Arafel Ferrantio (character)

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Arafel Ferrantio of the Ferrantio Clan of Ynth
Player: Christy Harvey
Created: 1988 (by Kelly Berger to test Steel Realms world)
System(s): 1st Edition DnD
Locations: Steel Realms (current); RETIRED in Umbak 8645yr
Status: Alive

Character – Arafel
light warhorse AC:6(leather) HP:11 mv:12″ fully equipped
ARMOR: field plate+1 & large shield+1 AC:-1 + dex for AC:-2
chainmail corslet AC:5 + dex for AC:4 (head)
field plate absorbs 20 points: ______________

WEAPONS: lance, heavy
longsword (magical)

bedroll, small silver mirror, formal wear in a leather garment bag(2 silk gowns), bath effects,6 sets clothes
Saddle bags>>> 2 weeks iron rations, 50′ rope, 5 spikes, mallet, rolled pennon w/family crest

50gp gold ring, 75 jade ring, 120gp gold earrings, 250 gp diamond earrings, 100gp opal,200gp emerald, 100gp waist chain

Sword of amber; +4 “defender” type; INT 12, detect magic 1″ 3/day shoots amber beam of light that acts as hold monster
At will wielder may sheath the sword and enact a sanctuary spell that lasts as long as the possessor wishes

Horn of the Silver Call, double STR silver Valhalla horn

shield +1

Potion polymorph self


Arafel Ferrantio NG, ADnD cavalier^ 7th

It was rumored she came out of retirement to delve into a tomb of horrors – 8658yr – to rid the area of the presence of a Lich who had kidnapped a local rulers son.

– She was teleported out in a wild magic surge.

As NPC: Arafel married the last of the southern line of Kings and he died without having given his line a known heir. Old by then herself, she vanished into the annals of time, not to be heard from again – leaving behind her armor, weapons and items of power to be taken to the Hall of Heroes.