Deepened Conviction (archive)

ONLY Applicable to the i20 Variant
[ Feature Impact ] > Positive
Cost: 1 level of Cleric capability

Game Master Perspective: The point of Deepened Conviction is to provide a means of solidifying the idea of faith as a “power in community” ideal. Most of the real benefits require the target to be of the faith, and devoted to it. Those who support the faith gain its greatest benefits. It encourages a party to act together and strengthens bonds, hopefully improving the role-playing quality and maybe providing more story hooks for a GM (in the sense of you only need a single argument or reason to motivate a multitude of characters rather than contriving multiple reasons or forcing one PC to pull the others along who may have no vested interest). While at first glance, it may seem to affect a lot of things, really it’s a lot of flavor for the sacrifice, and mostly only benefits a party, not the PC themselves. The impact of the power is limited to 1st level spells and cantrips only. Although it may just seem easy to claim loyalty to a faith to get the mechanical benefits, there should be a cost. In the role as GM, if the GM feels like a character is not being true to the ideal of the faith, they may take away the enhanced benefits on either the character possessing the trait or a target that is not acting in line with the faith’s ideals. Atonement would be required in such cases.


Instead of taking the “level” abilities of 3rd level Cleric, the character still counts as a third level character, but current faith based capabilities are increased without having to spend monetary costs on one-shot enhancements and improved holy items – the strength of the characters’ faith is enhanced and carries with them. The character is basically 1 level behind in spells and level dependent power progression – i.e. at 4th level they would get 3rd level capabilities, but be considered 4th level for challenge rating purposes/character level, PB, ASI (ability score increases), HD for healing, # spells memorized (not slots or # per level though).

Enmity of Opposition (feature): Any directly opposing faith (GM to determine; some may be by the deity/faith’s goal or the goal of an individual or group within the faith at the time) is duty bound to attack without question. So too the character must attack their foes; There is no negotiating, no truce, no quarter given – the enemies must be eradicated. To let slip an opportunity to do this means all benefits of Deepend Conviction are lost until an Atonement is done.

Dutiful Pledge (feature): The character must tithe 10% to their faith’s authorities or spend on good will acts in the community that the faith (not the character) gains benefit and/or recognition of. Holy Symbols and personal tokens (non-magical sigils, banners, pins, etc.) of enemy faiths gained as loot must be turned into faith authorities without question or hesitation as an offering (without compensation), regardless of value.

General Devotional Abilities of Deepened Conviction

  • Bless spell +1 to average, so 3 when used instead of the average of 2.
  • +1 DC on undead turning
  • Always have the Ceremony spell memorized without counting against the total #
  • Thaumaturgy can be triggered as a Reaction when in melee combat with an enemy
  • Thaumaturgy can be used to enhance Intimidation or Persuade DC by +1 as a Bonus Action

Shared Litany Dutiful Benefits of Deepened Conviction

These benefits only work upon those targets with a Shared Litany of that of the Cleric; A devoted follower of the same faith, but not self.

Requirements = Faith’s Pledge: For any target character, this requires a declaration of faith ceremony (100gp) and a normal holy symbol (5gp); The character can only gain this benefit for a single faith, the devout character also gains Enmity of Opposition feature.

  • Thaumaturgy can be centered on a follower up to 90′ distant
  • Resistance + guidance Cantrips grants +3
  • All Herbalism Kit/Medicine/Medical Kit checks are at +1
  • A Medicine checks improves the healing using Hit Dice by +1 per dice
  • Healing Word/Cure Wounds gains a bonus equal to Proficiency Bonus
  • (Channel Divinity use) Inimical Strike: A 1st level spell can have its damaged increased to full from a simple result (the character must succeed on an attack, then the Channel Divinity measure may be used); This only works on true enemies of the faith (Priests and paladins of true opposing faiths and the same creature types affected by Protection from Evil/Good)

Shared Litany Devotional Benefits of Deepened Conviction

Requirements = The following require the target to have a Holy Symbol of the same quality as that used as a Spell Casting focus (25gp and must prominently display for all to see at ALL times).

  • Bless spell and Resistance + Guidance cantrips grants the full +4
  • Bulwark of Faith: The cleric may cast Sanctuary on a target and it will affect the target AND themselves as long as they are within 5’. Any blows that strike at the sanctified target use the AC of the cleric as long as the spell is active and the cleric ‘stands over’ the target in a protective stance.