Greeniron (‘Ilbarsi Green’)

Steel Realms
Greeniron is made from strange meteroite iron that fell in Ilbarsia (Ilbarsi Hills). The Ilbarsi Hills were first explored during the time when the Far East was the seat of civilization in the Steel Realms. A meteorite fell there in CY 1024, white hot and tearing a great gash into the hills. In its wake was pieces of metal, with a strange greenish hue and covered in quartz. Despite all attempts by Ducateon, Elven and even Orrish efforts, it was unusable. The crystalline structures cut the flesh of any who tried to touch it, causing blood to gush forth and the wound to bleed for days. And the metal within was hot, and did not cool for a thousand years. The failure of the best of these races caused it to be forgotten. In that time, that area was shunned by everything except natural beasts. It was not until the human smith Ilbarsi, in CY 3000 journeyed there with his apprentices and family, was anyone able to make use of it. By then it had cooled, though even once broken free of the quartz that encased it, it resisted attempts by the previous races to forge and shape it. Only humans could work its properties, and great care had to be taken still. Greatswords numbering 35 (-299+792-458) were crafted over 35 years, before Ilbarsi died. He used all the metal of the meteorite metal encased in crystals. None have ever been found again, though metal not encased in crystalline structures was plentiful for thousands of years in the limited quantity used for making Ilbarsi knives.

Greatswords of Legend: The thirty five swords were all made for noble families and holy orders. Each took a year to craft and nothing could break them -making them potent bringers of destruction against any doors, walls, or constructs reinforced or made through magic.

It shares all properties of silver weapons. As such, the weapons made from this metal were highly inimical to undead and animations as well as constructs.

Sword Greeniron Remnants


Sundered Blades: When the Sundering happened in CY 5000, every one of the blades broke, wherever it was. No common explanation has ever been provided for why this happened. After which, the pieces of the blades became workable by others, and several notable swords of the realms were re-forged or crafted from their remains – though never quite as a full great sword ever again.

The Gathering of Shards: A great deal of the shards were gathered and forged into smaller swords when the Wraith Plague happened almost 500 years later. Forged under the vision of and collection by the Druids of the Wyld and with the prowess and strength of smiths using the sacred forges of Ikribu, these slim blades were buried in the Wraithlands to anchor the magics that keep the Barrow Wraiths asleep and contained. The blades made from the remnants of Greeniron to kill them hold the power of their grave chill at bay and do not trigger it. They do maximum damage against these wraiths. They draw upon the anima powers that channel both Chi and Synergy.

All attempts by treasure hunters to try and unearth them for their own selfish desires have resulted in their deaths over the ages.

Realm's Aptitude Powers: Divine, Occult, and Psychic