Herald’s Quarterly 9169, 2nd Quarter

Steel Realms

Hear-Ye! Hear-Ye! Read all about it! The Herald’s Quarterly. A semi-regular quasi-quarterly journal of events in The Steel Realms published by the World Watchers.
Herald’s Quarterly 9169, 2nd Quarter CY 9169 Month 4 – 6

Dunstrand Rising Living World

Set in Duchy of Dunstrand of the [Fantasy] Steel Realms, as a Living World storyline.

The The Shielders of Pomata begin to gather their forces as the “War of the Soul Scourge” gathers steam.

Nothing in Dunstrand Reflects Peace

The Peace Talks between Imperial Gwinn and the High King (through his agent the Duke of Dunstrand) continue, though several events seem aimed at agitating the participants.

The {first} “War of the Soul Scourge”