hunt the dark spawn. One group came back wounded. Believing them to be competent enough to travel with, he asked to join them on their next sojourn hunting the goblins.


Chronicle – Time in Campaign

After his time in the campaign, and hunting a vampire’s thrall in the old lands bordering on Yarans Vale, he returned to Torrelsons Ford and the newly re-christened church of Yaran’s Light. There he has been staying and working to clean and revive the Shrine of Whelm’s Cloak to protect travelers on The Black Shore.

Behind the Scenes – 2-10-9169: The ‘release of the ravens’ – All the birds in Dunstrand take flight at the same time; after a couple days, its as if nothing happened. Todd and others are one of the many people who treat this as some sort of omen or sign that was targeted at them. This creates many strange rumors, prophecies, and cults springing up for a couple weeks. Todd Eshrin brought the vial of Hearthlight to the dame mother of the White Sisters who knew that he was special at that point. When he returns with the news of the vampires’s assistant, she will ask if he wishes to follow the ways of his mentor and be one of them. He will agree. He swears to the Amarata. Todd Eshrin lightbringer mercenary becomes a priest {cleric 1}.

After the Death of Mendollin

Current Date = CY 2-24-9169 (After the events of Killing Mendollin)

The Raiding Larks returned the ancient Hearthlight of Sir Roryin Lavinge to the church of Yaran’s Light, he came to believe he was destined for greatness. He volunteered to return to the family with the news of his death, and return his equipment. Along with his own minor Hearthlight, he was going to try and convince the Lavinge family to adopt him (through the Rites of the Amarata) and then return on a crusade to lay the spirits of the dead Umbakians in Yaran’s Vale to rest! He successfully persuaded Dame Mother, Helen d’Joiy to fund his efforts and write a letter of recommendation. With her plans to create the new “The Church of d’Joiy Whitetop” ruined (sabotaged the very public effort; no one knows it was the PCs! see “A New Light Shines Again”) she had been slowly funding the efforts of a smaller rebuilding of the near ruins into the church of Yaran’s Light. The outside is done and now there are guards. She writes the recommendation and says in a week’s time, she will tell the baron personally. Others have tried this, many have died. If they can succeed, and given the weak minded condition of the Baron, she may be able to grasp more political influence locally, even a favored spot next to the family! Opening up Yaran’s Vale for the Lightbringers (assuming some exclusive deal can be made) initially will build a larger base of followers for them, and give more taxes to the Baron.