Orrish Hunting

Orrish Goblin Orrish Hunting is part of the Transformation of Crestwold campaign.
> NOTE: Originally, it was integrated into the main campaign, but all encounters were broken out into its own arc for secondary characters.

[adventure-nav-tab1 summary=”Goblins have resurfaced in Dunstrand after several years of quiet. In the lands of the local lord, they have made multiple hits against farms and steadings to the east. At first it was thought to be a one-time thing. However, 2 weeks later the next one was hit. A week after that, the third. Each one is worse than before. The baron has sent soldiers to the area, but there are too many farmsteads to defend. The people all want to fall back to a central place and let the barons men go hunting. Maybe you can present another option.” d20-rules=”” i20-rules=”” other-rules=”” challenge-summary=””]


Idea: Kelly Berger 2020
Writing: Kelly Berger 2020
Design: Kelly Berger 2020
Published: December 20th, 2020 (via Incarna website)
Testing: Arabus Grenier
(Testers and Test Resources)


Incursion at Torrelsons Ford by Kelly Berger



Verel Blackthorne looks at you with relief in his eyes and says that there have been few options around these parts and he is happy to engage with a new set of freebooters who are willing to do the barons bidding. All across Dunstrand there have been activity sightings of Orrish. They’ve rated in various places and it’s been getting worse over the last year. It is the barons responsibility to handle and Chase down some of the sightings in Crestwold and make a report to the Earl. Then report to the Duke. You will be both eyes and ears, trackers, and Justice at the end of a sword for the foul-blooded orrish that raid on the lands of light

Orrish Hunting Materials